hes got close to 700 solo kills actually so stfu untill u get a clue ^^Glowyn said:strong skills m8 really nice done... u and u 3 friends zerging everything... and yes thing there was something about solo somewere... dont thing so... all i ever see is him in odins not today he brought 3 friends to emain to zerg solos.. really skilled worthy off the mighty rr11 would jsut hope there grow some skills whet the new RR... but walked of the topic
GRATZ on RR11 u are so leet may the best come to u! uke:
gohan said:hes got close to 700 solo kills actually so stfu untill u get a clue ^^
really well done m8 go go first rr12 stealther
Glowyn said:strong skills m8 really nice done... u and u 3 friends zerging everything... and yes thing there was something about solo somewere... dont thing so... all i ever see is him in odins not today he brought 3 friends to emain to zerg solos.. really skilled worthy off the mighty rr11 would jsut hope there grow some skills whet the new RR... but walked of the topic
GRATZ on RR11 u are so leet may the best come to u! uke:
Jesmin said:Rofl considering u duo'd with Khaniai untill rr7 popping every1 u met wen u were bow spec u cannot talk about skills and zerging.
Jesmin said:Rofl considering u duo'd with Khaniai untill rr7 popping every1 u met wen u were bow spec u cannot talk about skills and zerging.
Solari said:Ya guin just because we zerged all 3 it doesn't mean he sucks
Glowyn said::worthy:
nah u right i cant... becours i was hidding in emain to i was rr7 i was to afraid of the hole world =/ only stayed whet khai duo trio in emain... we was simply to afraid to go fight 2-3ppl who was up for it and tought ppl say we ganked all soloes its not trouth... we SHOW alot of respect to ppl we knew soloed but like nightsend was talking about we showed nothing to wannabe solo if u wanna... but what i like about this guy he is mids Fatload i mean at rr7 i atleast broke of now i can solo. he is rr11 whet aleast 6mil rps more then me. nah all i wanna whet this is to show my biggest support to the strong solo hunter all i want of him is less adding more soloing or atleast only 1 friend insted of a teamzerg/aim wannabe group and ofc showing his face more in other realms... could be cool to see him out side odins towers... :worthy:
u dearest: Glowyn
Solari said:Ya guin just because we zerged all 3 it doesn't mean he sucks
Jesmin said:im sure u did pwn them.. but then wen i played infilly and i pwned u while u had faisset was on me aswell.. u rox m8
Jesmin said:im sure u did pwn them.. but then wen i played infilly and i pwned u while u had faisset was on me aswell.. u rox m8
Solari said:I don't even recall who your inf is and certainly not any fights with you. So what a tremendeous loss of an offensive reply there.
Glowyn said:well we all had our days =) but yes we have pown them but they have powned us aswell.. but atleast we can say we got owned on drop off in odins never in emain =( :kissit: because first time i EVER see him in emain was today i was CHOKET... i mean lag ghost from odins? wtf... untill i got jumped by SB aswell.. then i got it..
Jesmin said:was bout 2months.. wen irvr in emain.. i was playing Infilly (bro's infil).. and i killed u 2 out of 3 times.. mez poison ftw m8!
Arumos said:gratz den, one of the goodies
and wtf is a choket? rofl
Jesmin said:was bout 2months.. wen irvr in emain.. i was playing Infilly (bro's infil).. and i killed u 2 out of 3 times.. mez poison ftw m8!
Solari said:Honestly I don't remember that but I have a memory of a doormat and I don't play my ranger much anymore, maybe we'll meet again, but most likely not I'm afraid.
Jesmin said:hehe if i play that inf then would love to fight u m8, u are of the better rangers out there and always a tough challenge weve hijacked the thread enough now hehe
forgot to say.. gratz den.. u playstyle is lame imo but rr11 is a big achievement on a stealther.
Solari said:Everyone likes more posts in a thread directed to you
Glowyn said:ofc they are who wanna gratz a adding hunter that managed to get rr11 by killing in 4 man group I LOVE JESMIN WAY MORE!!!
ohh sry Denarius gratz on rr11 was out of topic again.. i will log on hib and worship Jesmin =) :worthy: