Demos on their way...



(from tribalwar....)

Dave Georgeson posted on our forums a brief update addressing some concerns people have with the latest patch and the state of the game.

1) Demo recordings are being worked on right now. Not sure of the ETA for them though.

2) Screen shake is here to stay. Mortars just wouldn't be the same without it.

3) We're looking into clones today. We got some steps to dupe last night and we'll try them out in the office today.


Well according to an interview on TSN...

.... Now its not so much "when" demos will be implemented but "IF". Apparently the gist of things is the peeps in charge dont want the team to concentrate too much on adding new features, even goin as far as to imply they should be thinking about moving on to new things.


its not really a new feature though, a brocken one yes, most likely it didnt work very well so the devs hadnt put the interface in T2, thats why demos can be made now using commands in the interface.


And on Tribalwar forums...


Thanks to everyone for their thoughts on the recordable demo issue. Please understand that you do not need to convince either Dave or myself of their benefit; we know. However, there are other factors at work, and we are not the only decision makers.

|r|In$ane's petition is a great approach - concrete numbers make powerful arguments in business. If you haven't signed it and want recordable demos in the game, please go add your sig. But also please don't spam it, or it won't be useful anymore.

But this raised a big red flag for me (VSDF). A lot of you said you were pretty happy with the beta patch. You could play the game fine, and there didn't seem to be many problems left. Things were looking up. Now without recordable demos you say the game will be ruined and you won't play anymore. Is there more? Is there another issue or feature so critical that without it you cannot play? Or will adding the demo feature be the thing that gets you to sing T2's praises?

Look, we're either going to get there or we are not. But let's get it all out on the table.

- Alex


Again on Tribalwar Forums...

Awhile back I spoke with some of you and explained that the future of Tribes 2 lay in your hands. If you abandoned it, we would too. If you stuck it out, so would we.

I'm happy to see that most of us are still here. A lot of you stepped up to help us test the latest patch, with pretty great results. Thank you. Many of you tempered your flames for awhile to see what would happen. Here are a few of the results of your actions.

- Most every issue preventing league play has been fixed.
- We are aware of cheating and are working to stop it.
- The demo record feature is now a "when" and not an "if."
- There is no question that we will continue to support Tribes 2.

(I don't have a estimate for release of cheat fixes or demo recorder. I don't' even want to say "soon." When I can give you better info I will. But they are coming.)

Your suggestions were heard and taken into account. There are other (good) things being worked on that are not definite enough for me to talk about yet.

Now, what will it take to raise this game from #4 in terms of players to #1 ? (Stats)

- Alex



Top Game Servers By Players

Half Life
12588 servers, 40244 players
Quake 3: Arena
2730 servers, 2696 players
Unreal Tournament
2596 servers, 1953 players
Tribes 2
875 servers, 1490 players

They've got a long way to go to the top... I still stand by my previous statement : It won't happen.


how can you say that, online halflife was dead before Counter Strike all you had then was team fortress clasic and that didnt even come close to competing with the quake series. one outstanding mod for T2 could change things completely.



I must admit I am surprised by T2's relatively low player numbers compared to the "top 3".

To be honest though looking at T2 players who have had persistent problems (some T2, some probably user-inflicted after extended "fix-up" sessions) would go some way to explaining why the relative numbers are low.

I am going into a "what if" situation here, but I would hazard a guess that there would be a great deal more players currently if so many didn't have the problems they are experiencing with the multitude of issues that have been present since day 1 (of which many are now thankfully fixed).

I would place my money on that with a patch or two more into T2, that many players will restart and continue more with the game. Until the greater majority are able to play for more than 20 minutes without a crash/hang (as many do), T2 will remain in the number 4 GS stats for a good while yet.

As for HL being the most popular game, it's also the most hacked. If Gamespy stats were able to weed out players who were cheating, I wouldn't mind betting that HL's figures would be more than a tad lower.

Frag on.


T2 will never be as big as CS mainly due to the simplicity of CS compared to T2. A newb to computer games can pick it up and still do relatively well, they dont have to worry about shooting teammates, they dont have to be a great shot to compete on pubbies due to all the hitscan weapons and spray effects, its relatively slower paced than T2 meaning ya dont have to have those DM reflexes.

Not taking anything away from the more skillful players as theres alot of complexity to the game if ya delve deeper, but as it stands in pubbies its a FPS newbies wet dream. Try introducing someone whos new to games to T2 however and its just too much to take in at once.

This doesnt make either any less of a game though, being more complex doesnt necesserally make T2 better and neither does CS having a larger player base (unless your workin in marketing that is :) ).

The best comparison would be between poker and bridge, both excellent card games in their own right though poker has more players due to the simplicity compared to bridge. Most bridge players have enjoyed card games (possibly even poker) at first and wanted something a lil more in depth so play bridge, but due to the complexity youl never get anywere near the player base of poker. At the same time poker players may prefer the fast and furious play that they have in poker. each have their own merits.

Alot of people though are worried though that Sierra may dumb down T2 too much, sactrificing tactical complexity for newbie accessability, i path i personally hope they dont stray too far down.

As it stands T2 alone will never beat HL/CS but there is hope in mods and that is probably were sierra should be looking to support if they want a chance at competing with CS.


Fair enough... the reason I haven't re-installed T2 recently is because I got sick of downloading a new patch nearly every single time I connected to a server.

As for mods, the Strike Force team are no-longer working with the the T2 engine (which is sad), but what will happen when a mod is released, only to be out-dated a couple of days later when a new patch comes out ? Dynamix were in too much of a hurry to get T2 out imo, and have shot themselves in the foot...


Originally posted by Custy
Counterstrike is the most warezed game aswell.

huh ?? warez a free game ?? slightly off topic 'eh ?

old.D R E ad

Half Life
12588 servers, 40244 players
Quake 3: Arena
2730 servers, 2696 players
Unreal Tournament
2596 servers, 1953 players
Tribes 2
875 servers, 1490 players

I think thats pretty impressive concidering how long UT has been out and all the mods for it. I really don't think its that bad. If Dynamix/Sierra pull thier fingers out of the arse's could soon be beating UT and possibly Q3.

Unless Planetside arrives soon that is.

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