Demos missing??



Hello every1,

I accessed the ftp of BW to download demos of the bwcsl season 6. Coz i wanted to see our demo of week4 war on de_clan2_fire. But I was surprised that this demo wasnt available in week4 folder (only 9 demos). Now I dont know if ur intention is to upload all demos or just a selective bunch of demos???

Well i would love to be able to watch our demo. So is it possible u guys put that demo av on bwcsl ftp. I know week5 demos hasnt been uploaded yet. But also i would like see our demo of that week. If possible.

Tnx in advanced ,

Grtz Fatty


As for demos:

Weeks 1 & 2 - no demos exist as far as I am aware
Weeks 3 & 4 - Rogue1 recorded demos, I will check if all of them are up now.
Weeks 5 onwards - Myself and block started demoing, yet to upload anything yet.

But yes the plan is for every game to be demo'd and put onto the ftp space. I will enquire with rogue regarding week 4 demos.


Fatty - send you a pm on this, dont know if you have seen it.

Does your clan [TG] have a webby?

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