I downloaded and installed the demo but when i try to join a multiplayer game it says "cant find server. please check your connection" And i know i am connecte cuz i have cable. HELP! thanks.
As many people have noticed, the Master servers for the Tribes 1 DEMO are now down. I fired an email off to Dave Georgeson, and he said they are down for good now, and suggests spending $10 to get the full version, or better yet, go out and get Tribes 2. ; )
On the other hand there was nothing like owning some newbies by trashing the RD base with a lot of HO.. damn. What ever shall I do during the long night's :\
...with the full version Tribes1 master servers. There are about 8 demo servers available if you replace your demo master with t1m1.masters.dynamix.com:28000.
I am very glad for that because many people like myself own and play Tribes 1 and 2, but still really prefer the excellent battles you get in the demo world... Tribes2 usually reports over 1000 servers, 95% of which are ghost towns.
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