Deleted charachter -> Kemor !



Now i know the official respone is NO but did u read somewhere that several people have had charachtres deleted and then
rightnow crew have put them back?

I ask this because i accidently deleted my little lvl 20 saracen Infiltrator called Hon, and just wrote a groveling letter to right now begging to have her back.

What do u recon my chances are?

Who were the peole who got their charachters back?

Kemor, if u read this please please please please let me get her back, i beg =)

..still begging

and Deleted Hon


People have had characters restored, but usually only if they are very high levels and they can only do it if you havent made a new character in that same 'slot' your old character was in (doing so over writes the back up copy).

But beg anyway, it might work, however the only people I know that have had them restored were all 40 +


Just found this, and although they restored a lvl 40 charachter they also restored a lvl 24 one.

I hope i get my Infiltrator gets restored like this for the communitys sake, she had lots of Hib friends in the battle grounds. =)

Any way heres what i found :

Response (CS) - 05/17/2002 11:30 AM

After a long investigation, here is what i found:
You (or someone you gave access to your account) deleted both characters for
some reason at 15:37:30 (for Nero) and 15:37:36 (for Mortifer).
For these deletes, you went through the whole process:
- clicking on "delete"
- typing "Y E S"
- clicking on "accept"

I found no error, no bug, no problem on our side.

For community sake, and after a lot of talking among the GM team, it was decided
to re-create these two characters to the level we could track in our logs:
[05/01/02 21:10:59]: [Mortifer] Raised to Level 24 [456 mins] [Enchanter]
[05/05/02 06:32:35]: [Nero] Raised to Level 40 [4956 mins] [Nightshade]

I will then re-create Mortifer to level 24 and Nero to level 40.
These characters will receive the gold they should get for their level according
to the official Mythic charts for character creation. They will not have any
item or quest done but this is a small price to pay.

I will recreate the characters today.

Sincerely yours,
European Dark Age of Camelot Customer Support

Thats all i know - Nero still hasn't been restored yet - and it wasn't me that deleted him - no way im that stupid!

p.s thanx again guys for your item offers - i will take u up on them

End quotes.

Still begging Kemor.

and deleted Hon

edit : typos


how can u accidentaly delete a char?

there is that process you know

- Click Delete (ok this can happen by mistake), but then....
- Type Y E S in the confirmation box (type yes by mistake??)
- Then click accept (can also happen by mistake but you have already typed the Y E S part...)



other people have done it, so have i, i was half asleep at the time, but it happens.
still i realy would like to have her undeleted please =)


not blaming you for wanting her back, just wondering how its possible :)


umm lol just spend a day or 2 and get to 20 again, save waiting.


Originally posted by old.Riddler
how can u accidentaly delete a char?

Ive seen it happen. A friend of mine (who shall remain nameless for his own protection) managed to delete his main char instead of the little alt he was intending to reroll.

Its not as hard to do as it sounds, it just involves a lot of alcohol (taken internally on the night before the accident, resulting in a somewhat reduced state of being) and some absent-mindness at the moment of the crime.

The whole "type YES" ordeal only works as a way to avoid accidental "delete character" clicking, once the decision to delete something has been made, the typed confirmation goes pretty fast.

Buying DAoC - 4.99
Getting the friend addicted aswell - 1.85
Getting drunk the night before the accident - 20.00
The look on his face when he realized what he had just done - Priceless



hehe, see im not the only one who get drunk enough/ is stupid enough to do it.

Please Kemor i beg of you Un delete Hon


Give it time and you never know you may get lucky but don't count on them restoring the character they probably only do it for a small minority, they have no real quoted stance on the scenario

Maybe they should issue a statement? Who knows


I'm sure there will be other people interested in whether GOA or Kemor will restore a level 20 character.

The reason being one of my guild members deleted a level 38 cleric who was (at the time) the highest level character on the server (we are talking very early retail here). He realised his mistake and sent several emails to RightNow asking for him to be restored. Obviously losing something that high level so early in the game was pretty gutting but despite that GOA would not restore him at all.


Since then we have seen the case of MrT who had his level 50 skald restored after deletion. This in itself nearly caused my guild mate to quit again because he saw what seemed such blatant double standards. Now it seems they will restore much lower level characters as well.

I would like to ask Kemor if he reads this (which I have no doubt he will) why on earth my guild mate was not allowed to have his character restored and yet we have subsequently seen several people have exactly that done for them. It seems GOA are even proposing to restore a level 20 character which under current server conditions would take you all of 24 hours to get back.

Any comments?

What forms the basis for the decision on whether to restore a character or not?

Bedroc the Hero

hehe Giriam! You must tell us who it is.. Anyone I know :)

Id die if I managed to delete Bedroc... So I guess its not really that funny.


Well firstly they havent acctually said anything to me yet.
So the havent "proposed" to restore her, but my post above shows how they restored a lvl 24 charachter, although admittedly that was along with a lvl 50 charchter.

Maby they took a few months after retail to get their ideas together as to what was acceptible for them to restore. etc.

Seems bad luck on your m8, but its probably the server stiuation at the time that counts. as i see it, i nealy have a charachter to lvl 50 adn Mithic have stated that in the next patch people who have a chracther at 50 will be able to start one already at lvl 20+ so what possible harm can it do restoring one charachter when, i would get it back in patch 1.53 something at lvl 20+.

All i would like is to have Hon back at lvl 20, even without armour and weapons.



I slightly misread your post then, but either way there is something drastically amiss here. They have restored characters since that were lower level using the "for the community" justification. That is fine but it would pay to be consistent in this sort of decision since it is such a big deal for the person involved.


I am guessing every decision GOA makes re:restoring deleted chars is on a case by case basis. It is pointless moaning that Mr.X got his lvl50 char restored so therefore everyone else should get thiers restored. I would imagine it is not the decision of 1 single person, but whoever is dealing with RN reports at that point in time. Some people will be sympathetic, some won't.

And I don't buy this 'it's easy to make the mistake and delete a char whilst pissed' nonsense. Seriously, if you are so reckless while under the influence of alcohol that you can go through the Noddy-proof steps to delete a char you have invested days in creating you deserve it and should seriously consider becoming teetotal.

PS. I deleted a 46 healer while pissed hehe, but had no regrets, after all, the fun in the game (imo) is getting the levels, not being the levels.


Originally posted by old.chesnor
And I don't buy this 'it's easy to make the mistake and delete a char whilst pissed' nonsense. Seriously, if you are so reckless while under the influence of alcohol that you can go through the Noddy-proof steps to delete a char you have invested days in creating you deserve it and should seriously consider becoming teetotal.

soooo, is this supposed to be a response to my post? in that case i suggest you read it again.


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