Deitreus wallglitcher.. at DC wednesday



Detrim wallglitcher.. at DC wednesday

I can add an image proving it (when I get home from work and grab the SS =op), but I wasn't thrilled of Detrim (I'm sorry if I got the name wrong, I'll edit this post if it prove otherwise), the mjollnir-casting troll halfway up the OUTSIDE WALL of the DunCruachon main tower yesterday. Of course he can't be melee'd (I'm a tank) being up there, he must have glitched down from the lord room. And I wasn't the only one spotting the casting troll. I really hope you got stuck there by accident, but then again, you were acting as you had the perfect spot for casting anyways...

Bah.. I hate glitch users..

Edit: I thought first Deitreus (must have been my Discworld mind), but I believe we talk about Detrim, lvl 50 Troll Thane, of the Unforgiven guild.


I have no idea what you are talking about, but as i know the player very well and no the honour and the method he plays the game, i will 100% say you are mistaken and will get him to post what happened


Post a pic please as I would be interested where he was, as DC like all other keeps have places to stand that make good vantage points when attacking enemies in the main forecourt. A bit of jumping and you get into position. Usually a ledge in front of tower just up a bit from the battlements, nice point for casters, but I wouldnt class it as a glitch ??

You say outside wall but surely that would put him in a position where he can engage anyone ? as you would be at back of keep. I am guessing you mean outside wall of tower but inside keep ??


Detrim is a man of honour, he dont use bug abuse or any other kind of abuses to get an enemy. I know Detrim pretty well, and l am very much sure that you are mistaken.



A few days ago we had an infiltrator that couldn't be found inside DC somewhere. He was attacked by guards constantly and it seems like he fought back (we saw the fight messages), but never died. Went on for at least 10-15 minute, but noone ever saw him. In the end we gave up and left. Unfortunately I didn't note the name.


Ok.. I will post my screenie as soon as possible, and I'm very sorry if I have mistaken the name, although hove many Troll Thanes use a detr-kinda name?

And yes, I mean on the tower building where the Lord is, but on the outside halfway down.

old.Ozird Rinfut

On one of the keep takes at DC, i ran up the stairs as usual, but got stuck in one of the windows, and suddenly I was standing outside on what looked to me like thin air.

When I jumped down, i lost 70% health so I guess it was almost at the top. I dont know if I could be targeted from there or anything....

Was that where you saw him perhaps? If so, thers a bug in one of the windows there... maybe he didnt know it was a bug? I sure didnt...

If someone does that every time, then u can call it abuse, once its a coincidence isnt it?


Yep M0lder you are absolutely right. I was standing in the wall. Now let me explain how:

I was up at the lords room and saw a thane standing up on the wall casting at you guys (was froler), so i tried to join him by jumping up there myself. I ended up jumping over the damn wall and fell halfway down and got stuck on the wall on the outside, i lost alot of hp and was at about 20% or so i think. So had i jumped down i would have died. In retrospect this was of course what i should have done, but i didnt so my appologies for that. In my defence i can say that i didnt activily try to get to that position, and ppl were able to hit me where i was. I did however take unfair advantage of my position on the wall.


Yes, it was the actively mjollnir'ing that bothered me and made me but apology accepted. Now let's hope it doesn't happen again. ;)


One more thing..

I'll be careful calling this a glitch, but at the same day at DC when hibs controlled it and Albs were charging, I also noticed this:

One lvl 50 Infiltrator were hiding just over the edge of the wall at the NW corner (the one corner to the left facing the entrance when inside). As you all know the corner is round, and the climbpoints is positioned at the every side, but not at the corner. But how could the Infiltrator be standing there without glitching? He were attacking healers ressing people, but I could only see the top of his head.

Can assassin-classes "strafe" while hanging on to a wall??


waaaaah waaaaaah waaaaaaah

Another really annoying dude-tincan-thingy is Veralith (Toa has also been doing this). Mjölnired the Gate at 10-15m distance and when i hit them (they was close to the door on the other side) they INSTANTLY hit me with their fakking weapon? only a second after it strike them, (guess I got autotargetted or something but that is REDICOLOUS) wow real impressive hitting me with a melee weapon on 10m distance. next time take a shot at me when i arrive thru it and the hammer will yell at you, it is not as kind as I am!

btw Veralith now you know why I laugh-spam at you :]


m0lder, when you climb up the spots sometimes and move along the edge of the wall you can slip down sometimes to where i think you mean the inf was. Whenever that happens to me I just jump down and climb up again, i can imagine it might be a useful spot though

Kerram Darktyde

I have noticed Polearm types seem to be bugged or glitched and have hit and killed me from the distance of one Keep gate to the other..

I have a screenshoot and will send a Rightnow report once i have a program on come that can browse screenshot (new comp not fully installed)

I was at 2nd keep door took 2 big hits from one guy with i assume a polearm (was an alb) then sprinted out of gatehouse to escape getting hit and past the 1st gate i took another melee hit and died.. my body falling well clear of outer door..

is this a bug some kind of strange lag or a cheat??


Originally posted by Kerram Darktyde

once i have a program on come that can browse screenshot (new comp not fully installed)

your internet browser ?

it might not be the best image browser but it works.


Sometimes I've noticed when defending keeps, players can lag in inside the keep. And some of those times, not all though, you can actually hit the player even though it's lag. Pretty strange.

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