Defending a mile gate.



/whine on


The mile gate, it's there for a *reason*.

The idea is to allow one realm to block the passage of the realm invading from the teleport keep. You may not have realised this, but it is a tactical advantage to be the realm *behind* the sodding wall.

BUT it cannot work if you all charge through and attack people on the teleport keep side of the wall only to be slaughtered in 12 seconds flat. Again.

Once you are on the wrong side of the frigging wall...

1) You lose 100% of the situational adavntage.

2) You've been drawn out through the wall in exactly the way the hibgard players intended.

3) If you think you are getting healed anytime soon when there is a 30 ft stone wall seperating you from the back of the group where your cleric is stationed then you have another thing coming.

So, in summary, get the fuck back on the alb side of the wall. And shut the bloody door - I don't want 6436527 shadowblades appearing out of my ass without warning thank you very much.

Why the hell do you all *want* to go on to the teleport keep side of the wall anyway? It's not as if the hibgard players have any other way out of the tk!?

Honestly - how difficult is it to *not* walk through a door? It's not as if you can just go about your normal business and suddenly you're all like "OMG! What a silly ass I am, I have accidentally pulled the tk guards for the thirteenth time in the last hour.". It's not even a small structure - I mean, did any of you not *see* the 200 tonnes of wood and stone that make up the mile gate?

I can understand why you would want to go through if you wanted a quick suicide back to Castle Sauv, but I find it hard to believe that half the bloody realm desperately needs a free ride to sauv every 10 fricking minutes.

Hibgard might be overpowered, but personally I don't see that as a good reason to actually spoonfeed them the RPs.

Bah! Grr! etc! :wall:

/whine off




/em imagines half of alb attempting to charge through their monitor against all reason and logic at the hib post above.



Just wondered how these boards would look with smileys this big ;) ;)


mids sure like defending hibernia from albs


we luv u hibbies, and we wanna bash the albies cus they smell really funny.


In a real battle I'd agree with you entirely... but DAoC in no way mirrors the mechanics of a real battle.

The first problem is that whatever milegate your at, theres always the risk of an enemy force attacking you from behind while you're defending and you ending up sandwiched between.

The second problem is that it's impossible to attack from a position on the wall without being in plain sight of the enemy.

In my experience, the best place to be at a milegate is on the ground on one side or the other. You want a nice open space to fight in so you have room to maneuver, and a clear unobstructed view to allow you to pick your targets easily.

Think about it. How often do you see a fight at a milegate being won from the wall? These fights are almost always won by one side or the other mustering the courage to charge through the gate.

There is no situational advantage to a milegate. To be honest I'd prefer if they weren't there at all. Theres nothing more frustrating watching half of Albion dither around on one side of a wall while the enemy build up their forces behind it and prepare to charge. That's why you'll often see groups of First Cohort (when driven by me) come charging up to the wall and straight through the door to charge the enemy. Ok, sometimes we die.... but more often than not we bring swift death to our enemy!


personally i like a good milgate standoff with ppl running this way or that way trying to get a shot or a bolt in ...but maybe im alone to like it (yeahyeah i know im a freak) :rolleyes:

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