Defended keeps.



Must say that after DF has come the good old keeptaking with loads of peeps attacking, and defending can be on a very small place.

But tonights fun in emain, and a crim defended by mids "A few, but they were there :) " shows that Frontier rvr still can be fun, even when most of the realms running around in DF :)

My hope is that when peeps have explored and tried DF long enough, the frontier RvR will have it's days again :)


RvR is become so boring...

its only about taking keeps (most of the time undefeded) to get into DF...

hope it will change back soon


i think its awesome right now,

If u want to get inside DF u need to take keeps, thus if u go sit in crim or crauch u always know someone will come sooner or later and the risk of bumping into ppl inside DF is pretty high. Maybe we wont see those large scale battles at amg anymore but i love go to a Prince/Legion raid and after that zerg some entrance (poor albs :mad:)

6 am here :m00:


now, you can be sure you are able to defend a keep after you took it :D


Originally posted by gronk
RvR is become so boring...

its only about taking keeps (most of the time undefeded) to get into DF...

hope it will change back soon

Thats what i think too :) And when u got keeps enough, peeps suicide ASAP to get into DF :)

And Wuren. Yes it's fun with Legion raids etc, etc, but then we got the Epic Zone that was the only thing too :)

Still i really hope the good old RvR comes back. Maybe it's just me but thats how i feel :D


yer defended crim as mid with a few mates, but that Nicolas, bloody hell

All I saw was Nicolas hits you with his Kings Nail for about 600 odd I die, whats your stealth at farking 300 odd :(

Ohh well good fun had by all, even bagged a few RP`s into the bargain


Hmm, gotta say I don't agree that it's only about taking keeps for DF. We (Aesir's Blade) took an Alb keep a few days ago with some friendly help (lo CE & Cyran) then proceded to defend it against (presumably) the Alb guild who wanted it back :)

Was great fun and (unless I seriously overestimate their intelligence) they didn't want it for DF (there were plenty of undefended/upgraded keeps).

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