Defence of Caer Caledon (bg30-35)

  • Thread starter old.Krogar_Thane
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/salute to the albs

this morning , well about lunchtime actually me and my buddy whitelighter, dwarven healer, used my skald speed buff to check caledon. no albs WHATSOEVER. we thought, strange....but oh well, lets go play our alts.

tonight, i log on at 11pm, and low and behold, 40 albs assaulting the keep, with a ram. 1st door down, 2nd door down to 75% ram put up, suicide to go near it with all those alb casters.

plan a) go fetch pieces for a catapult - plan fails cos we dont have all pieces, mis advised by recipe.

plan b) all tanks jump out over back wall, rest, and make a massed counter attack, unfortunately all tanks amounted to about 12. the dirty dozen was swiftly wasted.

planc c) (by now the second door was on 5%) fall back to the lord's room, and make a final stand. did you albs think we had left? or run......either way, i have to say, that was the greatest nights RvR fun i have ever had, absolute slaughter on the stairs, as swords clanged against hammers, our healers mezzed and healed for all they were worth, the zerkers, went vendo.....the thanes bolted, DDs flying everywhere.

an amazing battel......when General Ferlash (thats me) spots that the alb army's tanks are all dead, "kill the rezzers! down the stairs!" and thats what we did, trolls and norsemen, kobolds and dwarves ripping into the soft robed casters, and the archers run or crumpled.smash the ram down, time to celebrate.

Victory! the albion army, about 40 (yes we counted) defeated by a middie defending force of 15. (obviously big grats to our jarls and archers who scored huge constant damage).

15 mins later albs come back, on their next port, fewer this time, only to run into celebrating middies, outside the fort door, and a rather nasty guard pop.

that was the end of the planned albion raid.

like i say, me and my troops, heroes every1 of them.......had one of the best nights of RvR we have ever had.

albions, thanks for the realm points, i salute you for the huge and well organised raid (huge in terms of BG). this is what this game is all about.

so, grats no particular order (sorry if i forget some1) the defenders of caledon keep.

and a handful more, i forget ur names.

hope you didnt get too bored of me shouting at you, it was a glorious, glorious defence. dear albs we have spent as much gold as we had and the doors are repaired and upgraded quite significantly.

please reply in good humour, this is not a flame, because i thank the albions, without them i/we would not have had such a great nights RvR.


Ferlash Goredon Level 34 Skald <Defiance> (general of the defenders of Caledon Keep)


missed names off the list of fame

forget to mention two important heroes, their names came to me as soon as i pressed (submit post)


thanks again all, see you soon, on a BG near you

Ferlash Goredon L34 Troll Skald <Defiance>


Yeah i agree with ya, i had such a good time in GB last night. to bad we diddnt get the keep thou :(

By the way, how manny of u got killed by me and Tazzke last night ;D Cant even count the number of mids i killed up in that tower :D


The alb raid...where to begin :)

it wasn't overly planned, more a mouth to mouth kida thing that went remarkibly well, once we got organized

with 40 orso (43 at some point) we secured the outside of the keep fairly fast, at which point I noticed the doors where repaired again after the unsuccessfull hibbie attack.
whioch left us ramless, as mine was back in vault.

I run back with Trin and Hank to get it.
we bash in the door, only to run into ram probs...we had only 1
(bad "organizational" skills on my part) it took the good part of 2 hours to arrange a second one and get it up

at that point I fear impatiece got us, and instead of going up as 1 huge force, we ran up in small groups to kill eachother on the steadfast midgard defenders (who we underestimated. we thought there where 7 or 8 at most)

all in all a great night for all involved.
Mids, congrats in showing such great defensive skills
and all Albs involved: see, we can get semi organized :)

thanks to all those who where there (I'm not going to name names, as I'll forget half, and missspell the other half).
and don't expect that keep to be in our hands again soon! :)


sure but when u do, plz do it this weekend :)

work all week so i cant be up and protect the keep all night :(

and ferlash, mess me whenever the action starts!


Well i have never seen that much hibs in Caledonia yet. Unfortunately it was still not enough ppl to get that fecking keep. We had 2 rams we were organized but finally we got zerged after albs waited till we got both doors down.

Next time........ ;)


was great fun yes...but that was 3th time we tried to take over in 1 evening....

1st time -> few albs...getting behind the hibs who did the work on the doors for us :) - hibs owned keep there....doors were down in no time - (but i shouted a bit too soon to charge in and kill em off)..... lord wasn't attacked enough by hibs yet, and with the numbers of albs it was too hard...not all moving in at same time and stuff (was around 7 - 7.30 pm cet)

2nd attempt -> about the 35-40 albs that you saw also, finally albs showed up like planned, prob was no real leader first 2 hours (and only 1 ram instead of the needed 2- sucks when it takes 1 hour or more to get that last piece of the ram :( , but can't blame the guys doing the effort...

BIGGEST prob after doors was that so many people shouting charge when no one was supposed to move yet (when will people listen to organisers of a raid), we did well killing of archers first and guards (infils doing good job also if i migt add), giving intel about mid size visible = 8 :/ ...and telling more were hiding in stairway...not sure about numbers :/, but we knew there were more, so no surprise there Krogar :)

but things started going really bad when albs moved up stairway 1 by 1 instead as a team..(think the hours of waiting for 2nd ram was a big prob..people getting impatient) the 10-15 mids in lord room had it "fairly" easy kiling us off 1 by 1 :( (good job on their part btw) (9 - 1.30 pm)

3th attempt -> saw the doors closed already, since 2nd ram was already such a big prob..a 3rd one would have been a i went on with my killing mids on 2nd floor :)
and numbers of albs was down to about 20 again, not enough left to be a big prob to the mids

finally died by Viking archer, so i went to bed at around 1.40 pm since i had to work today :), a good 5 hour sleep :)

but grats to all alb showing up in numbers this time, to the mids on a excellent defence and the hibs for.....euh.... :)

special thx to coax and arris for trying to take leadership (hard job at BF with unexpierenced rvr players) and zamies for making us that damn last part for 2nd ram :p

and on a personal note: had great tp with norp at/on wall :)
won't even mention the amount of rp i got in those few hours


Ah I see you need me agian tazzke :) When I have some spare time I will come with my alt again :)



Damn Drat Damn Is All I can Say

Went Realm Rank 2 and Lvl 36 on Tuesday, Missed all the bloody fun :mad:

But had great fun while i was there, all I can say I prepare to feal my bow in Emain, but I wont be going till i got a few more lvls.

Grats in the defence all


salute to my enemy general

(and to our enemies in total)

Coaxmetal i knew it was you who was leading the albs, all we were hearing was "Coaxmetal shouts something in a language you dont understand".

i presume you might have been hearing "Ferlash shouts something in a language you dont understand"

Yes the stealthers on that corner tower were a pain in the butt, i told our healers and runies to stay well clear off the place, and we had tanks sitting there waiting, to no avail, your stealth skills were too much for us.

I can well understand how a long raid becomes SO HARD to keep people organised but i have to disagree on the fact where you say people were coming up the stairs to the lords room one at a time. we had 10 people in the room, with me shouting "STAY IN ROOM" about 50 times, when the first saracen pops his head round the corner, then all hell breaks loose as all your armsmen/other tanks let loose all holy hell on the top flight of the stairs against all our zerkers, warriors, trolls, kitchen sinks, healers mezzing, anything else we could throw at you.

My most enjoyable moment was when i saw the moment was ripe, plate armoured warriors lying dead, literally covering every inch of floorspace and i peeked round the next corner to see ALL those juicy robe wearing casters and rezzers standing slightly confused, wondering what to do. it was quick, and bloody.

Thanks again albs for a great battle, hope to do it again soon! im sure you are gonna take the keep back soon, but just to remind you, we have had our top crafter (of this level) upgrade the doors quite considerably, and with a nice server maintenance this morning, they should be 100% repaired for next time you arrive!

:clap: :clap: :clap:

/salute to the alb army

/salute and /flex to my opposite number general Coaxmetal

(General) Ferlash Goredon - L34 Troll Skald <Defiance> (he who shouts alot, types fast, and specialises in killing alb casters).

:cool: :cool: :cool:


Yea well done albs for a good effort we did make a few to many errors that allowed the mids to successully defend ..
1/ ram organisation was mega bad . they didnt even go for 2nd ram until 1st door was down.
2/ we let to many middys inside keep . tanks were at door and casters were all sat down at bridge hence 90% of the time after 1st door was down gatekeeper was free and easy to access.
3/ impatience let us down because we spent so much time waiting for rams we got agitated and whe 2nd door did eventually fall as said above went upstairs in a small but steady train of albs . "damn those viking archers are frigging everywhere"

On a whole it was a good raid albs did well . and so did the mids defending "hoped you liked my aoe smite on the door :) " im 100% definate had we had the 2nd ram straight away instead of waiting for somebody to go all the way to cam and then return with it . the keep would of been ours "albs" .

to mids thnx for the rp's and albs be comming back to a keep near you soon .

P.s to FUN and SLEDGE . Fun you must of been the newb at the raid huh ? after we failed the raid you seemed to go around and SPAM laugh at every single alb that didnt release straight away . that is a noob thing to do .

same with sledge we bumped into each other at alb tk . so it would of been a 1v1 "you were orange to me btw" you messed me then rested and dd'd . soon as mezz wore off i messed you healed . stood back and smited you twice and then you ran away from me like a big girl . then 30 mins later when albs got zerged by the larger mid army "yes we were v out numbered" you spammed my corpse with laugh ... it was extremely funny to watch you STOOD there spamming laugh and then to see a infiltrator gank you LMAO . a infil ganking a skald that was close to his fellow mids . you must suck :) . i noticed you released as soon as i got rezz'd and started spamming laugh back at you in revenge :)


Lol @ Sledge, the biggest ego on mid with nothing to back it up. He never listens to any1 because he thinks he knows it all, hope you albs get to kill him some more times.

/salute albs! awesome fight, and hey guys, the Rps were flying in both directions! that keep defence was awesome, but it sure did make a huge dent in my lifetime on 30-35 bg. mmmmm rp's.

:clap: :clap:

not looking forward to the 4+ (usually more) weeks it takes to level upto 50 when i have to leave the 35 bg, am almost tempted to spend a weekend( thats what it took last time) to get a char to 20 and do the BG thing again, i honestly think they are the best part about DAOC now, becos there is no ganking, every1 has a decent chance against every1 else.

we had the hardcore dirty dozen (sometimes dropping to 5, sometimes rising to 15 or 16) defenders in the keep at all times, from when the first ram went up all the way through, it would have been a different fight if you had got the 2nd door down quicker because you would have had more motivated and focussed people, those doors go down SOOOO slowly with just sword/hammer/axe blows.

but it would still have been in the balance, because we were so motivated, and the lords room is such a death trap when you got zerkers, skalds, healers and runies all working together and blitzing whatever comes up the stairs. i was getting some majorly low frame rates at the height of the battle and was just TOO busy /yelling orders to even think about getting a screen shot, wish the adrenaline had not clouded my mind, that staircase was such a sweet sight, a staircase made of plate armor! 3 zerkers, and 4 or 5 other trolls swinging 2 handers in a small enclosed space is bad for your health! thats official.

anything planned for tonight albs? i do hope so, ill be online!

/salute /salute /salute!

Ferlash Goredon L34 Skald <Defiance>


Damn, I should have stayed in BG last night
Might have done the same as you albs did to us earlier on in the day

That keep was almost ours, Both gates down and a few troops inside when you stupid Albs fell on our backs ;)
Nice trick btw

But I'm glad you got guard gang raped inside after
Would have sucked if you took it :clap:
Ah well better luck next time :)



Midgard healers! we need you at BG :)

must say that usally there is maybe 15-20 mid bg, and only 1 healer/shaman or sometimes not even that. where are u? too busy exping? :)


healers we do have are awesome

dont know if you are not on at the right time, but mid defenders last night had 3 hardcore healing classes

stand up and take a bow


2 dwarfs and a kobby, not as handsome as my troll but mezzers and rezzers supreme!

*wonders if he can set up permanent home in caledon keep :D
* remembers the rp limit approaching :mad:

"Waiter, whats the dish of the day?"
"Today troll sir, is albion saracen caster, served on a bed of lettuce".
"good show, ill take 2 please, with extra ketchup"

Ferlash Goredon L34 Skald <Defiance>


Ferlash: if you spot me in BG, instead of kill me. beckon me to a nice quiet place for a screeny together :)
after that we can kill eachother :p

and don't worry. at least I learned from the many mistakes I made. and next time will go MUCH smoother.
expect a few rams in akeep near you faster ythen you can say "2nd door down!, defend the lord!" :D


Well I have another view on this :)

here it is, in the end ;)

Lol @ Sledge, the biggest ego on mid with nothing to back it up. He never listens to any1 because he thinks he knows it all, hope you albs get to kill him some more times.
Well he manages the cg very well ;-)
BTW Ferlash, I told u to inform everyone 30-35 about what was going on, why didnt u do it? ;) I sent 4 or 5 messages (Jimli from NP declined in a very bad way ;( but couldn't send more..

Bah ok since u told em we were going to bring a pult...
Right now I have a twink logged on the telepad, carrying 1 ram, 2 pults (missing 2 pieces each, we need to take DC, I'll organize a careavan then to buy another ram and the missing pult pieces), lots of stones and 600 iron. So delivering em to the BFs would be rather easy, I cant wait to see the faces of albs when they will get wiped by my trebuchet :) I think they will last about 6 seconds (2 shots).

I also would like to inform u that I am running out of money, and u will have to buy all the wood urself now, I already spent 0.4P on Caledonia, and am going to spend not more than 100G (on the caravan).

Betep EagleHorn, Siege Master (Ferlash can call himself a general, why cant I call myself a siege master? ;)
Proud member of the Black Company.


to coaxmetal

well mate, that is good to hear, learning from your mistakes is the best way to go, i am already shaking in my boots/looking forward to the next alb raid. because really it already was a case of backs to the walls last ditch defense for this 1. so im sure the next one you plan is gonna be even smoother and more deadly.

but we still have a few tricks left! :D :D

For sure i will beckon you out if i see you, would love to get a screen shot of the two generals, i will perhaps get to level 35 before i duel you tho :) do you use polearm? i am CERTAIN i have seen one of your armsmen with a scimitar shield combo, in the confusion tho, it could have been another plate armor wearing class. im not 100% up to speed on all the albion classes yet.

/salute to my allies and my enemies

30 minutes till my lunchbreak, doing no work, hoping there are some albs online!

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Ferlash Goredon L34 Troll Skald <Defiance>
Platemail helm collector (uses them as pots for his potted plant collection)
:cool: :cool: :cool:


can't wait to see you there mate, I am sure it will make a nice desktop :D

and no, I use a 2h axe. I learned to love them in my Midgard days :)


Aye I'd also gladly duel with any of u ;-)
I'm a hunter, and I bet I can outmelee anyone of my level (33).
But beware: I have no green/blue items! Actually, I have no yellow items too :)


I was one of those hibs last night and contributed by walking right up to some sat down casters and 1 shotting them COS THATS ALL NIGHTSHADES ARE GOOD 4 NEXT TIME SOME1 ASKS ME WHY I DO THAT. Anyway im sorry there arent enough hibs to give the other realms a good fight yet, but we're working on it, and in the meantime ill c u there again tonight! BG is the most RvR fun ive had in this game ever full stop.

ps if any < 35 low-constitution casters or badly injured tanks could sit down on their own away from saracens etc, whandall and i would greatly appreciate it, thanks


how bout I sit away a bit at full health. now THAT would be interesting :)
besides that, you're also awesome for information gathering.
both outside, and even inside the enemy keep
Tazzke and Norpan showed this to great effect (am I glad I wasn't in that keep at the time. I would've been terrifid ;) )

betep: get to 34 and I'll prove you wrong. you might have a nice spear. but you cannot keep up with tank armour/damage/hp :)


i missed a crit yesterday on a yellow troll (im L35) and i still bashed him to death with 80% health left for me. To all the shades - diamondback-hamstring-leaper - u know it makes sense


Hullo Kiro - found your way here? :D

Btw sure you can own midfighters cause pierce rules chain :clap:

Ohhh and theres the ghoulish voice again: MUUUUUSTTTT KIIIIIIIILLLL MOOOOOOOORE TONNIIIGHT!!! :D


c u there m8 - ps ive got 1 of palan's bracers 4 u ;D


Hahaha Tazzke and Norpan beware! Hibernian Shade duo (both lvl35) are searching for you!

I want a good clean fight so lets get it on! :clap:


392(cap) / 11.1dps 450wpnskill /700

btw if I'll make 34, my weaponskill will rise by 50+ ;)


to the hibs and the albs

Well i have been getting lots of calls from my Guild mates saying, hurry up and level, you are our RvR commander, what the hell are you doing on BG!!

what the hell, im having the most fun on BG RvR i have ever had on this game, no ganking! every1 similar levels, its awesome!

/respect and salute to Tazzke and Norpan and the other infiltrators.....i told our casters time and again, but its hard to hear/see all the did sow some confusion and damage..and you are always gone before i get to the death message location, but i sure do welcome you to try and 1 shot big daddy Ferlash. 1 mezz. just 1 mesh little man thing. :D :D :D

dont know how many guys you infiltrators killed, i think it was roughly the same amount as armsmen me and the lords room defenders killed on the "stairs of doom!" hehehehe.

To Coaxmetal, a 2 handed axe eh? vs a 2 handed hammer.
What colour armour do you have? black white and grey? is that you?
I am the "small" Troll with black and yellow armor and a grey and yellow cloak, i know alot of you know me by sight, cos when we ventured out of the keep for the (failed) counter attack, 6 armsmen were on my like flies on sh*t. LOL. never died so fast before ! (holds aching head).

anything planned for tonight albion (scum- used for etiquette purposes only- cant be too polite to my enemies).

i dont speak albionese, but at the end of the day, (this time) we taught you a new language - every1 understands a 2 handed hammer.

by my count.....

mids 2 (keep raid and keep defense)
albs 0
hibs -1

kiss kiss

:eek: :D :) ;) :p :clap:

Ferlash Goredon L34 Skald <Defiance> (ironwood delivery man to caledon keep)

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