Def Jam Vendetta



Anyone get the demo through from Game yesterday or today for this?

Had a few goes on it and I'm not sure if its better than SmackDown. Certainly faster but I'm not convinced with the demo.

Anymore for anymore?


Argh - I'd rather play Doctors and Nurses with Harold Shipman tbh !


Its not really comparable to smackdown. Whilst smackdown is laboured and heavy, this is more fluent and faster paced. However.

The moves become oddly repetitive, after a few times when you get full bars and do that crazy move thing you eventually knock them out, about 3 times should do it. The story-line isnt fantastic but is good if you like to beat the shit out of all the crap rappers.

Storyline is fairly linear, no real suprises compared to some other games, creating a rather cliched if enjoyable experience.

Also, you get 4 (if i remember correctly) characters to do the missions with, (missions being, beat the shit out of the other people, sometimes with your friends help), but its only worth doing once. The storyline, facial features, FMV's etc. are all the same. So no real playability factor there unless you really want to unlock those last two or three unlocklables (which you can unlock by beating the game with everyone)

That said, the soundtrack is enjoyable. Great fun beating up Redman whilst "X is gonna give it to ya" blares on in the background. The graphics are brilliant and the voice actors do really try to add some depth instead of the usual Wing Commander standards.

For those who desire something faster, fluid and a bit more realism than the now, what seems, bog-standard procedure of "stand there, put your arm about here and wait whilst i do this move on you".



N1 Munkey...
I played Smackdown again after it and I still prefer it, even although Def Jam was only a demo!


Just a few more things i remembered.

Controls are simple once you get used to them, back buttons for block, x for run, o for grap, /_\ for climbing up stuff and all that. However if you';re having a move performed on you, mash them enough times and you can succesfully reverse them. Something i found appealing after smackdown's "sit and wait" moves. That said, you quickly lose the patience to mash teh buttons and instead just sit there waiting for it to finish (as happened to me and my friend as we multiplayed)

Crowd are more "3d-ish" than the cardboard cutouts. Something my friend also seemed obsessed about.

Its a good game, just not really my thing.

Now AMPLITUDE, thats a fun game. Great for jiving to whilst you play :)


Just get Wipeout Fusion for 20 quid, press select as soon as you start a race and listen to the tunes in that. Most of them make you want to get down with your bad self.

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