Forming a PBaoe group, I got a guide for the XP spots so the only thing I need now is people that are dedicated to daoc for the group.
I Also requier that everyone uses mIRC(IRC).
Either post here or get in touch with me on IRC@quakenetTimes:
Monday:17:00 - 22:00 CET
as Kloker.
channel for the group is #pbmid
Tuesday: 17:00 - 22:00 CET
Friday: 17:00 As long as the groups sticks around I dont see anything from stopping us form playing untill saturday morning
Saturday: When people logs on(preferably before 18:00 cet)
Sunday: untill 22:00
We are using /level so if you can't use /level you need to be lvl ~20(not below) to join.
1 Warrior | (Arangar)
2 Tanks | (d00g, Kloker) 2*savages
1 healer (pac/mend) | (pheus)
1 shaman (aug/mend) | (orlan)
2 SM's (supp) | (Etinay, AzuratMinimus)
1 RM (supp) | (Hyuga Hinata)
Also if all goes well, I might consider leading another one with the same people, if they are interested that is.
I Also requier that everyone uses mIRC(IRC).
Either post here or get in touch with me on IRC@quakenetTimes:
Monday:17:00 - 22:00 CET
as Kloker.
channel for the group is #pbmid
Tuesday: 17:00 - 22:00 CET
Friday: 17:00 As long as the groups sticks around I dont see anything from stopping us form playing untill saturday morning
Saturday: When people logs on(preferably before 18:00 cet)
Sunday: untill 22:00
We are using /level so if you can't use /level you need to be lvl ~20(not below) to join.
1 Warrior | (Arangar)
2 Tanks | (d00g, Kloker) 2*savages
1 healer (pac/mend) | (pheus)
1 shaman (aug/mend) | (orlan)
2 SM's (supp) | (Etinay, AzuratMinimus)
1 RM (supp) | (Hyuga Hinata)
Also if all goes well, I might consider leading another one with the same people, if they are interested that is.