where is he? not seen him in ages, little blue killing machine.
Originally posted by old.Second
you as a hunter.. can you tell me why hunters complain so much? i've been playing it now for a while and i cant see anything bad?
we have: Spear spec, bow spec, steath, pet AND self buffs=)
must be soo cool in rvr the pet acts as cammo i would think Not easy to see where the arrows coms from when you stand inside your pet
Originally posted by Taggart
Yes i forgot about the topic of the thread there hehe. I haven't seen him for ages myself, maybe he is working in disneyland in a mickey mouse costum singing and dancing for those fat americans :>
Bring out the clowns!!
Originally posted by -dewey-
Ok, being the nosey bugger I am I decided to check up on Death on duskwave daoc.
He has apparently logged on recently but more surprising he has 0 RP, I doubt he's deleted his char, started again with an identical name and the same char just for the fun of exping another shadowblade to 50, is this somekind of /realm anon command? Just curious.