Dear mr.barrysworld, giv Crafters section!



I've been spamming the board with these posts before and i'm gonna do it again here...... give crafters section...

Reason i post it in the albion section instead of the general section is: look at the threads currently in the section... i think about 70% to 80% is crafting related...

I myself plan to spam 100000's of crafting threads once SC and alchemy get in...

So be nice and give section. :)


uhm... after josh_dk just spammed his shop around :) i have to revise my percentage.... it's 90% of threads now that are crafting-related


Cant you use the item trading forum for that?

Of course it might help if people stuck to 1 thread each rather than the creating more :)

Im not sure how many people actually look at the item trading forum - but the odd thread here pointing at it would be easier to control than the current 10+ threads on this forum.


Originally posted by Draylor
Cant you use the item trading forum for that?

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, NO


The wonderful world of tradeskills goes beyond the end-part of 'item-trading'... look at the threads in this section now...

Item trading is:

selling/looking for weapon/armor/item for xxxG

Crafting section is:

- crafters introduce themselves
- crafters post prices
- customers ask questions
- crafters among eachother share experiences
- crafters poach about how good they are :)

Anyone who wants to see a good example of how the US guys do it, just look at their Trade Skill section:

And as for moderators, if there aren't any suitable ones, i volunteer :)

I can be a good boy if i want to....... :)

I can.....



Originally posted by old.CrazyMuppet

And as for moderators, if there aren't any suitable ones, i volunteer :)

I can be a good boy if i want to....... :)

I can.....


Give the man a leash!
Sit Methos! Sit!


Heh, I think the muppet disagrees with me ;)

The board you link to is not specific to one server - I had thought you wanted to use this board for selling items (among other things)

The forums at tend to be better than the VN forum you linked to - or maybe its just my dislike of the VN boards :)

There do seem to be plenty of people "wasting their time/gold" at the forge recently, the forum would get some use. Even if all it did was collect all the "pricelist" threads in one place out of the way of the general spam it'd be useful.


i agree with main post give the forum crafting zergs somewhere else to post!!

as stated nearly all the foum is craft posts :( and its only gonna get a LOT worse once sc is in :(

giv crafters there forum!!!!!!

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Yea. Nowt interesting in any of the posts apart from people posting how much their wares cost and people bitching about how much they cost! ~yawn~

If this goes on then I will defect to Hibbie land!


I've been thinking for a while about starting a up a small crafting website for Albion excal only. Somewhere that people could get information about crafted items and where/who to get them from in albion.

Basically a database where crafters can log in and accept orders from registered customers, or post offers of currently made stuff or set prices for guaranteed quality merchandise (perhaps even a small automated auction system).

Would be quite difficult to set up but I'd be prepared to make a start if the high level crafters would use it and help with the ideas in how to get it working smoothly.

Bleri McThrust

Give crafters a forum :clap:

Look at Camlann (stupid name) They got one, sort off.

As crafting is going to become more and more popular it would be nice to seperate out those specific threads from the whines :D

You could also maybe move the Tavern forums into the general area and combine them. In fact lets have a complete overhaul of the forums.


Look at the Albion forum.

50%+ of the posts are crafting related, drowning out everything else. (Including my pricelist).

PLZPLZPLZ give crafter forum.

Bleri McThrust

Happy now ????

[edit] forgot to remove the last line. Done it know :)

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