Dear Jim'll Fix It



Dear Jim,

Please could you fix it for me to have a flaming, level 45 or above wizards staff? Flaming weapons in 1.48 look so 1337, and neither of my level 45 staves have flame effects. This makes me sad. If you could fix this for me I would be a very happy little pyromaniac.

- Wildfire, age 44.

Having seen lots of people waving around their shiny new (old) flaming weapons, I want one too! (me me me e.t.c.). However, I have no idea where to start looking, which databases to go through, or which forums to post on to ask about where I can acquire one. To be frank, any staff at 45 or above would be great, as lvl 50 items will become orange to me next level. I simply want a nice staff with a flamey bit so that I can look as uber as all the lower lvl players in the battlegrounds :(

Yes, this is all about looks rather than performance, although the performance of staves above level 45 is likely to be pretty nice anyway. Anyone who wants to chastise me for being shallow can feel free, but I will have my fingers in my ears while I recite all ten thousand verses of "rhubarb rhubarb".

Herbal Remedy

go kill fester in lyn barfog heard he drops a nice lvl 50 fire staff that has a particle effect - or just asked Mr Gimped Firewizz himself Zoyster (Yes pitty him he really does only have 49 firespec) becuase he has one after several weeks of nagging in guild chat - can we go kill fester

- Pathfinder -

You could just do a pickup group for Fester; he's not exactly difficult ;)


ROFL @ Herbal

I havn't seen the particle effect on it yet tho :D

PS: Guild can we go kill some more mobs in LB tonight I want the Ice one :)

PPS: Then can we go to DM so I can try and get the other 50 ICE one :)

PPPS: DM aint really a wizzies' place for drops and I have helped countless DM trips :)


I haven't seen a single staff with sparkles yet :/


Sounds good to me, when's the next LB trip :D


How many and what kind of lvls do you need to take on fester?

Herbal Remedy

Originally posted by old.Biohazard
I haven't seen a single staff with sparkles yet :/
veeshans got one - looks sweet


We killed him pretty easy with 11 people last night.

Main grp 2x lvl 50 Clerics, 1x lvl 50 Thurg, 1x lvl 50 Inf, 2x lvl 50 Mercs 1x lvl 50 Pali and 1x lvl 47 Minst with 49 Arm and 42(ish) Pali + one other I can't remember (sorry to who ever it was).

Think this was a bit of over kill cause the Clerics were mainly Smiting and not healing and no one died.


Well we got it last night but well.. someone who I'll leave unnamed leeched the kill and ran off with the staff. :rolleyes:

Next time play an alt on my friends list, and beat off all other Fire wizzes with a stick and it shall be yours Wildfire :)

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