Dear Goa



I'm writing this letter, because its obvious you people down there are out to steal my cookies and make me a sad sad man. (not that i'm sad already, stfu IG).

Seriously though, I was wondering what sort of influence we, the european community, have over the changes being discussed in future patches. I mean, I understand that we're not at the same patch as the people in America are, but our game issues are completely different than those of the Americans so why is it our in-game lives are ruled by the mistakes and successes of the Americans? (and I am myself American, so this isn't a <hate americans thing>)

I mean you guys there probably make decisions that influence our gameplay every day, but we never hear about it..? If we never hear about it, most of us begin to assume that you are doing nothing much sometimes (I understand much money is already being spent on us) but we never get anything unique!

<shruggs> Anywyas, my point is this, why don't you guys do anything we notice as being difinitively European. Such as special quests, unique mobs, new OTD's, different armor styles, new looking weapons for unique drops, the list goes on and on? If you have no imput in that area or are able to do things like that. But if you don't, then surely you must have imput on what is coming out in future patches (including those things), I mean you have to <sell> the stuff, don't you?


We have special european quest(look for GOA quests), we have events (ok never actually seen one, though think i saw a geersha once) so actually we have some different stuff than the americans.
Concerning armor and stuff, think i remember reading once that GOA as such is not allowed to create anything new in game, just small alterations(like moving an NPC, not like giving +2 more to some sword) to existing stuff(but dont belive everything i read)


I dont think they do events and such in the US like they do in GOA although i might be wrong. BUT they do have something which we dont - ingame support!

When is GOA going to start giving us some ingame support? All we have is a website which updates news like every few days? Im sure they can afford a few people to maintenance the game from ingame and come to everyones needs...


Firstly, yes we do have events here, something the US dont have, although I do think the majority of us that try to paticipate in the are left feeling a little empty at the end, ie; no goals, drops or rewards for our efforts. But still they do take time for GOA to plan and execute.

In game help, well us volunteers are there to help with game type queries, however, GOA are for all intents and purposes a franchise from Mythic. They have to give a large chunck of the cash to them, and to Wanadoo as well for the hosting. This leaves them without nearly enough capital to mainstain staffing levels sufficient for CSRs in game. Only thing I could maybe suggest here is that certain volunteers are given a CSR status, whether thats possible I dont know, but its worth considering.

AFAIK GOA are trying to get unique euro quests too, liek the recent test ones. This shows they are at least willing to try, which is more than a lot would. If successful, then I think we will see a lot more quests and OTD on the go real soon.

The staffng levels at GOA I think are no where near what they would like, but the do the best with what they have. Seeing how many ppl whine on here on a daily basis, imagine their email inbox from rightnow complaints, and the amount of junk too, "I stubbed my norsemans toe, wheres a nurse in game?" kind of rubish. It does happen, so sometimes think that each CSR is probably trying to deal with 1-200 complaints a day thru rightnow, as well as testing patches, dealing with complaints and bugs and the general day to day running of the game. Have a little sympathy.

Another thing that takes time, the patches. Translation and testing is not easy, they do their utmost to dish them out when they are ready, as the raw ones that come from Mythic never seem to work right. The difference is Mythic test as they make them, GOA have to rely upon what Mythic provide, and if thats shat, then theres a lot of work ahead.

Having seen also that GOA (Thanx Zargar / Kemor) are willing to put a little effort our way when requested, liek last years Midstock, or the Hib poetry day, where they change the environment to help us, I can say they are by no means slacking.

Sorry if I seem to be applying the sympathy vote or kissing their arses here, but I do tend to look at it more from their side now I understand what they have to put up with fro us miserable sods.


Talks too much!

My comment was never a whine, I was just wondering what the word on one of my primary concerns about the game was. Many people feel rvr can be unbalanced and thus usually spend much time crafting, testing quests for fun, or just goofing off rather than spending 24/7 in odins. To this extent I was curious as to what GOA was doing to appease the population of people who DON'T rvr non-stop <coughcoughAnyoneExceptNP,GoL,PP,VGN,etcetcetcetccoughcough>

It's great that you were able to post this information as I never find out about this stuff in game, or in friday news. I understand the people at GOA have to make do with what they have, and I was just curious as to what has been happening. I sincerely hope they are able to create unique quests that we've never seen before, as this is more of a whine ;) 100% of our quests we get in newer patches require no thought, just looking up the right url, and already knowing what the drop is and its stats, not my idea of a mythical game surrounded by mysteriousness.

If GOA are allowed to tell us anymore about their hopes for us to appease us PvE players, tell us more often what you have planned :)

Thanks much!

Edit: Half my msg got cut off for some reason when i posted


There is a huge cost at having CSR 24/7

To have anywhare near sane shifts for the people working CSR you need about 7 people to get 1 CRS 24/7 add to that the cost of shift bonuses, night time bonus weekend bonus ect and you end up paying for about 20 people just to have 1 CRS 24/7

now take 12 servers * 3 realms * 7 ppl and you get to pay 252 people just to have 1 crs on every realm on every server.


alternatively just make a char called CSRXXXXXX and answer peoples qwuestions with random answers






Originally posted by oblivion_6
alternatively just make a char called CSRXXXXXX and answer peoples qwuestions with random answers







But then Mythic would have to do 2 lots of programming. We all know GOA cant program fuck all, they just upload all mythics work and run a server lol


We get a "story event" once every few months that doesnt actually lead to anything interesting and a rubbish trade skills quest that doesnt have a reward, thats about all i can see


Great info all, but btw, no one from GOA bothered to answer this. <Rolls eyes> I know they check these forums, so that's a bit dissapointing


Cap'n Sissyfoo

Hopefully they are busy fixing the subs page and are too tied up to answer. least, they had better be. ~shakes fist~

Georg Granfeldt

Originally posted by Sibanac
There is a huge cost at having CSR 24/7

To have anywhare near sane shifts for the people working CSR you need about 7 people to get 1 CRS 24/7 add to that the cost of shift bonuses, night time bonus weekend bonus ect and you end up paying for about 20 people just to have 1 CRS 24/7

now take 12 servers * 3 realms * 7 ppl and you get to pay 252 people just to have 1 crs on every realm on every server.

If the US have CSR ingame why cant we
dont say O little GOA do this for just fun they get paid.

I never want to hear another - O they have a bad time we must forgive them Im sick of that.


Originally posted by Whoodoo_RD
Firstly, yes we do have events here, something the US dont have, although I do think the majority of us that try to paticipate in the are left feeling a little empty at the end, ie; no goals, drops or rewards for our efforts. But still they do take time for GOA to plan and execute.
They seem very worthwhile for everyone then.

Originally posted by Whoodoo_RD
In game help, well us volunteers are there to help with game type queries, however, GOA are for all intents and purposes a franchise from Mythic. They have to give a large chunck of the cash to them, and to Wanadoo as well for the hosting. This leaves them without nearly enough capital to mainstain staffing levels sufficient for CSRs in game. Only thing I could maybe suggest here is that certain volunteers are given a CSR status, whether thats possible I dont know, but its worth considering.[/B]
That's not our fault or really our problem. (I can see it is our problem in some sense but thats not what I mean.)
If a company can't operate at the level of efficency expected of them, noone can be blamed for voicing their displeasure with the service.

Originally posted by Whoodoo_RD
AFAIK GOA are trying to get unique euro quests too, liek the recent test ones. This shows they are at least willing to try, which is more than a lot would. If successful, then I think we will see a lot more quests and OTD on the go real soon.[/B]
It would be a lot wiser if GOA were to do a poll on this and work out how much of the customer base wants them to invest in this or instead in other areas of the game/service.

Originally posted by Whoodoo_RD
The staffng levels at GOA I think are no where near what they would like, but the do the best with what they have.
There have been only a handful of job roles advertised.

Originally posted by Whoodoo_RD
Seeing how many ppl whine on here on a daily basis, imagine their email inbox from rightnow complaints, and the amount of junk too, "I stubbed my norsemans toe, wheres a nurse in game?" kind of rubish. It does happen, so sometimes think that each CSR is probably trying to deal with 1-200 complaints a day thru rightnow, as well as testing patches, dealing with complaints and bugs and the general day to day running of the game. Have a little sympathy.[/B]
Which patch are GOA testing now btw?

Originally posted by Whoodoo_RD
Another thing that takes time, the patches. Translation and testing is not easy, they do their utmost to dish them out when they are ready, as the raw ones that come from Mythic never seem to work right. The difference is Mythic test as they make them, GOA have to rely upon what Mythic provide, and if thats shat, then theres a lot of work ahead.[/B]
And GOA have a test server that their customer wants to use, which would help them test the patches, yet aren't able to.


Originally posted by Whoodoo_RD


Another thing that takes time, the patches. Translation and testing is not easy, they do their utmost to dish them out when they are ready, as the raw ones that come from Mythic never seem to work right. The difference is Mythic test as they make them, GOA have to rely upon what Mythic provide, and if thats shat, then theres a lot of work ahead.

Translations do not take a lot of time i.e. I localised (translated + tested), auditioned voices and recorded Moto GP2 in umpteen languages in 5 days, done edited in game - there's no excuse for the length of time they dither over the patching except either they're not very good at it or can't be arsed to pay realistic localisation rates (with our $$) For 3 languages 10000 words can be translated tested and implemented in a ridiculously short amount of time (seeing as it's only text) I'm at a loss over the lead times for delivery......


Originally posted by Sethus
Great info all, but btw, no one from GOA bothered to answer this. <Rolls eyes> I know they check these forums, so that's a bit dissapointing

Well, they don't even bother to read RightNever questions, why should they read here?

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