Dear Diary...


Roo Stercogburn


Found a bottle of tequila lying around. Ok, it was in an off-license and I had to buy it to get it, thats not the point.

Logged in and joined a random group for RvR. Everyone stood around looking at me like they were expecting something so I stuck on someone and said AFK until they decided to go off and kill stuff. Then told everyone I was back. I love insta debuffs. Nobody can tell if you're AFK or casting because there's no animation associated with it.

Got very very drunk. Missed lots of PM's.


Drinking a lot of orange juice. Memory had a few gaps here and there but nothing above my usual warning threshhold until I got a load of PM's asking when the relic raid is and got this horrible feeling I'd said something I shouldn't the night before. Sent out a few quiet feelers to some peeps I know and got told everyone is buzzing about the clever plan. Got to find out what that plan is and who has it without giving the game away.

Got a lot of PM's about missed PM's.

Got asked something difficult class specific. Said I don't play that class then scrolled back and realised they were talking about SMs. Fortunately it was taken as a joke and got told what a great guy I was. PM'd someone who knows what they're doing and fed the information back to the requester. Got told I was a great guy again.


Cracked it. Arranged a meeting and asked peeps what they thought of 'The Plan'. Was gradually able to piece together the various bits and worked out what we're doing. Sort of. Just need to find people I can offload all the real work onto. Oooh someone said they like siege stuff.

Missed some PM's.


Damn those Mjollneir doors were tough. Took ages to get through. Fortunately no Albs showed up. Relics are bugged though, we couldn't pick them up. Have sent a bug report to Right Now. Albs are laughing at us on forums but I thought we did well to get that far.

Two guilds in alliance have fallen out and each has threatened to leave unless the other is booted. Started a CG and let them shout at each other for half an hour. Had no idea what to say to them so said nothing and went AFK. They worked it out themselves. Got told what a great guy I was.

Searching the internet for some kind of parser that will let me track missed PM's.


Got beer. Joined an RvR-guild group. Didn't like this, had to actually do stuff. Managed to convince them that the only reason I wasn't hitting the right target was because I thought the healer was about to be attacked. Late evening the healer did actually get attacked. Didn't like to say it was because I'd broken the mez on the guy that ended up attacking him but nobody seemed to have noticed. Fortunately because the enemy was hitting the healer I could nuke him to death. Got told what a great guy I was.

Was having trouble getting more beer. Usually buff stops are long enough for me to dive to the fridge but this bloody group just keeps going and only takes about 10 secs to buff. Ended up faking not having Long Wind 1 so they'd have to come back and get me periodically which gave me time to get beer.


*dies laughing*

thanks Roo. Made my monday morning :)

wheres the 'Archive for Posterity' button?


Youre such a great guy



tho it reminded me strangely of the Very Secret Diaries :)


Originally posted by Belsameth

tho it reminded me strangely of the Very Secret Diaries :)
aye,same but gave me still a good laugh :D


Gifv Roo custom title of Warped Megalomaniac imo :p


damn alchy! :)
roo fortehwin! (no longer fotm saying)


anything to unsettle you ol'boy :D

In the name of Albion, give this man a title! We need help!


Nicodemus writes all this stuff for him really, Roo just posts it cause he thinks chicks might dig it :p


Originally posted by old.Tyraette
i've met nico.....


:p :D

Pfft, Chimpodemus is the greatest mind in Mudgard. Although that isn't really saying much as most the of plantlife in Mudgard has a higher I.Q. :p

Roo Stercogburn

Come on Papa Cho, you can do better than that. A bit of gusto please. This is Barrysworld, not your bedroom. Stop being so limp :)


Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn
Come on Papa Cho, you can do better than that. A bit of gusto please. This is Barrysworld, not your bedroom. Stop being so limp :)

Making absurd posts like the above won't change the fact that you are Chickodemus's biatch :p She has sent me the photos to prove it :D


Personally I've always seen Nico and Roo as the Daoc equivalent of the Chuckle Brothers :p

Roo Stercogburn

Ooooh so close to a decent return volley. Never mind my petit Cho, I'll ask Nico nicely to write you some funnies. Will be a nice change for you :D


could have sworn the title for this topic was Dear Deidre...


Shameful, Completely and utterly shameful.

You think drinking till you are off your head is 'Big, Hard and Tough'? Eh, well lets just rollback, it ISN'T, I feel ashamed.

Roo Stercogburn

Politically correct? Possibly not.

But thats as far as it goes. Fairly harmless actually.

Will probably do a few more of these at random as I've got a few ideas bubbling away but if you didn't like this one you'll shit hot conkers when you see the others :D


Originally posted by Nicodemus
Ignore him Chod, he has problems admitting I write all his material. I took pity on the poor sod a while ago and started writing stuff for him so people would think he was cool, not the poor lonely sheep farmer he actually is. Years of breeding <cough> cattle has addled the poor fools mind and caused a terrible rash, if it wasn't for the government's care in the community program he would have been locked away years ago. He will never be cool in a million years unlike yourself but please let him belive he is, much more peaceful that way.



Originally posted by Xravius
Shameful, Completely and utterly shameful.

You think drinking till you are off your head is 'Big, Hard and Tough'? Eh, well lets just rollback, it ISN'T, I feel ashamed.

aren't you taking this post a bit serious? :)


Originally posted by Belsameth
aren't you taking this post a bit serious? :)

think he's joking tho :D

imagine getting hammered, and being able to press a button, and have a rollback :D

Old Nicodemus

Originally posted by old.cHodAX

^^ indeed.

You Sir.. are a liar and a cad... a bounder and a charlatan.. a wearer of womens clothing and a singer of lumberjack songs. To be quite frank you smell.

I refute your posting as the imagined writings of a tabloid hack.. do you honestly believe cattle would be associated with this man?

I truely believe that your own dark fantasies have once again taken hold of your poor feeble deluded mind and run rampant with you. I would urge to find help as you are obviously suffering from a heavy case of galloping knob rot.


Unimpressed of Vanern Swamp.

PS I look forward to your deluded reply.


Originally posted by Old Nicodemus
^^ indeed.

You Sir.. are a liar and a cad... a bounder and a charlatan.. a wearer of womens clothing and a singer of lumberjack songs. To be quite frank you smell.

I refute your posting as the imagined writings of a tabloid hack.. do you honestly believe cattle would be associated with this man?

I truely believe that your own dark fantasies have once again taken hold of your poor feeble deluded mind and run rampant with you. I would urge to find help as you are obviously suffering from a heavy case of galloping knob rot.


Unimpressed of Vanern Swamp.

PS I look forward to your deluded reply.

That is alot of words for person with a challenged I.Q. such as you old boy. ;) Btw I got cream for the knobrot and it has cleared up nicely :p

Old Nicodemus

Originally posted by old.cHodAX
That is alot of words for person with a challenged I.Q. such as you old boy. ;) Btw I got cream for the knobrot and it has cleared up nicely :p

Yes.. but you are the only person I know who has to apply the cream to his forehead.


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