Dear Diary 2...


Roo Stercogburn


Couldn't log on as ISP is down. Decided I'd tell everyone I was out chasing chicks so I'd look cool.

Sat at broken internet connection and pined a lot.


Alliance hunt to some dungeon or other. No idea what it was. Just logged on my caster as they can't hurt the main mobs there anyway so could I justify doing very little. Finding that buffing during fights very effective for fooling people.

Got PM's about how to spec Shadowblades. Never played one, no idea.

Nobody believed I was out chasing chicks. Possibly mentioning Kylie snores stretched credibility slightly. Of course she wouldn't snore.


Hibs did a relic raid. Joined the Defence CG to see where I should stay away from. Everyone thought I was there to help. Ended up with 100 Mids stuck to me and chugging around the frontier. Had hoped to avoid the Hibs but we accidently bumped into them and had to fight. Found a nice safe place at the back where I could say encouraging things to my fellow Mids while they got on with it.

More PM's from SBs. Getting annoyed now. I don't know what speed of weapon best for offhand, don't care, and am never likely to care.


Some new guy has joined the guild. Knows a lot about game mechanics, lots of experience, has a good way with people and knows how to lead a hunt. He has to go.

Have added some more SBs to my ignore list.


Got beer. Unwisely decided to do some RvR. We did a keep take then sat around waiting for the Albs but they never came. So we took another keep. Still no Albs. Another keep. No Albs. Sent someone to look for them and they were all sat outside Castle Sauvage. Found out on forums later they were looking for someone that knew the way.

Am tempted to reroll to another realm just so I can start killing SBs. Sent a strongly worded email to Mythic to have SBs removed from the game. Got a reply within minutes saying "We're already working on it."


lol Roo, classic :clap: but one thing has been puzzling me, should I dump envenom and train more in the wpn lines instead?


Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn
Still no Albs. Another keep. No Albs. Sent someone to look for them and they were all sat outside Castle Sauvage. Found out on forums later they were looking for someone that knew the way.

Vile :clap:

Old Nicodemus

Re: Re: Re: Re: Dear Diary 2...

Originally posted by old.cHodAX
Chimpodemus lives!! :clap: :m00: :clap:

Yes.. the knuckledragger is back.



.. well I laugh at my own jokes too.

And if we albs can't find our way in our own frontier that's
allright. Because .. ours is more difficult :p

aaaand yer. Not funny.
don't laugh.

I mean .. that's why they introduced corpse summoners :)

Even we can manage the basic principles of dieing.
After some dry runs.

Wee Soulkeeper


That´s a Dark SM in his best years ;)


there is a reason to drop by on these boards every now and then :D



Originally posted by old.Hellskor
there is a reason to drop by on these boards every now and then :D


Barrysworld are going to be giving free beer out?!?!!?! :D


Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn

Some new guy has joined the guild. Knows a lot about game mechanics, lots of experience, has a good way with people and knows how to lead a hunt. He has to go.

Have added some more SBs to my ignore list.

hahaha oh dear :) You are a star Roo ;)

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