SPAM Dealing with hecklers


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
Telling the heckler to be quiet

'Shut up.'
'Shut the fuck up.'
'Fuck off.'
'On a scale of one to ten- fuck off.'
'Look man, I grew up in the ghetto, I've been through
your wallet, I know where you live, shut up, sit
down.' The comedian is black.
'Shut yer fucking face! Unless you have something
intelligent to say.'
'I'm not really good with hecklers, but a friend who is
good with hecklers wrote something down for me. Oh,
yeah, "Fuck off!"' The comedian takes a piece of paper
from his pocket and pretends to read from it before
saying "Oh, yeah".
To a child: 'Why don't you take a piggy back ride on a
buzz saw?'
'Sir, if I said anything to offend you, please believe
'You know, I think you've got nothing there.'
'I'll buy you a beer if you'll drink it in Oakland.' The
comedian is in San Francisco. Oakland is a largely
black town on the other side of the Bay, which is the
butt of many local jokes.
'Hey, man, I like doing my act the way you like having
sex- alone.'
'Why don't you put your nose in your ear and blow your
brains out?'
To an aggressive group of hecklers who were walking away
from the show: 'Oh, yeah?' This was said quietly, so
that the audience could hear it, but the hecklers
could not.
'Do you know who I am?- Not many people do. That's why I
carry this.' The comedian then makes a one finger
gesture considered crude in America. This is a parody
of a series of American Express commercials in which
this phrase precedes the display of a credit card.
To a heckler who has just said something which is not
funny: 'Well, I don't know about you, but my sides are
splitting. Aren't you glad you got out of bed to say
that?' Said sarcastically.

Calling the heckler asshole

'If I wanted to hear from an asshole I would have
'If you want to be on stage we'll switch places - you
come up here and be funny, I'll go down there and act
like an asshole.'
'The difference between a comic and an asshole- is about
ten feet.'
'What an asshole.' This line works best if the comedian
is polite to the heckler first.
'I'm sorry, I don't know how to deal with you, I'm a
comic not a proctologist.'
'Is that a heckler?' 'No, it's an asshole.' This is
performed by two comedians, one of whom says the first
line and the other the second.
To a pair of hecklers: 'Stereo assholes.'
'Seventeen more of you and we'd have a golf course.' A
golf course has eighteen holes.
'On a scale of one to ten- you're an asshole.'
'Excuse me, what was that?- I like that, assholes with
amnesia.' The second part of this line is only used
if the heckler fails to repeat what he just said.
'Any more bright ideas, asshole?'

Implying the heckler is drunk or drugged

'It's alright, I remember the first time I had a beer.'
'It's alright, I remember the first time I had a
'Don't smoke marijuana, this could happen to you.'
To a child: 'Go ask mummy for a valium.'
To a child: 'Go ask mummy for a thorazine.'
To a child: 'Had a little too much sugar this morning?'
'Children, just say "No"- Children, look at this man-
just say "No"!' This is a reference to an anti-drug
'Here's an alcoholic who doesn't want to remain
'You shouldn't drink on an empty head.'
'Looks like the face on the bar room floor finally got
'He's suffering from bottle fatigue.'
'One more word out of you and I'll put you back in your
bottle of alcohol.' This implies that the heckler is a
biological specimen.
'Isn't it amazing what a little kindness, patience and
benzedrine can do?'
'I'm sorry, I don't speak alcoholic.'

Implying the heckler is childish

'Isn't that special?'
'Thank you for sharing.'
'I hope your face clears up.'
To a child: 'What's the matter, kid, didn't you get
enough attention at home?'
'You go home and tell this joke to your mum, because you
still live with her.'
'Everyone else here works and plays well with others.'
'Don't yell at me, I ain't your mother.'
To a child: 'Now I know why some animals eat their
To a child: 'You make me wish I'd donated to Planned
To a child: 'I love kids- lightly sauteed.'
To a child: 'I love children, I eat one every day.'
To a child: 'I have the heart of a child - in a jar at
home.' As with all spoken comedy, timing of heckler
lines is important. One comedian who reviewed an
earlier version of this article was particularly
concerned with the rhythm or meter with which the line
is delivered. This is one of several lines he
modified. The previous version was 'I have the heart
of a small child - in a jar in the kitchen.'
To a child: 'If you guys want to grow up you'll stop
now, cause I'm bigger than you are and I carry
hatchets, so deal with that.' The comedian is a
juggler, who juggles hatchets in his act.
To a child: 'What are you going to be IF you grow up?'
To a child: 'This year's poster child for zero
population growth.'
To a child who has just been funny: 'That was a pretty
good joke, kid. What are you trying to do, top your
'You could get a job in a charm school- as a bad

Implying the heckler is an idiot

'I'm paid to act like a fool, what's your excuse?'
'What holds your ears apart?'
'I see your therapy's coming along just fine'
'So what's the matter? "Thirtysomething" was on reruns?'
The author believes that "Thirtysomething" is a
television program.
'What, was there no tractor pull on tonight, you had
nothing to do?' A "tractor pull" is a form of
televised "entertainment" too stupid to explain.
'Did you go to school on the big school bus or the
little school bus?' "The little school bus" would be
used for handicapped children.
'We'll have a telethon for you later.' "Telethons" are
long television programs which attempt to raise
charitable contributions usually for the diseased or
'Were you in the special class at school?' "The special
class" would be for mentally handicapped children.
'Are you from the shallow end of the gene pool?'
'Do all your friends wear hockey helmets and go on a lot
of field trips?' Implies the heckler was in a class of
mentally handicapped children.
'Every village has one.'
'There's a guy who'll never get cancer of the brain.'
'He's a legend in his own mind.'
To a heckler who has just got a laugh: 'That's pretty
good, got another one? No? That's why I'm up here and
you're down there.'
'Isn't it amazing that such a big head can hold such a
small mind?'
'Hey, mind your own business- or don't you own a
business- or a mind?' The comedian I collected this
line from was particularly concerned that I get the
timing correct. As he put it, "It's 'Hey, mind your
own business,' one, two, three, 'or don't you own a
business?' one, two, three, 'or a mind?'"
'Well, there's something penicillin won't cure.'
'Your parents must be cousins.'
'Isn't it a shame when cousins marry?'
To a heckler who has said something inaudible:
'Aaaughhh!' Said as if imitating the heckler.
'Where are you from?- That explains it.'
'Where are you from?- Sorry?- No, I heard you, I'm just

Implying the heckler is ugly

'Is that really your face or did your neck just throw
'Is that your face or did you just block a kick?'
'You're the only case where the baby died and the
afterbirth lived.'
'On a scale of one to ten- you're ugly.'
To a man: 'You're ugly, your dick is short, no one likes
you, shut the fuck up.'
To a man: 'You look like Beaver Cleaver, is your mum
going to make us a swell pot roast today?' "Beaver
Cleaver" was a child character in an early situation
comedy, "Leave it to Beaver".
'I've seen better faces on a clock, and even then a
cuckoo came out.'
To an adolescent girl: 'Ah, the flower of womanhood! You
look more like the stem.'
'I've seen better faces on an iodine bottle.' An iodine
bottle is labelled with a skull and cross bones to
indicate poison.
'Is that a wart on your tongue, or did you bring your
To an older woman: 'Give me a break will you. After all,
you'd still have the funniest lines in the place if
you kept your mouth shut.'
To a woman: 'How many peeping Toms have you cured?'
To a bearded man: 'Get a shave. Your face looks like an
'You could play a human being with a little rehearsing.'
'You've got just the right kind of looks for television.
Two more legs and you could star in a western.'
To one or more men in suits: 'Oh, look, a C&R commercial
just got let out.' "C&R" make cheap suits.
To someone with an obviously expensive haircut: 'Hey,
you, Mr. Supercuts.' "Supercuts" are cheap barbers.
Usually to a woman: 'Did you hear Jenny Craig is having
a special?' "Jenny Craig" is a weight loss program.

Sexual insults

Usually to a woman: 'You'd look good with a dick in your
mouth. Just kidding, you'd look good with everyone's
dick in your mouth.'
To a man: 'I don't have a lot of time for this so let's
get it over quickly - you're ugly, your dick is small
and everybody fucks your mother.'
To a man: 'Good to see you again, back in men's
To a man: 'Look, it's my old school master. How are you
doing Master Bater?' This can really get a laugh on
stage, though it looks painful in writing.
To someone who has just said "That's easy": 'So's your
'Is that your boyfriend?- Small world.'
'Is that your wife? - Small world.'
To a man who has just implied the comedian is gay: 'Only
one way to find out if I'm gay - suck my dick and see
if I come.'
To a man who has just implied the comedian is gay: 'Only
one way to find out if I'm gay - suck my dick and see
if I try to stop you.'
To a man who has just implied the comedian is gay: 'You
want to know if I'm gay - you and your girlfriend bend
over and see who I fuck.'
'Eat me.'
To a man: 'Save your breath, you'll need it to blow up
your date later- I don't know what happened, I bit her
ear, she farted and flew out the window.' This implies
that the heckler uses an inflatable plastic doll for
sexual purposes.
To a man or boy: 'You're just bitter 'cause your parents
wanted a boy.'
To a man: 'Let's go somewhere and drink lattÄs and talk
about it.' This is said as if the comedian is flirting
with the heckler. It is particularly effective with
Mormons who do not drink coffee.
To a man: 'Do you like espresso?' Said as if the
comedian is flirting with the heckler.
To a man: 'You couldn't get laid in a whorehouse with a
fistful of twenties.'
To a man who has just said "Fuck you!": 'Fuck me, you'll
never go back to women.'
To a man the comedian has just insulted: 'Sorry, that's
a low blow- Speaking of low blows, how's your wife?'
To a heckler who has failed to respond to an insult:
'What's the matter? Got your tongue caught in a
To two men: 'Where are you from?- You guys come
together?- Oh really?' "Oh really" is said in a tone
of voice that implies the men are gay.
To a man who has just implied the comedian is gay: '
Why, are you lonely?'
To a woman: 'Did you folks hear about the good time that
was had by all? Well, here she is.'
To a woman standing at the edge of the stage: 'While
you're down there do an old friend a favour.'
To the boyfriend of a woman heckler: 'Slap the bitch!'
This would normally be too strong an insult to use on
stage, but the comedian has a particularly aggressive
stage character and built up to this with milder
insults to which the heckler responded.

Insults to parents

'I went to Baskin Robbins and the flavor of the month
was your mother. I has two scoops'. "Baskin Robbins"
is a chain of ice cream parlours.
To a heckler who has just said "That's easy": 'So's your
'Were your parents related? At least they had the same
last name.'
'I could have been your father but my brother beat me to
it cause he had change for a dollar.'
'Yo mama.' The comedian is black, or performing to a
black audience. This implies he is about to insult the
heckler's mother.
'People like you make me wish birth control was
'I'm glad you came. Too bad your father did.'
To a child: 'Shut up or I'll put my hand in my pocket
and strangle your father.'

Implying the heckler has a menial job

'This is my job. I don't come into McDonalds' and give
you a hard time when you're at work.'
'This is my job. I don't knock the shovel out of your
hand when you're at work.'
Usually to a woman: 'This is my job. I don't knock the
dick out of your mouth when you're at work.'
To a woman: 'This is my job. I don't come and put out
your red light when you're at work.'
'This is my job. I don't show up at your job and unplug
the Slurpee machine.' The "Slurpee machine" serves an
almost edible product in certain fast food
To a woman: 'This is my job. I don't show up at your job
and jump on the bed.'
'This is my impression of you at work: "Do you want
fries with that?"'
'Look chick, you made your expenses for the night, let
me make mine.' This implies that the woman is a
prostitute. The line is an old one, and the term
"chick" might no longer be acceptable.
To a platinum blonde woman: 'Isn't platinum a precious
metal? Or is it a common ore?' This is a pun on
To a woman: 'You work your side of the street and I'll
work mine.' Said by a street juggler.
'This is my job. I don't peer in the alley when you're
giving blow jobs to transsexuals.'
To a man: 'This is my job. I don't show up at your job
at the sperm clinic and jerk the Playboy out of your

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