Deadly Control



New Map From Gryffinder
Only people i have DCC'ed the map respond....
ie no Albertrud mouthing off etc.
Thoughts and responses and suggestions


As I'm one of 'those' that got given the map i skulked onto play the map, and to my delight i believe this could be a good map (my god!) as there aint many these days....

However i have a belief that the H O being cut off on one side of the map could mean the H O comin entirely from one side, this could have a hinderence on future gameplay, on the other hand, may make it great we shall see. Oh and don't forget the objective way up in the center of the map, that (once taken) controls the turrets on the walls in the main gullies, overall i like this map, but have yet to see it's potential when full with players, only way to find out is to try....

Good ideas, Impaler


I was very disappointed with this map Gryff.
For starters there were no bottles of Jack Daniels strategically placed - always a key element to a good map imho.
Second there were no pictures of the fabulous teen temptress Lolly to amuse the lonely defender. Miss Lolly is a living legend, a teenage titan to which all defenders aspire to when waiting for the hordes of slovenly cappers queueing at the Inv station to get the fuck out of the way.
The third and last obvious mistake is that there were simply NO ways to cheat on the map. Come on for Christsakes! All new maps are REQUIRED to have a bug that makes it possible for you to fall through the floor and end up in Barnsley with the enemy flag in your little mitt.
i am disgusted at this effort and withdraw my vote to make you chief UKTL and ETL admin.


lol...god save us from a pissed up Xtro..

Most ppl shout "defending our base"...not Xtro

The best he managed at i3 was "Im gonna puke"



I'm glad our voted England captain is trying to keeping up our good standards in stop these goody, goody Map writers from making unexploitable maps.


Soz Xtro
I will make a map that can be completely exploited by one team and not the other.....
I will make the bases look like Jack Daniels Bottles and change the terrain to one big picture of whoever it is you fancy?
Are you happy now?

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