I know from the amount of people on the T2 servers that it hasn't quite died out (it's the only game that still has any pull on me to make me sit at my PC for hours at a time).
But how dead is the tribes "scene" ??? Judging by the number of posts here and the fact that the last entry on TribesNation was made on the 30th of November I'm thinking the word "dodo" is in order????
Or maybe I'm wrong.
Shame really - the T1 scene was still fairly strong until T2 came along. sniff
But how dead is the tribes "scene" ??? Judging by the number of posts here and the fact that the last entry on TribesNation was made on the 30th of November I'm thinking the word "dodo" is in order????
Or maybe I'm wrong.
Shame really - the T1 scene was still fairly strong until T2 came along. sniff