Dead Dragons Society



Our guild has lost a few members under the last summer now we want to fill our ranks again if you like alitle roleplay killing mobs and ganking some mids write a few words about your self on or msg a dds member and ask for Linoge


Or you could ask for me also, or any officer :)

For a little information about us, we're a roleplaying / roleplaying friendly guild. Best thing to do is talk to one of us ingame or through our forums.

We're a decent (if slightly odd) bunch of people :D Would be nice to see a few new faces so give us a holler if you're interested.


Please bare in mind that i think our website is down at the moment :eek7:. anyway you can always drop me a private message by this here forum.

Attractive Female 20 somethings especialy welcome :wij:

Hur rah for the Dead Dragon Society :bazbeer:

maybe you should change the topic to Dead Dragon society [Recruiting] or such Juzzam ?


I have always liked you DDS guys - I can remember having a "rather be Red than Dead" spam fest with a few of you at Cots Bindstone waaaaaaay back just after retail opened with my now-deleted armsman Brachfae and I will never forget the day Prue jumped off a horse on her way to Av Marsh and ran 2/3 of the way across SP just to rezz me :clap:

You're a good bunch and if it wasn't for the fact that I would rather be red than dead I'd be with you :p


Originally posted by gibberish
I have always liked you DDS guys - I can remember having a "rather be Red than Dead" spam fest with a few of you at Cots Bindstone waaaaaaay back just after retail opened with my now-deleted armsman Brachfae and I will never forget the day Prue jumped off a horse on her way to Av Marsh and ran 2/3 of the way across SP just to rezz me :clap:

You're a good bunch and if it wasn't for the fact that I would rather be red than dead I'd be with you :p

Won't never forget that, think you misread Dead Dragon with Red Dragon and you were asking pretty nice to a supposed guild mate, so I came over instead of telling you the truth :) Think if there were that game function you would have blushed and turned red (not your cloak but your face) :)))

Gimme a shout again when your dead far away from civilisation :)

W. aka Prue :)


LOL yep Wich

Woz pretty much a complete n00b back in those days (some things dont change) and misread the guild name and being new to RD thought u were a char I hadn't seen on before.

Did ask a DDS guy a couple of weeks ago if he knew you and if you were still playing but he was pretty new to the guild and didn't recognise the name Prue (shame on him)


Originally posted by gibberish
Did ask a DDS guy a couple of weeks ago if he knew you and if you were still playing but he was pretty new to the guild and didn't recognise the name Prue (shame on him)

Prolly not his fault, played SWG for a while and was only once per week on DAoC and then RL-reasons forced me to stay off for nearly two month...



You could have asked me :)

i cant keep up with the amount of different usernames prue uses these days.

Anyway this is supposed to be a recruitment thread so shoo.

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