
think not... everyone here is above 13 years old :)



im 16 and i love dragon ball z
it is brillant
with go ku the super seian
my fav charcter is king ki because he is quite funny
To bad thay are repeating most of them now
Trunx was funny and i wonder if the killing machines will be shown for the earths special forces to fight


U r a very sad mother f****r

i fink u needs some kind of help-like electrode shock treatment to help u grow up and act ur age

geez i dunno no wonder the lower genrations are getting dummer by the year!!!!


to listy if u are listening

i like to hang on to my childhood and the fact that i am an intelligent a-level gnvq student makes no link to what i wacth on tv so ha ha ha
see u soon person i do not know


I do so hate people who bring up their academic qualifications as if that has any relevence to how much of a leper / cunt / insert appropriate name here - they are.

fs, no-one gives a fuck what you're doing in school.


Re: to listy if u are listening

Originally posted by plightstar
i like to hang on to my childhood and the fact that i am an intelligent a-level gnvq student makes no link to what i wacth on tv so ha ha ha
As another point, if you're an "intelligent" a-level student, why can't you punctuate sentences or at least construct them so they flow well?



to plightstar-u brain dead lill shit

i is a master of physics and astrophysics student studing at LU-we have the higest entry requirements for physics in the country bar oxford and cambride-who imight add only do physics as a natural science and so is technically impure.

we have top reaserch mark for country to, i took alevels and got a for physics, chemistry and maths
so shut the F**K up u nobaody and go rid the world of ur insulting ideas

as for seeing u, u are so insignifigant compared to everyone else on the msg board ppl would walk through u rather than take notice of u

so when i say grow up i mean it, and u see my advice as always is sound, balanced and technically beyond ur scope of imagination

btw-if u think mes is a liar ask kryten since we went school together and lives just down the road from me!!!!


Calm down ladies, you all know that I am the most intelligent of my generation of peeps innit fo' reeel.

old.brock landers

listy - are you a dentist?

if not you should be you're so far up your own arse you could carry out dental maintenance on your teeth.

btw - qualifications - go tell somebody who gives a fock what you have got

ssaaaadddd ttttwwww*****tttttt

have you got a life?

me thinks not...................................

old.brock landers

btw listy

aer yuo dislexxicc-
feckin daft twonk-
i suppose good grasp of english language isn't needed to study these days............
no wonder u have to pay tuition fees these days - i wouldn't have faith in u passing a mcdonalds interview
never mind a science degree


Seeing as we're flaming everyone like fucking babies, I'd like to say: I AM A CUNT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

pls thx bye


Sorry Everybody

I am very sorry for kicking up a fuss its that most of the people i meet on the net are between 6 and 14
so i am very sorry if i affended anybody please forgive me
i am a alright person when u get to know me


after you've seen adult Manga...DBZ just doesnt come close...its just another cheap cartoon...tho some of the fight scenes are alright you just cant beat Manga for their great fight scenes "fist of the north star" anyone? :)


Yep man, appologies all round i spose but hey i just dont like being dissed by kids-and yes compared to me plightster u is a kid.

as for u brock landers-shut up
btw i dont pay tuition fees-cuz i is poor, me whole pissin family is poor:(
hey but i dont care, i can live wiv that

and i do know loads of ppl who gives a F**K bout qualifications-like the reseach units spred throught the world!!!!!
hehe i is a llil mad so is gunna be mad scientist like bloke;)



Originally posted by TUG
I'd like to say: I AM A CUNT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


(please stick your pencil in the bottom hole)



I have a wikkid pencil sharpener... she's only 15 :) Oh yes:

VOTE TUG - because there is no other waaaaaaaay....? !!! ?! :(


Originally posted by TUG
I have a wikkid pencil sharpener... she's only 15 :)

dood, thats not the way it works
she's meant to suck you pencil or TUG it or have it probed in and out of her even
but man if she's sharpening it your doing something wrong



Yea I see your point (haha so to speak)... nasty stuff dat.

Me go do some pr0bing now :)


Originally posted by Listy
to plightstar-u brain dead lill shit

i is a master of physics and astrophysics student studing at LU-we have the higest entry requirements for physics in the country bar oxford and cambride-who imight add only do physics as a natural science and so is technically impure.

we have top reaserch mark for country to, i took alevels and got a for physics, chemistry and maths
so shut the F**K up u nobaody and go rid the world of ur insulting ideas

as for seeing u, u are so insignifigant compared to everyone else on the msg board ppl would walk through u rather than take notice of u

so when i say grow up i mean it, and u see my advice as always is sound, balanced and technically beyond ur scope of imagination

btw-if u think mes is a liar ask kryten since we went school together and lives just down the road from me!!!!

I shall cast aside my new helpful persona for a moment, as this is too good an opportunity to pass up (Sorry if its a bit late but I been at I6 all weekend :) ).

"i is a master of physics and astrophysics student studing at LU-"

If you "is" a master of physics, you wouldnt still be studying unless you were working on a PhD. You would be sitting smugly with MSc written after your name.

"btw-if u think mes is a liar ask kryten since we went school together and lives just down the road from me!!!! "

I also know Kryten. iirc he is 20. Now even allowing for the fact you might have been in different years, the oldest you could be is 22. Any older and the friendship would start to look a tad sick and wrong. Now seeing as the shortest time you can do a masters at a respectable uni (which you appear to be at, in your opinion anyway. LU could mean anything.....London Uni, Loughborough, Luton, Longton College....) is 5 years, and the youngest you can start uni in England is 18, this would also make you not a master.

It has suddenly occured to me that you may have meant master as in "I 0wn physics", which if that is the case I shall give you the benefit of the doubt. I'd just love to read one of your formal reports. "Me did put the radoiactiv sauces in te laboraoratory".

Last part. In uni terms, entrance requirements mean absolutely dick in terms of quality of uni. Just compare the entry req. of St Andrews and Edinburgh (both unis in the Times top 10) and compare them to some place like Durham or Bath (both in the top 20).

IF you didnt understand any of the above due to a particular english disorder and easy to read version is provided below.



Right i can bring nice bodhi back again :)


I think he meant he's studing for his Masters in Physics and Astrophysics.

He's just too much of a flid to actually write that.

It has suddenly occured to me that you may have meant master as in "I 0wn physics", which if that is the case I shall give you the benefit of the doubt. I'd just love to read one of your formal reports. "Me did put the radoiactiv sauces in te laboraoratory".

FUCKING LOL! I just spat water on my monitor :/


no i dont own physics
i is studin a masters degree, dunno why i fink one of me c**nty teachers back in 6th form mustve hit me very hard in the head and in my delerious state i signed off 4 yrs of me life
god damn it, i shall be the first to admit i have the common sense of a dead mouse in a trap, but hey i has cheap beer for 4 yrs, n a f**king lota girlz-it be even easier to pick up skool girlz ere 2 but i like mine me own age really

LU=leicester uni
letters (hopfully) will be Mphys (i aint donin a shity chemistry degree-MSc my arse)

and yes i is about as good at english a welsh rabbit
btw i is 20 next week so i was in same yr as kryts at skool(course his real name be Nick but hey no ones perfect)
btw:OI kryts how did u get on chromin ur pooter case????


manga cartoons rule

I love manga cartoons because of the violence i do not take notice of the plot
Listy u are quite the person aren't u
with your degrees and stuff


The funniest thing here, I think is the fact that it took about three replies before someone insults someone else. It didnt take much longer for it to degrade into a "I'm better than you becasue I'm doing such and such" or "I'm got this and that" There's no way of proving anything easily here, so who care, I could say I'm working on my third Phd, but you wouldn't believe me, and I can't really prove it to you, and I don't want to.

Anyway back to the topic, for those who don't know DBZ is shown on cartoon network (at 17:00?) and tells the story of Goku and all his mates as they try to defend the earth against all manner of creatures/aliens/androids intent on destryoing it. Plenty of web sites about it try http://www.planetnamek.com .

I watch it, it's a bit of light relief, after a hard days work (on my Phd :)) but it does tend to get a bit tedious, half a dozen episodes can go by without anything actually happening. As far as kids entertainment goes, I much prefer X-Men, Spiderman or Batman (future version). Although for the ultimate animated experience you can't beat manga.

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