Daytime RVR



Hi ppl :)

Having just turned 50 (yippee no more twees!) i will now be devoting 99% of my time to RVR...

Problem is im a nightshift worker IRL :( and all the large scale organaised RVR action seems to go on in the evening and at night.

Example: log on at 2pm and by 5pm ive been ganked 3 times, and not really achieved much... persuade the gf to let me log on at 7pm and by 9pm ive retaken 3 keeps :) (then off to work:( )

So my point is... I know u r all out there, as Lights recent thread found out, so why dont we all work together in the afternoons as well as the nights, it seems to me that organisation during this time of the day (with less bad guyz logged on) would go along way :)

Please respond if u regularly play between say 1pm and 6pm (gmt) and maybe we can sort something out

Regards Fii :)

Madonion Slicer

Hello Fii, nice to see you made it to the boards.

I would love to join you in the day but i would probably get the sack once they notice i am not here.

Off all next week so maybe we meet up then.


Well RVR daytime, u just need some classes to be on your team, then its ok.....but also not much peeps online that time, but I AM

good advice to day tems

Mincer, sorc, wizzy, 3 tanks thats your minimum team to survive there, all 45+, i can be 1 tank.....


RvR starts picking up around 4pmGMT, before then your probably better off leveling an alt unless your a solo class (atm anyway).

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