Darkness Falls Raid (Part I) - 29/10/2006 Sunday


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2006
Hello all,

After the failure on last raid, i would like to run another Darkness Falls raid to kill Behemoth, as according to the legends it has never been killed and it would be great experience for all of us. I ask all Midgards to be there, we will need huge forces and all brave fighters, casters, seers & stealthship of midgard to kill it.

There will be a few raids until we kill Behemoth, as people told me that we need Legion weapons to kill it. I will probably run Weekly Darkness Falls raid, until we get atleast 10 Legion weapons.


Basic Information:

Date: 29/10/2006
BG opens: 15:00 GMT
BG moves: 15:30 GMT
BG leader will be: Maxitis-Excalibur (If any change, will be posted).

Note: Everything is depended by who has DF access. I will run a access secure battlegroup to take care of it. If finally we not manage to have DF access DF date will be moved.

Frontier DF access secure battlegroup opens: 13:30 GMT. We better have to have around 2-3 towers more than other realms to be sure that we have access into DF.


Plan: (Mobs will be killed in order)

1. Princess Nahemah
2. Prince Abdin (Midgard prince)
3. Prince Da'Balorien (Albion prince)
4. Prince Asmoien (Hibernia prince)
5. Bevathian (Tunnel worm)
6. Lillith the Demon Queen (1/1000 chance to pop when some monster dies)
7. Legion
8. Behemoth (It is our main target but it will not be killed from the 1st raid)


Groups setup:

Main group: Warrior, Warrior, Thane, Valkyrie, Runemaster, Healer, Healer, Shaman.
Damage group: Warrior, Berserker, Valkyrie/Thane, Spiritmaster, Healer, Healer, Shaman.
Support group: Warrior, Warrior, Skald, Runemaster, Healer, Healer, Healer, Shaman.

Rest of the groups will be formed in this way: 2 seers, 1 shield tank, rest random. (Minumum requirements)

Classes requirements:

Runemasters: Must be suppression mainly, a few darkness runemasters are welcome too for the damage add. Runemasters must also have croco ring for AE pbt.
Warriors: atleast 42 shield spec (preferarbly 50 hammer, 50 shield, 28-31 parry).
Skalds: Must have croco ring for AE songs.



A huge amount of diamond seals if everything go well & plenty of demonic items too.



Every loot will be lotto'd.
Diamond seals will get lotto'd too in packs of 100 diamond seals.
If someone makes the BG get in danger, it will get removed immediately from the battlegroup.
All Legion weapons will be kept in my vault until we gather enough to kill Behemoth.


Your possible questions:

1. Who is Behemoth?

Behemoth is a 99 lvl monster deep in Darkness Falls.

2. Has he ever been killed?

No, according to the legends it has never been killed on Excalibur-Prydwen.

3. What loots does he drop?

None knows, but as Darkness Falls monsters have been increased and level boosted as well as have got loots with (toa caps etc) Behemoth must drop rare, impressive items.

4. What forces do we need to kill slay him?

For sure we need a well organised zerg of 100 midgards.

5. How does he look like?

It's a huge monster and looks like a plated fiend (21-31 Midgard Darkness Falls entrance monsters).

6. Do we have chance to kill him?

To be honest, i don't know. On last raid we couldn't attack it, now people told me that to attack it we need Legion weapons.

7. Why do you run a Behemoth raid?

Well, the reason i run this raid is to find out what is really going on with that monster, check his level and investigate its battle abilities. I am also running this raid to find what loots it drops.



For any addition information please send me a private message to my FreddysHouse forum account.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 27, 2004

Would like another go at this raid, as last time my toon wasn't strong enough and got left to die. Will bring a templated ST Warrior. As this promises to be a series of raids, I'd like to be in from the start.


One of Freddy's beloved
Aug 15, 2006
Information about Behemoth!!

He can only be hit/killed by tanks wielding Legion BEAM/Lightsaber swords.
So you need to farm Legion for a few days before you do this raid!

GL with the raid!


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 27, 2004
Noxydawn said:
Information about Behemoth!!

He can only be hit/killed by tanks wielding Legion BEAM/Lightsaber swords.

By 'Lightsaber Swords' do you mean the Basalt 1h type, or does Legion have others we need?

And so in effect only sword specced toons can hit him?


Fledgling Freddie
May 15, 2005
Noxydawn said:
Information about Behemoth!!

He can only be hit/killed by tanks wielding Legion BEAM/Lightsaber swords.
So you need to farm Legion for a few days before you do this raid!

GL with the raid!

If there's any truth to this, which I somewhat doubt, there are both sword and axe versions of basalt weapons.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 27, 2004
Dancingboner said:
If there's any truth to this, which I somewhat doubt, there are both sword and axe versions of basalt weapons.

.....and hammers, spears, staffs and bows all exist in Basalt form.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 15, 2004
Noxydawn said:
Information about Behemoth!!

He can only be hit/killed by tanks wielding Legion BEAM/Lightsaber swords.
So you need to farm Legion for a few days before you do this raid!

GL with the raid!

They dont drop from Legion only:

The Basalt* weapons drops of these mobs(light sabre type):
* High Lord Baelerdoth
* High Lord Baln
* High Lord Oro
* High Lord Saeor

The Brimstone* weapons drops of these mobs (yellow/purple/blue glow):
* Prince Abdin
* Prince Asmoien
* Prince Ba'alorien
* Princess Nahemah

FYI ...


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 15, 2004
How did it go? Im curios. I couldent come due IRL stuff myself. :\


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 9, 2004
Nul said:
How did it go? Im curios. I couldent come due IRL stuff myself. :\

I have recorded video of the raid, but I'd need to compile it first, and then upload it to filefront (don't know any other free hosting services, do tell if you know any better ones) - so you might see how the raid went by checking that file then.. will try to get it done by this week. I also have a TG raid video to be worked out , what we did earlier. Its around 43 mins in length, and about 450 mb in size. I still have some work to do in it.

Anyway we did all the epic encounters part of the last Behomoth ofc. All princes, Legion to name a few.

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