Darkness Falls Raid @ 12/11/2006 Sunday


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2006
Hello all,

I would like to run Darkness Falls raids on weekly base to kill Behemoth when we gather the required weapons and numbers, as according to the legends it has never been killed and it would be great experience for all of us. I ask all Midgards to be there, we will need huge forces and all brave fighters, casters, seers & stealthship of midgard to kill it.


Basic Information:

Date: 12/11/2006
BG opens: 16:00 GMT
BG moves: 16:30 GMT
BG leader will be: Maxitis-Excalibur (If any change, will be posted).

Note: Everything is depended by who has DF access. I will run a access secure battlegroup to take care of it. If we finally not manage to have DF access DF date will be moved.

Frontier DF access secure battlegroup opens: 14:30 GMT. We better have to have around 2-3 towers more than other realms to be sure that we have access into DF.


Plan: (Mobs will be killed in order)

1. Princess Nahemah
2. Prince Abdin (Midgard prince)
3. Prince Da'Balorien (Albion prince)
4. Prince Asmoien (Hibernia prince)
5. Bevathian (Tunnel worm)
6. Lillith the Demon Queen (1/1000 chance to pop when some monster dies)
7. Legion
8. Behemoth (It is our main target but it will not be killed from the 1st raid)


Groups setup:

Main group: Warrior, Warrior, Thane, Valkyrie, Runemaster, Healer, Healer, Shaman.
Damage group: Warrior, Berserker, Valkyrie/Thane, Spiritmaster, Healer, Healer, Shaman.
Support group: Warrior, Warrior, Skald, Runemaster, Healer, Healer, Healer, Shaman.

Rest of the groups will be formed in this way: 2 seers, 1 shield tank, rest random. (Minumum requirements)

Classes requirements:

Runemasters: Must be suppression mainly, a few darkness runemasters are welcome too for the damage add. Runemasters must also have croco ring for AE pbt.
Warriors: atleast 42 shield spec (preferarbly 50 hammer, 50 shield, 28-31 parry).
Skalds: Must have croco ring for AE songs.



A huge amount of diamond seals if everything go well & plenty of demonic items too.



Every loot will be lotto'd.
Diamond seals will get lotto'd too in packs of 100 diamond seals.
If someone makes the BG get in danger, it will get removed immediately from the battlegroup.
All Legion weapons will be kept in my vault until we gather enough to kill Behemoth.

Extra chance to win item rules:

- Every player who come to my DF raid and do not win something, it gets 10% more chance on my future DF raids on lotto. For example if you do not win items for 2 raids you get 20% more chance than others to win something.

- This extra chance is being deleted if you win something. For example if you have 20% extra chance and you win something your extra chance will be deleted.

- When you roll and you have extra chance please state it if you think you won. /random 1000 score + x% (where x = extra chance).

- I will be listing people with extra chance list on every of my future raids.

- If you do not state your main's name between the restrictions i say your mod will not be written.


Your possible questions:

1. Who is Behemoth?

Behemoth is a 99 lvl monster deep in Darkness Falls.

2. Has he ever been killed?

No, according to the legends it has never been killed on Excalibur-Prydwen.

3. What loots does it drop?

None knows, but as Darkness Falls monsters have been increased and level boosted as well as have got loots with (toa caps etc) Behemoth must drop rare, impressive items.

4. What forces do we need to kill slay it?

For sure we need a well organised zerg of 100 midgards.

5. How does it look like?

It's a huge monster and looks like a plated fiend (21-31 Midgard Darkness Falls entrance monsters).

6. Do we have chance to kill Behemoth?

To be honest, i don't know. On 1st raid we couldn't attack it, but i heard we need lightsabers to be able to attack Behemoth.

7. Why do you run a Behemoth raid?

Well, the reason i run this raid is to find out what is really going on with that monster, check his level and investigate its battle abilities. I am also running this raid to find what loots it drops.



For any addition information please send me a private message to my FreddysHouse forum account.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2006
Extra chance list!

Extra chance list:

10 Agrivia-e

10 Berto-e
10 Boudicca-p
10 Biffan-p

10 Driekon-p

10 Ehn-e
10 Eowar-p

10 Gral-e
10 Gunivire-e

10 Ixoth-p

10 Lamkran-p

10 Mammoth-p

10 Narve-p

10 Pacmand-e

10 Savagelion-e

10 Tavalia-p

10 Valknyrie-p


People who haven't stated their server:



Other notes for the raid:

- Raid leader reserves the right to install new rules during the raid.
- People who don't state their server when they are asked from raid leader to state their Main: Name-server for extra chance reasons, they do not get any extra chance for that week.
- If someone leaves during the raid, it will not be able to roll at the end.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 8, 2005
Tell me what you need i have RM, SM, SB, berserker, healer tnx very much


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 27, 2004
KingeX said:
- People who don't state their server when they are asked from raid leader to state their Main: Name-server for extra chance reasons, they do not get any extra chance for that week.

Tbh this is a lot of rubbish. There's no doubt in my mind this will be an honest mistake made by the people you listed and yet you give them no chance to correct it (not as if it's difficult to determine which server someone is from). I would urge you to think again on that.

ps In case you're wondering, I'm not one of the listed people. I couldn't attend your raid due to irl stuff, tho' I've been on the last two. I just think fair's fair.

pps Oh, and what Bluesky said.


FH is my second home
Mar 13, 2004
oh well i turned up to the last raid, we whiped on legion the first time, and along with a few others left after hearing you wanted to go again..after about 3hours it would have been nice to do a lotto for the half of the people that left due to needing to do something irl, heard you failed which is a shame..don't think i'll turn up again.

oh and i'm not on the list :eek2:shocker!!


Loyal Freddie
Apr 4, 2004
I'll join and will prly be there on one of the following chars.

Class, Realm Rank, Realm Abilities, ML, Spec, item
Warrior, R2L9, purge1/ip1/mob2/det1/lw1, ML10bat, sword50/shield50 SoM/Mad/E-haub
Valkyrie, R1L5, mob1, ML10war, sword47/shield42/OW43, EoY/SoM/GoV
Spellcrafter *** CAN USE 10sec PBT WITH CROC RING ***
Runemaster, R5L0, moc2/purge2/mom2/augacu2/LW1/mof1, ML10sto, rc47/sup26, js/GoLM/mad/gov/cb/(cr)
Spiritmaster, R3L3, purge1/moc2/LW1/Sere1, ML10con, dark47/sum23, js/ec
Healer, R3L2, purge1/DI2/WH1/MoH1, ML10pre, mend30/pac35/aug27 EoY
Trocca *** SECOND ACCOUNT ***
Shamie, R4L4, purge2/mcl1/rp1/wp1/Sere2/MoH1/WH1/AugDex1/AugAcu1, ML10pre, aug47/cave23/mend13, EoY


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2006
Bluesky said:

Bluesky i mean rules like those leave before the of the raid do not have the right roll. Just for the safety for the raid and only, those rules have not to do with any other things like lotto etc or any kind of stealing. And ofc all rules installed during the raid, they will be voted by the people.

Kvadi said:
Tbh this is a lot of rubbish. There's no doubt in my mind this will be an honest mistake made by the people you listed and yet you give them no chance to correct it (not as if it's difficult to determine which server someone is from). I would urge you to think again on that.

ps In case you're wondering, I'm not one of the listed people. I couldn't attend your raid due to irl stuff, tho' I've been on the last two. I just think fair's fair.

pps Oh, and what Bluesky said.

All mod list etc started from 5/11/2006. In addition people for people who don't state their server i can't be god and know their server especially if i see them for 1st time. If they want to state their server either in PM or in FH everything is welcome.

Nate said:
oh well i turned up to the last raid, we whiped on legion the first time, and along with a few others left after hearing you wanted to go again..after about 3hours it would have been nice to do a lotto for the half of the people that left due to needing to do something irl, heard you failed which is a shame..don't think i'll turn up again.

oh and i'm not on the list :eek2:shocker!!

Nate friend, you are not on the mod list because you did not stay till the end of the raid. Getting wiped by some monster doesn't mean the raid ends. More over only 8 people left when we wiped.


Fledgling Freddie
May 1, 2006
Hey Maxi ... I enjoyed today very much and I'm definitely up for the next one. I would think Gral will be too ( my other half ... for better or worse!)

So Agrivia will be there for sure - I work shifts but I'm holiday for the next week so have the luxury of being here :)

I also have a 50 aug healer who may or may nor have EoY by next weekend (missing scroll 1 atm) if you prefer.

Looking forward to it, thanks for taking it on again.



Fledgling Freddie
Jun 27, 2004
KingeX said:
And ofc all rules installed during the raid, they will be voted by the people.

Do women and slaves er..bots, get to vote?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
KingeX said:
Bluesky i mean rules like those leave before the of the raid do not have the right roll. Just for the safety for the raid and only, those rules have not to do with any other things like lotto etc or any kind of stealing. And ofc all rules installed during the raid, they will be voted by the people.
Your statement also gives you carte blanche to do whatever you like even something as cheap/low/greedy as claiming multiple drops in the lotto etc.

Oh and will you be lotto'ing all the Brimstone/Basalt weapons after Behemoth too?

I have fought Behemoth a couple of times and never seen him killed so I may pop along sometime after a little clarification ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2006
.. :)

Some moderator put this thread to sticky list if possible :)


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 12, 2006
As I was killed by the mid prince last time we tried it would be nice to get revenge ;) but still this is too early for me - even on a Sunday.

So *might* join later if possible (RL>>game)

I don't know how you want to solve that random porting problem - hm.


Loyal Freddie
Jun 4, 2004
Haven't attented the raid yet, but hope to be able next time. However, we are all in favor of making things as slick as possible.

1st of all, Bluesky Im sure KingeX isnt that stupid to use a "right to change rules" to be an arse (I would, but doubt he is that stupid) and the rule might be placed there to insure that he, as an inexperinced raidleader, can correct mistakes halfway through the raid. In that case, it is a good tool.

2nd. Since this is such a huge raid (Many different mobs to kill = lot of factors there can go wrong, or unexpected) it might be a wise thing to make a max timelimit, e.g 3 or 4 hours. So people will know how much "buffer" time to put into their busy game schedule.

3rd. Blue sucks

4th Critique should always be constructive. Besides when talking to Bluesky, or Nate


Fledgling Freddie
May 1, 2006
9th November 2006, 10:51 AM by Kados

I won't fill the board up by quoting the original, but that has to be in my all-time favourite posts Kados! :worthy:
Nothing against you Blue, but it really made me smile :)


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 20, 2005
think its rubish as not 2 names match on each server but i atended raid with sparerhawk and its sparerhawk-p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
Midgem said:
9th November 2006, 10:51 AM by Kados

I won't fill the board up by quoting the original, but that has to be in my all-time favourite posts Kados! :worthy:
Nothing against you Blue, but it really made me smile
Seems you don't understand the Irony in Kados' post there m8 - maybe a few more ;);) should have been used :fluffle:


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 6, 2006
As i remember i did state my server cause had to type it twice but any m8 its tollswarrior-e


Fledgling Freddie
May 1, 2006
Bluesky said:
Seems you don't understand the Irony in Kados' post there m8 - maybe a few more ;);) should have been used :fluffle:

I probably didn't understand any of it, but it sounded friendly (?) and it just made me smile

Hope you're not offended :)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
KingeX said:
And ofc all rules installed during the raid, they will be voted by the people.

mercury said:
Do women and slaves er..bots, get to vote?

Only people get to vote!

Are women people?

Then they don't get to vote! :touch:


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 27, 2004
Golena said:
Only people get to vote!

Are women people?

Then they don't get to vote! :touch:

...they didn't in ancient Athens either. Thought we may have improved a little in 2000-odd years...

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