DAoCVaultAssist 3.0



Now the software will find your best combination items for you automaticly, a new interface with an auto items match has been created.

It isnt that fast but the possible combinations are incredibly MANY.

Take a look in the new interface, bugs solved, new stuff info and downoad the new version here:


See you all

Edo Cotequinho, Nazgul


nm works now, italian is abit shoddy.

Shame its just midgard.


Shame the Item database is so incomplete, no Thane epic armour, no good Legion/Prince items. no Glacier Giant drops.

If you can get the database the same status as Mad Troll then you got one EVIL proggie. Also perhaps work in Realm Abilities into the mix, oh and many of your items have been set to level 1 when they are infact level 50.

Also some items have incorrect stats eg Soulbinders Shield is +10 Con/Pie on your DB when infact its a +15 Con/Pie item.

Also not sure I understand this "I Have" and "All" options for Vault contents. Perhaps a feature to add resists of particular type into the "Preffered Stats to Optimise" panel?


but still a nice prog to have a play around with :clap:


Solid is never happy with anything.

miserable git. :rolleyes:


Ahh well he is particulary about his stuff.. and we benefit from it.. he is doing some ewul spreadsheet's for our diff classes


Thx guys for apreciating the program.


"Shame the Item database is so incomplete, no Thane epic armour, no good Legion/Prince items. no Glacier Giant drops."
"oh and many of your items have been set to level 1 when they are infact level 50."

The tool works in this way:

1) The armour that you wear is a constant, only you know what to use in that 6 armour slots.

2) The weapon/shield you wear is a constant, only you know what to use in that 1 or 2 slots.

Once you understand wich armour/weapon to use if is not present in the database (you epic for example) you need to create (if not present) at max 8 items.
The time needed to create 8 items with the right bonus is less then 5 MINUTES ! (for me to create all possible armours including crafted ones is impossible).

"Also perhaps work in Realm Abilities into the mix..."

The only thing correlated to the RA that affect bonus is alredy present and is the bonus that you got for your all specs depending on your realm level.

The other realm abilities that afect stats you can modify manually in the template interface. for example: You "buy" +6 STR? Go to template window and increade your base STR by 6, the cap will be adapted automaticly.

"Also some items have incorrect stats eg Soulbinders Shield is +10 Con/Pie on your DB when infact its a +15 Con/Pie item."

Will be corrected with the next version, by now (if you want to use that shield) you can correct it by yourself it costs less then 30 SECONDS of your time.

"Also not sure I understand this "I Have" and "All" options for Vault contents."

Well is simple, you can flag the items you have in your vault characters to find to best item combination that you can have actually, if in your best fit you have for example: "Jewell of Raumarik" and it is a rare item (and it is), you can leave the program suggest you another item for JWLRY slot that are alredy in your possesion.

Perhaps a feature to add resists of particular type into the "Preffered Stats to Optimise" panel?

This is a good sugestion, alredy exist something like that for stats in the botton right of main window the "consider & ignore list" but not for resists.


The mission of the program is to calculate the correlation of the common slots for all classes/profession in Midgard.

All the items for that slots are correct and no need any imput (please let me know if some item is wrong for NECK-JWLRY-CLOAK-WAIST-RING-WRIST slots).

What characters use in the armour/weapon/shield slots is not so important since if is missed to be create that 8 items is needed ony 5 minutes (99% of the people use epic and some good weapon).



Edo not knocking ur work mate, its a superb effort. I did indeed manually add my epic armour and GG/Legion drops to the item database. I also bumped up my stats accounting for realm abilities as you suggested, just saying it would be a nice feature to implement.

I hope to run the app again once i have generated some more items. Perhaps have a place on your site where people can submit item uodates in a form of a MS Access database? Then we can just merge the original dataase with the original.


I love it - well done you clever Edo. Just been taking off all my clothes to find out my base stats ;)

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