daoc vs AO



plse somone whos played both tell me the pro's and con, i read abotu Ao on the net and it actually looks quite good, what r the differences plse?


Never played AO but I think someone told me when it was released it was really crap but it has gotten better


I played Ao for 1 month and the differences are this in my opinion:

- Graphics, AO>Daoc

Much Better AO, the game have beautifull graphics specially if u choose Omni side but u better have a good computer cos the omni city will lag a lot.

- PvE , Daoc>AO

In AO u basically go in mission all the time, after 40 lvs is preety boring even if u go in group.

- RvR, Daoc>AO

Simple, put 300 ppl figting at same place like some daoc fights i have been = Lagggggggggg no way in AO u can have big fights like in daoc at least for me.


AO is a game with so many things that daoc look like a little baby, play 1 month and u still have 80% the game to discover but daoc have something that AO dont have...excelent rvr and after 1 month playing AO u will miss it.

Daoc 9 / 10

AO 8 / 10


gotto choose what timeage you like, do you like futuristic or oldage sword and board


how do u actually fight? like daoc or more FPS??
also is it in realms or is it like pvp can u kill anyone etc?


The fights are like daoc i mean there is always a (x) time for u to hit not like FPS, i played an atrox tank that used guns and like daoc, weapons have x time to hit, for example if my gun had 3 sec speed, i shoot 3 in 3 sec like daoc only difference was a laser came from weapon and not a sword style. :)
Ao have many classes and u can choose to use guns , swords,hammers, fist and many type of weapons...even pillows, yeah u heard right. :)

In my opinion daoc is more fun to play but if u go try AO u better know what u doing cos thats a game with tons of new things and more difficult to play.


AO has something similar to DAOC... you can be a member of the Clans trying to stop evil Omni-Tek or be Omni-Tek trying to get loads of money. There is quite a small variety of classes in AO, but you can fully customise them... e.g. you can be a nano-technian with limited shooting abilities or a martialartist with skill in bows.


I played AO for 2 month.. then i went back to DAoC.. now i wait for a new MMORPG ;)

AO's is so much more evovled in alot of areas. The community in AO is lightyears ahead of DAoC, there is tons of options for communication in game. Parties are aranged in the bigcities with DJ's and all :p.

Graphics, hmm i actually like daoc better, but most favor AO.

Classes: AO wins again by 1000000. you choose a profession and not a class. And you are not locked in a certian role as in DAoC, a doctor (same as healer) can train weapons if he wants to though its more expensive for him than a soldier... So u can shape ur character anyway you like and there's no "templates" as in DAoC. And you can respec a set amount of skills a set amount of times...

PvP: hmm there are some arena's where you can fight eachother in, and then there's the clan vs. omintek war... havent played that much, but seems there's some nice ways to do large scale battles, and for guilds to defend strong points via towers. You can get expelled from cities if u behave bad, and then you'll be killed on sight if your spotted in the city, vry nice i think ;)

XP'ing: well in AO you have mission booth's where u can pick a solo mission or a team mission. Other than that you can go kill large (very large!!!) mobs in different zones (or small mobs). They've added dungeons in the recent patches so u can xp there as well (similar to DAoC dungeons). On nice thing is that u lvl vry quickly in grps, at least at sub lvl 100... though i've heard that once you hit 150 it slows down... (max level is 200)

Hmm why did I go back to DAoC? We'll the missions you get from the missionbooth's are very repetetive.... the shop's can be a bit irritating. You buy from tradebooth's and they contain random items within a certain category. So if u want a pistol lvl 10 u can't allways find it in a tradebooth, and that's was very irritating....
Plus there's is alot more to learn in AO so you'r easy scared away comming from the simpler DAoC (and yes DAoC is VERY simple compared to AO), but after a while the complexity is a plus, there's enough stuff to learn to last a looong time, though you can play fine w/o knowing it all ;).

It was mostly the mission's that threw me off AO, but i still have my AO account on passive, so it's ready if i get the urge :p

/Agreiloth 50th season Warrior, Excalibur


I've played AO abit,
and to be honest,it beats daoc in almost every way.

But there are afew things to throw you off.

For example :
when i played it near the release the lag in the major cities was godawfull.(very many bugs too,altough that got abit fixed as the game matured)

The time spent to perfect your avatar : theres a ton of skills you can raise,unlike daoc where you can only pick slash/crush or thrust :),every character can raise every skill,altough some skills are more expensive to aquire then other's.
Then you have the armour,tons of choises there,and they all look different too,imagine that.(Also includes your packs of social clothing ofcourse,bathing suits,dresses,etc.)
And last but not least you have the implants,.
Very timeconsuming to assemble a good pair for yourself,in later patches they introduced some premade proffession specific implants,but only uptill lvl 30 i think and you can get upto lvl 200 ;)

And then there's the endgame,in daoc when you reach maximum lvl,there's rvr.
However in AO there's only pvp and that does in noway compare to DAOC,even if you left out all the twinks,spawn campers and cowards,it would still very much suck :)

But i read there's now a new expansion pack for AO,with some interesting changes to the pvp concept,
I know nothing about this latest feature though,but imo it looks pretty interesting,but i still think Daoc rvr will ,in the end,always beat AO in that department.


I've been gone playing AO for the last... 3-4 months, and I must say its a good game, but there is a lot of differences, and it all depends on what you like =)

AO community is far ahead of DAoC, and your character feels more like YOUR character, since you decide everything about it... well... eh, almost, anyway =)

For instance, as stated above, you CAN make a Doctor specialised in... say, nano technology, technical engineering or two handed swords, or whatever. There is however some skills you are expected to buy in =P

RvR however, wont ever be as good as in DAoC... in AO, there is no given enemy, really... yeah, Omni-tek should go kill all of the Clan's, and vice versa, but then there is the Neutrals... everyone building their own towers, making alliances, NAP's etc etc, so its one interesting world to play in. More action in DAoC tho, and funnier PvP in DAoC then AO, I must say.

I would give DAoC a 8/10, and AO a 7/10 perhaps... Still waiting for my Shadowbane beta account, so I can test that =P

Silent Shadow

Played AO before I started DAoC and played for a month when I was taking a break from DAoC and really, DAoC is _alot_ better. Maybe it's because I'm into fantasy :) AO is a ok game, but DAoC is alot better in my opinion :) And btw I got Shadowbane beta account some months ago, damn it sucks :/ So dissapointed...
Waiting for Dragon Empires next then :D


well ive just moved to AO from daoc like 2 weeks ago and well hm i like it better tbh theres alot more to do the implant system is pretty impressive u can buy body parts etc clothes armour the Cyber armour looks cool btw you look like Ninja out of metal gear solid.

plus u can get stuff that actually goes inside u so u could say ur like a robot and u can buy memory and stuff.

only lvl 24 so far and i like it alot and it will see me through until SWG comes out.


AO has a lot going for it.
the world you play in is huge...
the social part of the game is awesome, there's a wide range of emotes (from waving to mooning) there's bars to hang out in, you can dress up in a wealth of social garb, god knows what more..

the combat system utterly sucks tho. it really never passes the "press F6 and wait for mob to die"
there is NO crowd control. only a few of the weapons are worth using and there is no such thing as class balance.
with my Meta Physist I was able to solo purples without breaking a sweat and with almost no downtime...
while with an agent you'll be lucky if you can handle greens at the higher levels...

so it basically comes down to what you want from a game.
if you want to socialize and chat with friends, go with AO
if you want decent gameplay, go with DAoC


There IS Crowd Control in AO, the beurocrat for instance can "calm" mobs (same as mezz in daoc).

btw im NOT leaving daoc anytime soon, lots of nice stuff are inbound just you all wait and see ;)



You can gimp your char within AO, the same way as you can gimp your char in DAoC. You have more skills but you definitly need not all of them. It's harder to skill within AO since you need to know what you don't have to skill. In the beginning you gain enough points to spread, but this will thin out as costs for your skills rise and if you gimped your char you will just have a hard time at lev100+. You have respecs - allthough I never used them. :p

The professions come down pretty much to the same as within DAoC. You have Tanks, CC, Healer, Damage Dealer, and Speed-Pet The Mission generator Level Threadmill, was a big problem but this changed since with the booster pack a lot of mob camps etc were added to the region, which definitly make up for hunting alone or in groups etc.
Additionally you have several dungeons in which you can hunt, and make good exp but however need a good group and need to watch your back since some of them are located within PvP Zone.

You also have drops, OTDs, Dungeons, Boss Mobs etc within AO. Graphics in comparison to DAoC comes down to your personal taste. When I first switched from AO to DAoC I disliked the visual style within DAoC. After playing DAoC for months and getting back to AO, I disliked the visual stlye of AO for terrains etc. However the char graphics are good. And there is nothing cooler then your agent wearing a black coat, wearing his shades and having that huge sniper rifle and being that femme fatal you always dreamt about. ;)

PvP is something which you will enjoy more in DAoC. The problem within AO is that it simply lasts too short. In AO everything is about Alpha Strikes... so fights last for seconds here, ppl are optimizing their equipment for dealing as much damage as possible in as less time as possible. And even with 5000 HPs you still can be a sitting duck taken out within seconds. So mostly it came out to a first shot, will win - situation.

However PvP system within AO was under investigation and they are working on it and as far as I know, they changed the PvP Invulnerability from lev75 to lev150. Additionally you got the possibility to claim your own regions, by setting up huge Battle Towers within Notum Wars for your Guild and the end for the faction you are fighting for. So PvP changed from destruction of the opposite faction in PvP regions, to conqueration of terrain.

Additionally you got specific time slots in which you can conquer even claims of guilds within your own faction, but those are restricted - so guilds could take claims from other guilds from the same faction - which at the end adds to roleplay purposes etc.

To get money and equipment is also pretty easy, so you can blizz missions which means, that you run with speed buffs through the mission dungeon in search for the mission reward, and move out as fast and healthy as possible. However at some time it gets harder and you will change to group dungeon runs anyway for superiour drops and loot.

Mostly you can engage yellow to light orange cons... however this needs at a certain level range that you keep your equipment and imps (implantats) and buffs in good shape. For specific classes this may not be possible... *g*

To find Quests is a bit different then within DAoC. But you have enough HPs on which you can find the details listed.

However AO suffered from the same problems as DAoC. Once you reached Endgame you pretty much start to get bored. However drops are much harder to get within AO, specific stuff like the last Grid Armour for the Fixer are very "rare"...

Equipment has no level restrictions but is skill based, so you need a minimum skill or skill kombo to wear specific stuff... something that makes it pretty much easy to level twinks once you are high level since you can really biff them up by using imps / and buffs etc. During my time it was pretty normal that high level buffs went over for a lot money... since ppl could use high damaging weapons without restrictions etc.

Lag is a big problem or at least was a big problem... especially during PvP. You also had superiour classes like the SB in pre 1.36 days.... which just were nearly impossible to bring down.

You also can have vehicles... pets, etc. etc.

There are a lot things that make AO interesting, and it is definitly worth a stay.

And the Dark Fantasy Aspect will be added to the current Cyberpunk scenario withihn AO, with release of the first expansion pack...

And that may be the time when I will return to AO... :p


Played AO for a few days, didn't like it at all, tediously sci-fi, I think DAOC has the best char models of any game I've played.

Just didn't feel part of the game, felt no connection to my character.

Silent Shadow

I agree with job, btw did I forget to meantion that the servers went down every 5 minutes in the start? :) The customer support in DAoC is 10 times better than in AO aswell (and we know how bad GOA is)


Originally posted by agreiloth
There IS Crowd Control in AO, the beurocrat for instance can "calm" mobs (same as mezz in daoc).

btw im NOT leaving daoc anytime soon, lots of nice stuff are inbound just you all wait and see ;)


too bad it doesn't work, mostly because the insane resists mobs have....

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