DAoC to be soiled with EQ?



Seems they will ruin DAoC in order to make it more like our own hate-object EQ. I for one dislike the changes stated below... nah... dislike is not the correct word... despise is more like it...

Scissored from daoc.catacombs.com

Brad McQuaid joins the Mythic team in order to make DAoC more like EQ.

Mythic Entertainment announced today that Brad McQuaid, formerly of Verant and the EQ development team, has joined Mythic to work on DAoC. This move is seen as a reaction to EQ’s continuing dominance of the MMOG industry.

“We decided that if we were going to have a customer base like EQ has, we’d have to change our game to match what the customer apparently wants.” said Mark Jacobs of Mythic Entertainment. “Folks, we’ve got some exciting changes in mind. Things like removing bind stones so melee classes will have to interact socially with magicians in order to bind their spirits at a location, increasing realism by having all gear remain with a corpse after death, and a new 10 gold piece fee for access to the Frontier and Battlegrounds.”

Other proposals include slowing the characters recuperative rate so as so enhance the group experience and a reduction in advancement speed to promote the lifetime of the revenue stream. In addition, pre-casting will be back in the game.

In a related note, Gordon “Abashi” Wrinn has also been lured away from Verant by Mythic to work on customer relations. He’ll be working closely with Sanya Thomas, a former EQ volunteer and current Mythic employee. Expect big changes soon in Mythics CS department.


Man, you must have been tired indeed to fall for that one :)



Aye, I was.

Studying *cough* for an exam tomorrow...

Add to that a little DAoC and it added up to about 4 hours sleep just before reading that post.

Hooray for exams! :clap:

( atleast it's the last exam I'll ever do, if I pass :)

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