DaoC Stereotypes


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 11, 2005
was thinking recently about the different types/classes of players there are in this game. If there are types of player how would you name them and then describe them? The following are informed by the views I think I see here and are no reflection on how I actually see anything other than those views :p

The adder
A person who interferes with a 'fair fight' by helping kill either one of the other parties or more. Normally called adding 'shit' or adding '<insert expletive>' and so on. The bane of most great players existence.

The Scout
Not really a player, exists near towers or bridges and somehow manages to annoy the shit out of everyone. In close combat they use shield stun, FZ and if that fails they run like bitches.

The shroom
Not a player class but it fairly pisses people off for wall exploitation and los abuse. The people who cast shrooms can legitimately be blamed for all the abuses of the shrooms. Not often seen in RvR these days because of the stigma associated with playing animists.

The zerger
Unkilled, rog dressed player who has no skills and has to scrounge 20 rps per kill because of his lack of skills.

The zergling
Thinks there is a point to new frontiers.

The Warlock (warcock, whorelock)
A retard.

The soloer
An extinct species. Used to be found in solo form but only if the class was so uber he/she could pwn any other class solo, the source of a lot of adding whine.

- just some thoughts - I probably got it wrong - any suggestions from other perspectives on this? Any types of player that I have missed?

Just trying to see a different kind of discussion cos I am heading into work to get my coffee and I want to avoid being bored. ;)



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
The Brite
Northern monkey who smashes his lifetap bound keyboard with his head whilst screaming out Oldham FC football songs.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 12, 2004
Gaybasher - Someone with the Bane of Midgard tittle.. :p


Fledgling Freddie
May 31, 2004
the full group elitist who whine on adders and zergers and make constant referals to ''skill''


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 11, 2005
pjuppe - label them its not a stereotype without a label - something like:

The epeen whiners
full group elitist players who whine on adders and zergers and make constant referals to ''skill'' ;)

BTW I thought there would be one for Brite but not as funny as what I read nice one Ethild. :)

Aran Thule

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
The Roleplayer
Someone that tries to play the role of there character rather then just themselves.
Insult used to generally label anyone that is not l33t.

Teh l33t (the elite)
Thoose that spend thier time trying to become the best, even at the expense of others.
The concentration and training to become l33t has adversely affected thier english capabilities causing letters to become muddled, words constantly abbreviated and letters changed with numbers and exclamation marks.

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
The hypocrite
producer of Brehon pwning movies, supporter of the holy full gang vs full gang gang bangs a.k.a. public penis enlargement, often a member of Maelstrom, arch enemy of "The fucking negro" (see below), views himself as SOTA and on top of the food chain while deliberitly choosing the easiest degree of difficulty in the game and while flaming others for their great level of incompetence, rumors are that "The hypocrite" has a genetically preprogrammed love for heavy metal music and likes headbanging while swinging bricks hung to his balls

The fucking negro
arch enemy of "The hypocrite" (see above), usually the person with the highest degree of insight in things that matter, close to a god being, some religious groups call him also Manisch

The idiot
the dude who invented this thread

The flamer
anyone flaming this


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 20, 2005
Manisch Depressiv said:
The fucking negro
arch enemy of "The hypocrite" (see above), usually the person with the highest degree of insight in things that matter, close to a god being, some religious groups call him also Manisch
really thought a negro was something else :eek7:


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 20, 2005
Sharkith said:
The Scout
Not really a player, exists near towers or bridges and somehow manages to annoy the shit out of everyone. In close combat they use shield stun, FZ and if that fails they run like bitches.
scouts that do that aren't real scouts imo, I never exist near a tower or bridge with my scout ;o only when I'm defending the tower though


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 11, 2005
Rhori said:
scouts that do that aren't real scouts imo, I never exist near a tower or bridge with my scout ;o only when I'm defending the tower though

redefine it then - I don't care - the definition only comes from what I think I am reading here. edit - oh and you did not deny running like a bitch ;p


Dec 22, 2003
Manisch Depressiv said:
The fucking negro
arch enemy of "The hypocrite" (see above), usually the person with the highest degree of insight in things that matter, close to a god being, some religious groups call him also Manisch

Says the guy who got attacked by a thurst SB.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 29, 2004
The Pyromaniac
Nukes anything in sight while cackling hysterically on Teamspeak or Ventrilo. Often spices up his or her quickbar with roleplaying macros like /y Fire!Fire!Burn!Burn!.

The Pyromaniac is a distant relative to The Brite as he/she often has spec nuke bound to every key on the keyboard.

Other aliases: The Bomber, The Lajftap-Wannabe


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
The Thane

An almost extinct humanoid lifeform, rarely seen in the open these days. Used to be very common.

You are most likely to encounter one in areas populated by craftmerchants and NPC monsters.

Their legendary shout can easily be heard over entire zones. The sound is said to resemble a lightning bolt followed by a shout that goes somehting like HAMMERS OF THOR! :eek6:
Dec 31, 2003
Haha funny thread.

I'll add a few stereotypes aswell :p

The "soloer"

This person goes on to varius boards and 3rd party chat programs boosting his e-peen and brags about his solo skills every chance he gets. Ironic enough this guy is the same type of player that is the source to 90% of the "FAO adding shit" threads beeing found on the net.

another stereotype wich can be found roaming in the frontiers is the,

GThe 8-man that kills soloers,o duos and expers 4 am on weekday nightsL

This type of person(s) are only playing the game to get 'teh holy arrrrpee', nothing else but the rps matter. They are induvidually unskilled and untalanted and can only gain rps from adding on other 8 man fights making it 16 vs 8 or by killing soloers. This type of person can often be found alting on warlocks, sorcerers and god forbid, scouts!

The last stereotype I'm going to picture is,

The QQn00bscum

The QQn00bscum, isn't that mutch unlike the "GThe 8-man that kills soloers,o duos and expers 4 am on weekday nightsL".

The 'newbie' often justifies his clueless behaviour with the standard phrase "it's not quake or CS mates its RVR 11287389127 vs 1283901283901 game, and if me and my friends wanna add on ur solo fights it's because we are helping King Arthur and not b/c we r clueless 5yo's"

I'd be fun to see other ppls views on certain stereotypes :D


Dec 23, 2003
Ethild said:
The Brite
Northern monkey who smashes his lifetap bound keyboard with his head whilst screaming out Oldham FC football songs.



FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
The Brehon [Say Bree-hon]

Characteristically a lurikeen or elf caster/archer. Normally located near towers, bridges or keeps. I

In the case of an archer, they can often be spotted wearing an unlevelled Winged Helm (visible as /hood is often left down), as well as an undyed Golden Scarab Vest. Normally spec high in bow while using Fool's Bow (aka Brehon's Bow) in which case the DoT proc will fire every shot. Have no hesitation to fill an opponent already in combat with a faceful of arrows.

Proceed with caution when near a brehon as they often hunt in packs of up to 8, gaining realmpoints wherever possible. It is still a mystery how brehons such as Porkbelly progress to the title of Silver Hand, though the time it takes is significantly longer than normal.

Finally, when engaging in combat with a single or multiple Brehon's, it is expected they will attempt to strafe in a similar fashion to the bonedancer, though failing every style attempted as a result, hitting for triple figures if lucky.

One last word, if you spot a brehon, dispatch it as quick as possible and make a sharp exit, else you'll be in trouble!.
Jun 21, 2004
in continuation to Vlads...

The Brehon

A hib nerf, when you reach this rank all your morales and fair play go out the window. The Brehon could also be classed as a disease, as it apears to not go away when certain individuals grow to the rank of Grove Protector and higher.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 21, 2005

Ethild said:
The Brite
Northern monkey who smashes his lifetap bound keyboard with his head whilst screaming out Oldham FC football songs.

Haha classic can piture the monkeh doing this right now


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 14, 2005
The Lagger

Often mistaken by enemies for "the soloer". The real lagger has at least three matching quickbar macros with out of speed messages - often referring to 14k4 modems, graphics cards, goa or higher beings - forcing clueless non-laggers to make a guess about their current position which can be zones away.
When they actually make it to a fight their actions usually kick in too late, but for that they have their "I could do nothing because I lagged" macro always up.

The Pseudo-Lagger

Someone who claims to be a lagger but actually just screwed up.



One of Freddy's beloved
Aug 3, 2004
The Wanker

Individuals that fall under the misconception of : *I post junk on forums and plenty of it, therefore I am famous and should be respected/revered by all.*

The Anti-Wanker

Individuals that exist in a *search and destroy* mode, constantly looking for posts and threads made by The Wanker in order to find the chance to out-smart them by 1 of 2 methods:

a) A genuinely smart comment (rare)
b) An idiotic remark, sometimes followed by Photoshop-edited images with unimaginitive catch phrases. (common)

Dec 31, 2003
Vladamir said:
The Brehon [Say Bree-hon]

Characteristically a lurikeen or elf caster/archer. Normally located near towers, bridges or keeps. I

In the case of an archer, they can often be spotted wearing an unlevelled Winged Helm (visible as /hood is often left down), as well as an undyed Golden Scarab Vest. Normally spec high in bow while using Fool's Bow (aka Brehon's Bow) in which case the DoT proc will fire every shot. Have no hesitation to fill an opponent already in combat with a faceful of arrows.

Proceed with caution when near a brehon as they often hunt in packs of up to 8, gaining realmpoints wherever possible. It is still a mystery how brehons such as Porkbelly progress to the title of Silver Hand, though the time it takes is significantly longer than normal.

Finally, when engaging in combat with a single or multiple Brehon's, it is expected they will attempt to strafe in a similar fashion to the bonedancer, though failing every style attempted as a result, hitting for triple figures if lucky.

One last word, if you spot a brehon, dispatch it as quick as possible and make a sharp exit, else you'll be in trouble!.

haha, niceone :cheers:

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