DAoC: SI interview @ HomeLan



Intersting new information (well to me at least) about for example the necromancer... such as:
The first thing a Necromancer must do when they plan on adventuring is to summon a pet. All their spells are cast through their pet, once one is summoned. They may heal the pet, command it to cast spells on enemies, command it to attack enemies, etc. When controlling a pet, Necromancers enter "shade mode" and are referred to as "shades". A shade cannot be targeted or damaged by melee or spells. In order to kill a Necromancer, you must first kill his pet, which forces the Necromancer to become visible, where he can then be targeted and killed. While a shade, the Necro is displayed as a translucent shadowy floating ghost.
Sounds pretty cool aye? Well go read the rest...


EDIT: Sounds cool....
We've just designed a new brush system that will allow us to make areas where players have to "wade" through tall grass, which is something that we didn't even know we could do when we started developing SI.


Hibernia has the Sylvan, dryad-type creatures that are a combination of humanoid and tree

I always knew Druids were doing more than just hugging those tree pets :m00:


It sounds cool, but I can just see it happen..

People let 1 person get a beating of the pet, 3-4 others run to the "shade" the rest kill the pet, the "shade" turns into the necro, the 3-4 surrounding him kill the necro.. :D


We're also spiffing up the interface (some great additions, such as expanded toolbar banks, name coloring, and others have already gone to the testers).

Does this mean more than 8 icons in your quick bar?

Does it?!

I bloody hope so :)

Then again it could mean something completely different...


Originally posted by Tenko

Does this mean more than 8 icons in your quick bar?

Does it?!

I bloody hope so :)

Then again it could mean something completely different...
How can you handle more than perhaps 10? Number keys 0-9...
If more than that it is just as complicated as more than one quick bar :)
I'd like 10...


We're also spiffing up the interface (some great additions, such as expanded toolbar banks, name coloring, and others have already gone to the testers).

yaay, q3 names with colors, gg

. We'll release information about Midgard and Hibernia when we've had more tester time to make sure the core concept for the classes is valid.

you didn't see that coming a mile away

Reavers are hybrid caster/tanks, related in spirit more to the Thane and Champion than the Paladin - they have some debuffs, like the Champion, and some direct damage/lifetap, like the Thane. They also can specialize in a variety of melee skills including all the 1 handed weapon specs, shields, and parry. Their spells are a variety of debuffs and lifedrains which are intended to augment their damage in combat.

Reavers can specialize in one new weapon type: Flexible Weapons, which includes whips, flails, morningstars, chains, and the like. Flexible weapons have different damage types, depending on the type of weapon used (i.e. slashing for whips, crushing for flails, etc.).

take the best of hybrids in other realms and give em to a new one for albion ....


Originally posted by flugo

yaay, q3 names with colors, gg

you didn't see that coming a mile away

take the best of hybrids in other realms and give em to a new one for albion ....

my bet is you ain´t alb


My god both new classes for albion looks amazing.

Maybe I'm gonna revive my US account and check'em out on Andred when the exp pack arrives.. just maybe :)


nice post flugo! :D tho thi sis just like a nerf for Midgard and Hib, Albs get a unkillable caster and a light-tank that owns all other light-tanks, i totaly agree with flugo on the 'We will give you Mid and Hib details when we get them done' thing, I bet mid would have the most people in their realm if it was called 'Dark age of Jordheim' Alb have the most classes ffs, why couldnt they give mid and hib GOOD new classes and just leave alb with 1 new one? nerf mythic i say.


Imagine this...

You see a Necromancer pet... You attack it... Necromancer heals the pet while you try to kill it... Nerf?


Flexible weapons, you can chooce your own damagetype before each fight? Nerf. DD+Debuff+Good damagetype each time...


Originally posted by Psy|:m00:

I always knew Druids were doing more than just hugging those tree pets :m00:

That tree pet has better looks, more personality, and is better company than 90% of the rest of the realm! What do you expect!


ps. Major props to Stumpy the wondertree, who makes healing/buffing all worthwhile! Never whines about getting the right buffs, never forgets to protect me, does not complain about xp -- what more could you ask?


In order to kill a Necromancer, you must first kill his pet, which forces the Necromancer to become visible, where he can then be targeted and killed.

w00t! ... I'll make one, if only to camp Tir Na Nog and Jordheim - could actually be kinda fun, to be able to go through the other realms' borderkeeps without taking a scratch :p

... or, just get 10 or so of these together, let them carry a couple of rams and do a relic raid on their own.

As the least, they'd be invaluable spies - send one through the milegates while the pet is on Stay in relative safety, and then the necromancer reports back the numbers, being invulnerable. Oh my, lets all roll one, so that we can go and /laugh at the enemies because they can't touch us.

<sigh> gj Mythic :(


surely what is intended is the necro has naf stealth basically. realm guards will probably see em a mile off, as will rogue type classes. sounds like bullshit to me if not.


Originally posted by kr0n
Imagine this...

You see a Necromancer pet... You attack it... Necromancer heals the pet while you try to kill it... Nerf?


Flexible weapons, you can chooce your own damagetype before each fight? Nerf. DD+Debuff+Good damagetype each time...
Never thought about it that way... however we are not given that much information yet about the necromancer, there might be something we are missing.
As for the flexible weapons I mean... isn't that what midgard gets to do with swords and such specs? I have never played in Midgard so wouldn't know.
You do kind of get to choose damage type on the fly with flexible weapons :rolleyes:


all swords are slash mate , ;)

Only weapon with diff dmg output in Mid and thats Spears.. and only one class use it Hunters. Nuff said ;)


I think you won't be 'shaded' for a little time when you are casting... just like with a stealther who did a move but missed and wants to hide again..


i dont think he will be stealthed as such.. only ghosted, ie he wont have a stealth bubble but will be visible to the clipping plane as a ghost.

And i also think you have to be close to your pet at all times (ie you steer the pet and you will be on auto /follow or /stick.

OR they wont and the class will be nerfed to pieces when enough people has lvld a necro to 50....


Originally posted by inqy
surely what is intended is the necro has naf stealth basically. realm guards will probably see em a mile off, as will rogue type classes. sounds like bullshit to me if not.

Actually it says they're visible to everyone, cept in a transparent shadey way.. However given that the necro can only be killed if his pet dies, then presumably the pet must remain with the necro at all times, he cannot leave it behind at the pk and run around emain completely immune to everything. If the pet is able to be left behind, then as someone else stated, theer would be nothing to stop necros entering other realms (and if they can then release their old pet, and get a new one.. lol silly mythic hehe)

Whilst reavers can use flexible weapons, they prob have to spec a dmg type to lower variance as with 2 handed weapons/polearms, after all it is albion so the same rules should be applied. Otherwise it'd just make them uber champions who get choice of dmg type, debuffs and a better DD (ie with lifetap too) than champs have...


Yip, necro does sound a little overpowered, especially if it gets the quickcast ability.

"Oh dear, my pet is nearly dead... I had better QC cast another one once it dies..."

Yip, nerf bat if they don't do it right.

And yes, I can see how if would be possible to abuse the necro class:

Summon pet in Yggdra, find a corner of the map, put pet on Stay, and wait outside the border keep doors for someone to open them. Then walk through.

If guards agro, they apparently can't touch you, so go find a nice secluded spot, and log out.

Log back in an hour later when guards have buggerred off, and any players who followed you have grown bored.

NOT bug abuse, the class was designed that way apparently?

Nice job Mythic :(


This is such a cool class, it will require very careful and skillful playing, basically it's a bit like an Enchanter playing PVE, except you can never pull aggro by over healing.

Please, please tell me you can leave your pet and go roaming, but I can't imagine this to be true, cos you'd have hundreds of them all like level 5 running around the realms.
If you can manually release the pet like an Enchanter, that means you could get into enemy realm, release, get another one and then go hunting!
Lots of questions there, can you enchant dead in other realms, and can you actually get through borders, I'll be following this one.

Don't think they're gonna allow that!


this is funny :) people whining they're overpowered because they can do X...

hello? they ain't finished yet... we've heard they possess something and move around shadily..

I'm pretty sure the team leads etc. will try all the obvious cheese tactics (like leaving your body at the PK and only sending out the pet)..

however the not-so-obvious ones might get missed (whatever they might be!)


Originally posted by old.willowywicca

Otherwise it'd just make them uber champions who get choice of dmg type, debuffs and a better DD (ie with lifetap too) than champs have...

I thought champions got a choice of damage type anyway if they use large weapons?



Quote from 'interview'

'We are continually amazed at the popularity of Camelot. Our numbers are holding steady in the US and are growing quite nicely overseas.'

Does that include the drop of 6000 players since March on the US servers at peaktime? Matt Firor = Lying bag of monkey sp*nk.


Originally posted by old.linnet

I thought champions got a choice of damage type anyway if they use large weapons?

Yes but to do that we sacrifice heavily on defence (which is more serious from 1.53 no when blocking works better). My point was, that they seem to be very much like champions but a bit better is all.. but it's very early days yet.. for all we know the debuffs are even gimpier than champ ones and the lifetap might hit for 3 damage who can say hehe


they sound a bit like champions..

they have new fluffy abilities therefore everyone assumes they're better...

they'll be on a par with champions, but different... I doubt they're going to make all the SI classes ten times better than the old ones - I'm sure everyone will post saying they are though ;)


. We'll release information about Midgard and Hibernia when we've had more tester time to make sure the core concept for the classes is valid.

you didn't see that coming a mile away

:rolleyes: Not surprised in the least.

The Necro and the Hybrid tank sound quite scary actually and I wouldnt mind betting the life tap the hybrid has is an insta, Hibs get Pinnochio and we get Muttly.

I thought SI was scheduled for US release later this year? Well we are now half way through October so theres not a great deal of the year left...my optimism for valid "core concepts" for the new Mid and Hib classes is diminishing with each post like this I read. :(


release cat into pidgeon loft then stand back...

Heres a good indication of the favoritism with Albion, just look up the auto training list and have a look at how many classes Albion
that can auto train against the other realms and look at how Albion classes that auto train do so in more than one line normally whereas hib and mids only auto in one specline usually...

I'm an Alb and I think it smells rotten in denmark.


OK so my monkey sp*nk comment was unwise but hey he is lying through his teeth :D

As for the rest of it, well yes I have to agree the game is due to go retail in 8 weeks and the Hibby/Middy classes are not even anywhere near finished. How can you implement 6 new classes with spell/style lines and balance them in 8 weeks?

Here is what will happen and I will eat my whole suit of epic armour if I am wrong ;

The addon ships and within a week people have got new chars based on the new classes up to level 20.

Many people start to realise thier new class is vastly overpowered/underpowered.

Mids/Hibs complain of incomplete spell lines and the fact they didn't get different epic quests than the other realm classes and that the rewards for those quests suck/rock.

People start to get the new classes in battlegrounds, again some classes are overpowering/underpowered and new exploits are found.

The new areas will drop items that are far better than the common drops elsewhere. A second class playerbase is created because they cannot afford or want to buy the addon but the new drops are unavailable to them unless at vastly inflated prices.

More to follow as I think fo them.......


Originally posted by Uriron
release cat into pidgeon loft then stand back...

Heres a good indication of the favoritism with Albion, just look up the auto training list and have a look at how many classes Albion
that can auto train against the other realms and look at how Albion classes that auto train do so in more than one line normally whereas hib and mids only auto in one specline usually...

I'm an Alb and I think it smells rotten in denmark.
OMG, I just found the first ALb to admit Mythic's Favoritism towards 1 of the realms...hehe, it's like Noita just said in guild chat: "Mythic has finally finished the spec lines of Alb classes after a ton of work, and now prolly 2 blind labradors and a cleaning lady are doing the Mid and Hib classes" :puke:

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