DAoC = RvR



Hey, especially to all u 50's: Show up in Emain a little more often please? DAoC is a RvR-based game, not RvE like EQ. Everyone said "oh, when im 50 i'll only do RvR- yeah right! just did a /who 50 and about 10-20% is in Emain- ive done this other times too

So, please show up in Emain more often, kinda sux being beaten all the time :/

And, this is not only my opinnion, the other 50's who regulary is in Emain think it suck balls too. Come to Emain or go back to EQ ;)


someone lvl my chara and i be on more,
just find it booooring going to lyonesse and look for a group for 4 hours, then get one that is splitting up and ending up doing gobos with lvl 38-40 peeps,

im not saying that lvl 50 ppl shud come to lyonesse and help others to exp at trees, but if you for excample do a Dm trip you could bring more ppl with you, i dont realy care about the drops, just to get a group that you can get some exp from, and if you do a dm group you can always msg me, the drops you can have


It's sort of a catch 22 thing.

I hit 50 and go RvR.

No one else is there :(

I group with some lvl 30's.

We find some Hibbies/Middies.

I get mez'd and left alone the rest of the grp is killed then I get get killed.

Repeat a few times then I get bored of dying and lvl my alts or hunt some drops :(


What if u actually help some peeps get lvl 50 too, that would give U a lvl 50 grp and uberness in emain..................................


Originally posted by Antiarch
What if u actually help some peeps get lvl 50 too, that would give U a lvl 50 grp and uberness in emain..................................

Err think you were in the grp when I hit 50 and I don't remember me leaving it until after Raistlin also hit 50 and some others lvld as well :p

I've done a bit of xping to try to help others lvl but it's not that good cause I get a big chunk of the xp that I don't need.

XPing is best done by people that need xp with lvl 50's only in if there's a class u need in a grp if you can't find someone else.


Help people get 50? Sure, im doing it right now but dont f****** blame us for u not being 50 please :)


Tilde thats just rude, i really felt u were a nice guy and all, its really frustrating when i need to xp and...i had no cleric..i had no tank i could call a lvl 50 cleric/tank but they wouldnt come they are just to busy dieing in emain

Tilde i didnt whine about U being lvl 50 and me not p[ls keep ur flames for smth better, thx


Well I'm never on anon and I rarely/if ever get asked to help in grps that need a Cleric to XP.


sorry for that Antiarch, i thought u meant me :(

Friends? :clap:


Originally posted by Antiarch
Tilde thats just rude, i really felt u were a nice guy and all, its really frustrating when i need to xp and...i had no cleric..i had no tank i could call a lvl 50 cleric/tank but they wouldnt come they are just to busy dieing in emain

Tilde i didnt whine about U being lvl 50 and me not p[ls keep ur flames for smth better, thx

Tilde aint rude, he's jsut sick to f*** of getting wooped in emain.

We have soo many level 50's now and you see bugger all of them in emain.
I hate levelling, i cant understand all these 50's who reach lvl 50, then start an alt and just play that all the time, whats the friggin point?


er congo i got a lvl 5 scout, sure my group could use a 50 cleric? :E


Originally posted by BJ|Bored
er congo i got a lvl 5 scout, sure my group could use a 50 cleric? :E

If you can get him to me by the Spect Wizzies in the Barrows np m8 :p cause Congo is logged there I think ;)


Tilde ment all the Level 50s that suddenly disappeared.
No idea whats the point in playing an alt. If you want to fight against mobs or to get some uber l33t drops there is a game that is better suited for you - Everquest - it offers way more in content and in the item department.

I fight (*cough* die more) in Emain all the time cause we are outleveled there again. I see tons of greys and greens getting slaughtered every day in Emain by Mid or Hib Wallcampers.
And everyone runs out there in small groups regardless of warnings from the stealthers out there.



aye tis true some of the lower lvls and some of the higher lvls (yes me) have seen a hib and gone gung ho with perhaps half our force then get ganked leaving rest with a damn hard fight we still have this problem of organisation in general RvR which also doesnt help.
another thing only thing out there thats red to me now is a lvl 50 and i see alot of mid/hib red cons and probably no more than 10 alb lvl 50's when we got 30+ at least i know its fun to change char frankly after lvling to 50 i dont blame ya but surely youre lvl 50 isnt just gonna sit there and get forgotten maybe once we get our relics taken and get constant whippings in emain like we do alot now ppl will get there high lvl chars out and do summat about it /salute to those lvl 50's who protect our realm and kick the hib/mids butt


imo i think the lvl 50's are to buys leaving/joining/creating new guilds atm or busy playing alts or item hunting .. seems a bit disorganised in emain atm from alb point of view as stated above not many of u high lvl guys "not just 50" goto emain no more . whats the point of getting to 50 if you dont use the lvl to your advantage , im lvling really slow and playing lots of different chars and on different realms cos im not in any rush to hit the hieghts of 50 yet . cos im sure ill be playing this game quiet a long time . my main aim is to have fun . but one thing is for certain is that when/if i reach lvl 50 ill be practivly living in emain dishing out beatings in revenge for all the grass ive eaten in my times ive gone to emain whilst lvling to that high :p


what i seem to notice more and more is that hibs/mids are owning emain during morning/daytime
they camp our walls and no one gets through
only later on more albs come to emain and we can push hib/mids back


You albs must be getting jobs or something, while we mids sit around all day in string vests with cans of stella resting on our beer guts.....

Or is that just me?


lets make a tree group tilde & congo ;-)

no, i understand your point :)

we could rule emain with a full highlvl groups tho :) like the hibs do... but no all albs prefer to get some rps alone ;)


Just take a look at the group compisition in emain tho

Albs = well um ... maybe 10% of all groups have bt and speed and what 50% have cleric buffs ?

hibs/mids seem to all have bt/speed/buffs in all their groups ;)

or so it seems to me heh.


Well Hib is catching u guys up now with the levels. We must have maybe 20+ at level 50 now. I logged on to play last night at 23:00 gmt and did a /who 50. 9 of us were on-line (not anon) 7 in emain, one helping an xp grp and the other (me) omw to emain.

Still I know the frustration when most lev 50's are farming drops whatever while u get slaughtered at emain, and us tanks are always first to die. I think we had a slightly better then average turn out last night.

As for Blue's comments rvr during the day breaks a bit down like this. Hib puts a decent presence in emain from about 13:00 onwards and camps Alb wall. Hib and Mid seem to be the only real forces in emain during the day.

Then at night out come the Albs, and the rvr is still going long after I turn in at 2am.


what can i say us albs are night ppl but i tend to try to xp through the day go rvr if i got no grp bout 10 11 pm GMT theres no point during day cos maybe bout 8 of us in emain about 4pm meet about 60 hibs (probably not that many just feels like it) so unless u got stealth theres not alot u can do

btw when hibbies where trying to take cruachon back yesterday a lone scout was there to taunt you all and he got away only lvl 23 as well brave little fella went by the name of lynx shame whandall got him

btw whandall put some more points in stealth m8 i might not see ya next time :)


Originally posted by BJ|Bored
Just take a look at the group compisition in emain tho

Albs = well um ... maybe 10% of all groups have bt and speed and what 50% have cleric buffs ?

hibs/mids seem to all have bt/speed/buffs in all their groups ;)

or so it seems to me heh.

Skald is a popular class atm, It's pretty funny getting into a high speed chase with minstrels and whatnot, did that the other day with me and my skald guild mate.

I made it to DC whilst he got caught and killed, I only just lost speed within a few feet of the guards :)

Yes I'm not too proud to run, many a time you will hear the cry of "Leeeeeg it!".


Lets not forget that the euro servers are only a few months old. Try /who 30-40 and see the hundreds of players that show up (like me, hoho). At time of writing this it's taken me over 2 months to get my main to lvl 35. I dont plan to do a lot of RvR until I'm well into my 40's and loads of people must feel the same. Give it a little while and you'll have no shortage of RvR-comrades my friends :clap:



Agree 100%
Been busy with the new guild as well as equiping myself for battle, its done (well most of it is) so expect to see me out there again more.

To all you alt levelers out there: there is a time to level alts and there is a time to take keeps slash up hibbies and smite some middies unfortunately most of you seem to forget you have a main character at times.

lvl 50 paladin

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