DAoC Pub Quiz!


Roo Stercogburn

Pencils and papers out lads and lasses, its the great DAoC pub quiz.

1) You are a troll warrior deciding what weapon to spec. Do you spec:

a) Sword, for uber crush damage.
b) Hammer, for really uber slash damage.
c) Axe, for utterly insane thrust damage.
d) Switch realms to Hib and roll a Firbolg Hero.

2) You are on a standard server. You're char is standing in Tir Na Nog, trying to work out the fastest route to Camelot City.

a) Your parents should have used stronger contraception.
b) You have eaten too many bananas today.
c) You are finding it hard to press the keys with your flippers.
d) At least you can lick your own balls til you get taken for a walk.

3) You rolled an enchanter because you genuinely liked the way the class plays. How hard is it to convince people of this:

a) Easy
b) Hard
c) Impossible
d) You don't care because you can post "Cry more noob" a lot on forums.

4) You are in a dungeon with a groupmate that gone linkdead. Do you:

a) Wait for him/her to return.
b) Leg it.
c) Hide around the nearest corner giggling like schoolgirls at your jolly jape.
d) Pull as many agro mobs to the spot where he will re-enter the game and wait.

5) You are desperate for a healing class to complete your group for RvR. You have seven people that have been waiting around for half an hour and along comes an appropriate class - but its someone you hate. Do you:

a) Let byegones be byegones and charge off to bring harm to the enemies of your realm.
b) Say slot has been taken and you're just waiting for the person to show up.
c) Let him join the group and at every opportunity allow him to die, apologising profusely afterwards to throw him off the scent.
d) Let him join the group, take him to the nearest milegate and tell him to wait there while the rest of the group 'scouts' for enemies.

6) You are a cabalist. How big is your friends list.

a) 1 (your pet)
b) 2
c) What is a friends list?
d) You have a whole phone book of potential friends, and you're only half way through 'F'.

7) You're tired, you've had a long frustrating session trying to get to the next level with your current char without success. Along comes someone who you know is a hopeless player asking for group. Do you:

a) Apologise and say you are logging off.
b) Go tackle easy mobs which you know won't cause too much difficulty so xp is slow but steady.
c) Take him to some easy mobs which even he can kill then AFK for a few hours while he gets on with it.
d) Lead him to the dragon's lair and tell him to pull, then just as he does, hit the power button on your PC. When you get back you apologise for going LD, but you're sure the two of you can kill the dragon next time. Keep repeating til he logs.

8) You are heading out solo to the Alb Milgate in Emain Macha.

a) You are a stealther.
b) You are drunk.
c) You have trouble following the plot in Sesame Street.
d) You are looking for Nisse's Lair.

9) You are in a full balanced group hitting the frontiers for RvR.

a) You are dreaming.
b) You're group is only balanced because it is with three other groups.
c) It is only balanced in that it has equally stupid people playing each character class.
d) To balance it, 90% of your realm buddies will never talk to you again.

10) Four keeps on your home frontier fall within 10 minutes of each other.

a) It is likely a relic raid, you immediately move to the nearest assembly point designated by your alliance.
b) You are levelling an alt and don't care.
c) Another realm wants access to Darkness Falls... badly.
d) There are no Realm Points for retaking keep. Go to Emain, do not pass go, do not collect 3 relics.

11) You have given your password to a friend so he can try out your char. Subsequently your char gets deleted.

a) GOA are looking forward to your call and will be delighted to help you restore it.
b) Your application for astronaut has a very good chance of succeeding.
c) Phineas T. Barnum is chuckling in his grave.
d) Single celled organisms beat you at Tic Tac Toe.

12) You have decided to indulge in some fruity chat but accidently send the saucy PM to the wrong person.

a) You lie and say you had loaned your account.
b) You decide to follow through and see how far you can take it.
c) You beg the person never to repeat what they read to anyone.
d) You log off before the person can send you the URL with the screenie they just posted.

13) You are acting as the group's puller and are in an epic zone. You realise you have just pulled a scout mob but the group hasn't noticed yet. You have probably 2 seconds before the trolldung hits the ventilation.

a) You quickly try to kite the mobs away to give your healer time to log.
b) You keep running into the middle of them then hit the power button so you can fake an LD and hence save face.
c) You laugh like a loon and say "Well you wanted faster xp..."
d) After everyone dies , blame the CC player for doing a bad job.

14) You have created a Fire Wizard. How long before you are a member of Alcoholics Anonymous.

a) 5 mins after hitting level 50.
b) 5 mis after hitting the frontier after hitting level 50.
c) You were already in Alcoholics Anonymous when you rolled your char.
d) Never, you just roll another char.


How do I figure out my score ??? Nahhh never mind I allready know I'm silly....


Nice, but you missed a few options out, i've tried to fill in some of the blanks.

Made me laugh - thanks

1) You are a troll warrior deciding what weapon to spec. Do you spec:

a) Sword, for uber crush damage.
b) Hammer, for really uber slash damage.
c) Axe, for utterly insane thrust damage.
d) Switch realms to Hib and roll a Firbolg Hero.
e) me be troll... me be strong... me hit things... me no need hitty thing

2) You are on a standard server. You're char is standing in Tir Na Nog, trying to work out the fastest route to Camelot City.

a) Your parents should have used stronger contraception.
b) You have eaten too many bananas today.
c) You are finding it hard to press the keys with your flippers.
d) At least you can lick your own balls til you get taken for a walk.
e) Join the E&E team, agree on a cunning plan to 'test' and exploit, after all you are E&E, you are safe from a temp ban.... arn't you ??

3) You rolled an enchanter because you genuinely liked the way the class plays. How hard is it to convince people of this:

a) Easy
b) Hard
c) Impossible
d) You don't care because you can post "Cry more noob" a lot on forums.
e) VERY VERY VERY easy, just say 'YES' to all the requests to power level people

4) You are in a dungeon with a groupmate that gone linkdead. Do you:

a) Wait for him/her to return.
b) Leg it.
c) Hide around the nearest corner giggling like schoolgirls at your jolly jape.
d) Pull as many agro mobs to the spot where he will re-enter the game and wait.
e) you also go link dead.... after all the servers crash more often than individual players

5) You are desperate for a healing class to complete your group for RvR. You have seven people that have been waiting around for half an hour and along comes an appropriate class - but its someone you hate. Do you:

a) Let byegones be byegones and charge off to bring harm to the enemies of your realm.
b) Say slot has been taken and you're just waiting for the person to show up.
c) Let him join the group and at every opportunity allow him to die, apologising profusely afterwards to throw him off the scent.
d) Let him join the group, take him to the nearest milegate and tell him to wait there while the rest of the group 'scouts' for enemies.
e) nothing.... after all you've had Najwa on ignore for 12 months now

6) You are a cabalist. How big is your friends list.

a) 1 (your pet)
b) 2
c) What is a friends list?
d) You have a whole phone book of potential friends, and you're only half way through 'F'.
e)DAOC is a sociable game, you'd like to actualy group with people... so you decide not to play a cabby.

7) You're tired, you've had a long frustrating session trying to get to the next level with your current char without success. Along comes someone who you know is a hopeless player asking for group. Do you:

a) Apologise and say you are logging off.
b) Go tackle easy mobs which you know won't cause too much difficulty so xp is slow but steady.
c) Take him to some easy mobs which even he can kill then AFK for a few hours while he gets on with it.
d) Lead him to the dragon's lair and tell him to pull, then just as he does, hit the power button on your PC. When you get back you apologise for going LD, but you're sure the two of you can kill the dragon next time. Keep repeating til he logs.
e) nothing.... after all you've had Najwa on ignore for 12 months now

8) You are heading out solo to the Alb Milgate in Emain Macha.

a) You are a stealther.
b) You are drunk.
c) You have trouble following the plot in Sesame Street.
d) You are looking for Nisse's Lair.
e) you load up some radar exploit on your nix box

9) You are in a full balanced group hitting the frontiers for RvR.

a) You are dreaming.
b) You're group is only balanced because it is with three other groups.
c) It is only balanced in that it has equally stupid people playing each character class.
d) To balance it, 90% of your realm buddies will never talk to you again.
e) you load up some radar exploit on your nix box

10) Four keeps on your home frontier fall within 10 minutes of each other.

a) It is likely a relic raid, you immediately move to the nearest assembly point designated by your alliance.
b) You are levelling an alt and don't care.
c) Another realm wants access to Darkness Falls... badly.
d) There are no Realm Points for retaking keep. Go to Emain, do not pass go, do not collect 3 relics.
e) you load up some radar exploit on your nix box

11) You have given your password to a friend so he can try out your char. Subsequently your char gets deleted.

a) GOA are looking forward to your call and will be delighted to help you restore it.
b) Your application for astronaut has a very good chance of succeeding.
c) Phineas T. Barnum is chuckling in his grave.
d) Single celled organisms beat you at Tic Tac Toe.
e) You log you're account as being hacked on Rightnow, and post a really pathetic thread on barrysworld... being in SOTL, GOA decide to help and restore your character

12) You have decided to indulge in some fruity chat but accidently send the saucy PM to the wrong person.

a) You lie and say you had loaned your account.
b) You decide to follow through and see how far you can take it.
c) You beg the person never to repeat what they read to anyone.
d) You log off before the person can send you the URL with the screenie they just posted.
e) You log you're account as being hacked on Rightnow, and post a really pathetic thread on barrysworld

13) You are acting as the group's puller and are in an epic zone. You realise you have just pulled a scout mob but the group hasn't noticed yet. You have probably 2 seconds before the trolldung hits the ventilation.

a) You quickly try to kite the mobs away to give your healer time to log.
b) You keep running into the middle of them then hit the power button so you can fake an LD and hence save face.
c) You laugh like a loon and say "Well you wanted faster xp..."
d) After everyone dies , blame the CC player for doing a bad job.
e) you type /g damn lag

14) You have created a Fire Wizard. How long before you are a member of Alcoholics Anonymous.

a) 5 mins after hitting level 50.
b) 5 mis after hitting the frontier after hitting level 50.
c) You were already in Alcoholics Anonymous when you rolled your char.
d) Never, you just roll another char.
e) you listen to some would be great advice and /respec to ice at 20... feeling happy with yourself you level all the way to 50 within 2 hours, then realise how gimped you are in RvR and scream for a respec stone

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