DAoC Movie making



Hello everybody,

I see myself in a bit of a situation here... :/ I can't seem to find any propper answer for this question that have been rounding around my head for quite some time...

You know those DAoC movies that you can find? Those where the screenplay has been recorded and made into a movie? Yeah...exactly those...
Well... I wanna give it a try, but I cant seem to get the nessesary information for me to begin making 'em.

I need to know what program(z) people use to record the screenplay!?? Untill now I have heard of only one program that can't record more then two frames pr. sec - and clearly that ain't enough.

This dosen't involve any extra hardware like a VCR, TV-out cards or anything like that. I am only looking for a program to record the screenplay as I see it, when I am online :)
Some people say that it is not possible to record the screenplay while gaming due to lag of system resources - but I just can't belive that.
Shouldn't 1.6 Ghz and 512 MB of ram be enough to do that - if not, how much does it take?

I hope to get lot's of responces, good advices and names of programs that I can use :)


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