



Ok, I held off paying for my subscription because of the PoS Service GOA have given us.

Then last night, I had an excellent RvR night, loads of fun, so thought I would pay for the subscription after logging off. But fell asleep before I could.

So, getting up this afternoon I tried to pay for the subscription.

Guess what? F'ing error trying to access the account page, keep geting the following:

Dark Age of Camelot subscription

The registration page is momentarily unavailable, please try again in a few minutes.
We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Inconvenience? Like F it is!

At the minute, Midgaard are currently on a relic keep crusade, taking all our keeps, and I can't even get on because my subscription cannot be paid!!!!!!

FFS GOA, great customer service, great one, if it isn't up by midnight tonight, Usp from Hibernia is saying bye-bye.


Right, had enough waiting around for GOA to get their asses in gear, so here's a copy of an e-mail I just sent.


To: subscription@goa.com
CC: subscription@darkageofcamelot.com
Subject: Is there any chance I can pay for my subscription?

username: lmcvicker

I cannot pay for my subscription because the My Account page has had the following since 2pm BST on the 4th April 2002, and it is now 9.30pm, meaning that it has been down for 7.5 hours, with no mention of it or it's problems from GOA.

I really want to play RIGHT NOW because we are losing alot of our keeps to Midgaard, and I would REALLY like to help in the defense.

You have got to have someone there to accually get this e-mail and reply to it ASAP because I think that the usual 48/72 hour response time is not for this problem, as it is stopping yourselves from being paid!

I would like a response to this ASAP please.

My credit card is waiting, and if it isn't sorted by midnight tonight, I might just decide to not pay.

I am not pleased with the level of service GOA have provided us, it's (now) paying customers, with and this is not the way to run any sort of business that wants to get anywhere.

Mythic seem to have made a big mistake in letting GOA handle the EU release of DAoC, and must not be monitoring what is going on as closely as people would believe, as any bad publicity with GOA would aslo reflect on them, as they are the creators of the game.


Liam McVicker


Let's see if this does anything, doubt it though, but have had enough of this 'waiting on GOA' shit.

And, FYI, this is not criticism for Kemor as I know that Kemor can only tell us what he is told, and imo, has been doing an excellent job. It's about GOA's mess up of DAoC, having turned something that could be a very good game, into a joke because of poor service (both online and support).


Ok, having worn out the F5 key on my keyboard, the account page is back up at 9.41pm BST, but still no announcement as to why GOA were unable to get paid for nearly 8 hours (or more, since I was asleep until 2pm).

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