DAoC Fan Art & others


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 25, 2005
Almost all the MMORPGs nowadays have a great ART & design staff, look up WoW art concept, for example, a serious work also implies nice designs and extra stuff, like in the films/movies do, however about DAoC there is a lot of Fan Art (i think) around splitted into the webs, not directly linked to official mythic web or similar, maybe is a little too late to do it, maybe not, servers still live at USA, people could send nice fan art for the good of comunnity, although there are webs where u can watch it, for example "camelot addicts" funny cartoons as showed a piece of it here.

I suggest Mythic team and DAoC fans to open a Fan Art section where everyone could leave their art (if they'd like to) links about it, or other webs where u can see DAoC Fan Art ;)

I might post or add some of my own draws aswell :drink:

here you have daoc Addicts comics link:

WAR Addict and Camelot Addict Archives

P.S. also has WoW cartoons archive :clap:


  • PBAE.jpg
    26.3 KB · Views: 21


One of Freddy's beloved
May 22, 2004
Here's some "fanart" for you, provided by the community during the years.

wtb the one made by Aoln where Speeeeeeeeeeeeeeeedy steals the SoM!


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 13, 2005
Anyone got Lubbocks " Guide to a successful keep take " or relic raid or what it was,
THAT is true Fan Art !!!


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 13, 2005
Anyone got Lubbocks " Guide to a successful keep take " or relic raid or what it was,
THAT is true Fan Art !!!

Just wanted to add it was a pic along with one of his "Operation Hamburgerhill" thingys, just loved Lubbies RvR raids :D
Those where the days :cheers:


I am a FH squatter
Jul 24, 2004
has any one got brites montague of my flyboypip screenshots? lol


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 25, 2005

Any1 that know where to find DAoC stuff about more less serious ART like webcomics or any other form (such posters and artbooks) please post it, thanks ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
On a serious note, sadly a lot of fan art and so forth was lost as guild forums, galleries etc were taken down as people stopped playing. I always remember this guy on VN who did some fantastic art normally with huge trolls with big axes covered in blood, but I canot find them now (might have something at home).

Might be worth trolling the VN board creative, or even the creative section on here. hmm...i got some shizz on that forum too I aint seen in ages lol.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Anyone got Lubbocks " Guide to a successful keep take " or relic raid or what it was,
THAT is true Fan Art !!!

Dno if it's this one you're referring to but afaik this pic was made by Ilum.
Might be wrong, but it's a kickass pic anyway. :worthy:



Can't get enough of FH
Feb 13, 2005
Dno if it's this one you're referring to but afaik this pic was made by Ilum.
Might be wrong, but it's a kickass pic anyway. :worthy:


Haha yea this sure is a lovely pic, remember i laughed as hell when i first
saw it :D

Here have a rep " Lappjevel " (eller nästan Same som vi säger här nere :p )


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 25, 2005
Some "Fan Art" in text mode, classic chat about LOTR in DAoC language :D

[u]Fellowship of the Ring[/u]

Gatekeeper: Speak friend and enter
Frodo: Enter exit

[Group] Frodo: WTF? Where's the Dwarf King?
[Group] Aragorn: Guess he hasn't popped.
[Group] Merry: Wanna biscuit!
[Group] Gandalf: STFU Merry.
[Group] Frodo: Seriously, there's no Dwarves anywhere. WTF?
[Group] Samwise: Hey a goblin! I didn't know they popped here.
[Group] Frodo: What con?
[Group] Samwise: Blue to me.
[Group] Merry: Pulling...
[Group] Frodo: No! They add!
[Group] Samwise: inc 2
[Group] Samwise: Make that 6.
[Group] Gandalf: More like 20.
[Group] Aragorn: @#%$! Try to get to the zone point!
[Group] Gandalf: On me!
[Group] Aragorn: Tanking 4.
[Group] Galdalf: ON ME DAMMIT!
[Group] Merry: Weee!
[Group] Frodo: Sprint!
[Group] Aragorn: Frodo, Give Gandalf the ring. He can use it to get away
then come back and res maybe.
[Group] Frodo: Trade bugged.
[Group] Aragorn: Trade bugged my ass, you just don't want to give it up.
Hand it over!
[Group] Frodo: NO! IT'S PRECIOUS!
[Group] Gandalf: Balrog add!
Gandalf kills the Balrog!
Gandalf has just been killed by a Balrog!
[Group] Aragorn: Merry you idiot!
[Group] Frodo: Zoned safely.


[Group] Frodo: Jesus what a pain!
[Group] Samwise: I know.
[Group] Frodo: How many orc adds did we get there?
[Group] Aragorn: About 25 or so.
[Group] Frodo: Where is everyone?
[Group] Samwise: I'm right next to you.
[Group] Boromir: I released. gl guys. Logging.
[Group] Aragorn: Leg, Gimli and I are all together. Where are you guys?
[Group] Legolas: Gandalf never came back after going LD.
[Group] Frodo: Merry? Pippin?
Aragorn sends "WTF? Don't get Merry back, the guy is a moron!"
You send "WTF am I supposed to do? He's still in the grp. He's gonna want to get back with us." to Aragorn
[Group] Merry: Biscuit!
[Group] Pippin: We're surrounded by aggro Orcs. Can't move.
[Group] Frodo: We'll come get you.
[Group] Aragorn: Once we find each other lol.
[Group] Samwise: This is stupid. We're all spread out.
[Group] Legolas: I'm out of arrows. Can we head back to town first?
[Group] Frodo: You idiot. Why didn't you bring enough?
[Group] Legolas: WTF? We were supposed to get on the boat and go down the river. What did I need arrows for?
[Group] Frodo: Gee, I don't know. Maybe cuz you're a RANGER!
[Group] Legolas: Up yours.
[Group] Aragorn: Guys... dont' argue...
[Group] Legolas: Hey, at least I specced my bow. Better than your
blade-specced ass.
[Group] Aragorn: Well at least *I* didn't get rid of my Archer's Bracer just to get a +CHA item.
[Group] Legolas: Well, I gotta look good, you know.
[Group] Aragorn: I hate it when people gimp themselves for roleplay
purposes. WTF is up with that!?
[Group] Pippin: These orcs are coming a bit closer now.
[Group] Merry: Should I pull one?
[Group] Pippin: If you do, I'll disband and run, you imbecile.
[Group] Merry: Biscuit!
[Group] Gimli: we r ub3r. we shld hunt more.
[Group] Frodo: Gawd I hate leet.
[Group] Gimli: i m w4y mor3 lee+ th4n joo.
[Group] Legolas: Hey, I LIKE having a high CHA. It's important.
[Group] Aragorn: For what!? You're a RANGER. You're a god damn CHA specced RANGER!
[Group] Pippin: /gu god I'm with a stupid group.
[Group] Frodo: ...
[Group] Pippin: mistell
[Group] Aragorn: Look. Let's all just meet up. Frodo what's your loc.
[Group] Frodo: Lets split up and form individual groups. I think that might be best.
[Group] Gimli: d3wd... we all h4ve tha same quest! Why split?
[Group] Legolas: I mean, what's the point of not being pretty?
[Group] Merry: Pulling! Wee!
[Group] Pippin: God dammit, Merry!
[Group] Aragorn: Well, you might hit things once in a while, Legolas.
[Group] Legolas: WTF are you talking about? I hit every time!
[Group] Aragorn: Yeah, but you got lucky.
[Group] Legolas: To hell I did! And speaking of gimping yourself what's up with being a human Ranger? Rangers need qui and dex, you know.
[Group] Aragorn: I'm blade specced. I needed the CON more.
[Group] Legolas: And don't even start with me on over-roleplaying. We were all ready to go and you were busy RPing with that elf champ chick back in town.
[Group] Aragorn: Dude. Arwen is my eternal lover.
[Group] Legolas: We didn't have room to group her. Say no and move on. RP on your own time, dude.
[Group] Frodo: Oh to hell with it. I'm logging till the next movie.
Frodo has left the group.

You have entered Orc Infested Forest.
No monster Target in range.
No monster Target in range.
No monster Target in range.
No monster Target in range.
Members of Fellowship of the Ring currently online:
1. Frodo the Level 1 Stalker in Orc Invested Forest
2. Legolas the Level 23 Ranger in Rivendale
[Guild] Frodo: Hey, Leg. Wanna work on the quest?
[Guild] Legolas: Can't. Busy.
[Guild] Frodo: Busy doing what?
[Guild] Legolas: Looking at myself in a mirror.
[Guild] Frodo: Right. Of course.
Your friend, Merry, has just entered the game.
You have removed Merry from your friends list.
[Guild] Merry: Biscuit!
You must wait 20 seconds to quit. Stand or type /quit to cancel.
[Guild] Merry: Need res.
[Guild] Legolas: Serves you right, you jerkoff.
[Guild] Merry: Frodo! Wanna hunt?
You will quit in 15 seconds.
You send "Frodo is currently AFK." to Merry.
Merry sends "Come on, I need PLing! Biscuit!"
You will quit in 10 seconds.
You send "No, dude. You always pull purples an get us killed." to Merry
Merry sends "Come on! Pweeeze?"
You send "Well, ok. Meet me at the top of Mount doom. I'm going /anon for now. But I'll be there. Just wait for me." to Merry.
Merry sends "Yay! omw."
You will quit in 5 seconds.
[logged out]

The Two Towers:

*** Chat Log Opened: Wed Dec 17 11:59:09 2002

Aragorn: geez where's gandalf been?
Aragorn: been like 2 months since i saw him
Gimli: he was mad
Aragorn: mad? why?
Gimli: tried to solo that balrog in Moria.
Gimli: said wtf good is his spec if he can't solo a balrog
Gimli: sold his acct i think
Aragorn: dfd#
Legolas: I lament for Gandalf.
Gimli: where those dork hobbits?
Aragorn: you encumbered, gimli? you're so SLOW
Gimli: bah
Aragorn: Frodo, what you up to?
Frodo: epic...the One Ring quest
Gimli: epic? for what class?
Frodo: i'm a lvl 27 Commoner.
Aragorn: you need help, fro?
Frodo: no, i'm good, thx
Frodo: got sam w/me
Samwise: that you do, mr. frodo!
Frodo: look, sam, pal...it's mr. BAGGINS.
Frodo: Frodo is my FIRST name
Samwise: yes, sir, mr. frodo!
Frodo: jesus
Glaknuk was just killed by Eomer!
Eofar was just killed by Frghuk!
Frghuk was just killed by Eothor!
Grzzhak was just killed by Theobar!
Ulthazg was just killed by Eomer!
Aragorn: Eomer, where's death spam?
Eomer: just us horse lords zerging orcs
Eomer: we're fine
Aragorn: how are my Horse Lord homies doing?
Eomer: we just claimed Edoras.
Eomer: but Theoden is not himself
Eomer: i mean, his lil bro came on to play his char
Eomer: can't stand that little #DSw
Gimli: he lets his lil bro lead Horse Lords?
Eomer: no when he's on horse lords just do what Grima says
Grima: stfu Eomer, theoden would want you to go to mordor
Eomer: forget it idiot. my grp going to fields of rohan to drum up RPs
Grima: bah!
Theoden: can i have cg plz?
Gimli: Theo, you're in the cg already.
Theoden: ok rofl lol roflmao!!!!!!!!
Legolas sends, "What manner of hex has befallen brave Theoden?"
You send, "curse of the little bro, bro" to Legolas.
Eomer: Where are you guys?
Aragorn: FF
Theoden: what FF
Gimli: Fangorn forest
Theoden: ok kk thx gmili
Legolas: Mine eyes spy a scout for Saruman.
Aragorn: where?
Legolas: Through yonder grove.
Gimli: um, shoot him
Legolas: My arrowflight flew not true.
Aragorn: 4@F2 mezzed
Gimli: DDs2ing AE mez
Legolas: I am bound by fell magics!
Grima: theoden sez to rush pk. guards are easy to kill.
Theoden: good idea gramma kk do it everyone
Gandalf: sup
Gimli: Gandalf?
Aragorn: it cannot be
Gandalf: hi what's the story?
Gimli: you the real gand or did he sell?
Gandalf: it matters not. i'm RR8.
Gandalf: and RR8 = uber
You send, "ok, theoden is being played by his little bro" to Gandalf.
You send, "and grima thinks he runs the show" to Gandalf.
Gandalf sends, "then our path is clear".
Theoden: can i have 1 gold plz?
Gimli: Theo, you're lvl 51.2. you have like 6 plat.
Theoden: omfg roflmao kk thx happy.gif ))))))))))))))))))))))
Gandalf: if mythic is listening, PLEASE put in white dye
Gandalf: this grey ain't cutting it
Gimli: what we doing now?
Gandalf: theoden! put your big brother on
Theoden: kk now he home from work happy.gif )))))))))))))))
Gandalf: good boy. get help.
Grima: no! theo! you are the true leader of the horse lords!
Theoden: hey folks, i'm back. i hate making pizzas
Grima: bah! this sux. i'm logging.
Theoden: Grima, you dork.
Theoden: there, i booted him from guild. lol
Theoden: what's going on?
Aragorn: any scouts out?
Legolas: A vast horde of beasts marches on Edoras.
Eomer: again? 33Ff, we JUST took Edoras
Aragorn: #s?
Legolas: Too many for mine eyes to count.
Aragorn: how many earthies here?
Gimli: us, plus newbs
Theoden: ok, here's the plan
Theoden: fall back to HD
Theoden: we'll corpse-xfer-spam them there
Theoden: sound good Gand?
Theoden: Gand?
Gimli: Gand LD
Aragorn: he's got a lousy connection
Theoden: i swear he LDs just so he doesn't have to sit thru the boring parts
Eowyn: Hi Aragorn.
Aragorn: Hi Eow happy.gif
Eowyn: /em blush wink.gif
Legolas sends, "Methinks Aragorn doth have Eowyn's tender heart in his palm."
You send, "yeah, maybe" to Legolas.
You send, "this Lego guy is new right? what server is he from?" to Aragorn.
Aragorn sends, "Guin, i think".
You send, "ah, ok" to Aragorn.
Frodo: um, this creepy schizo lurikeen in his underwear is following me around
Samwise: i don't trust him, mr. frodo.
Samwise: we should /appeal him for harrasment
Frodo: ok, mr. samwise, you do that
GollumTheGood: We musts help master.
GollumTheEvil: No no no! We musts KILLSIES the master!
Gimli: inc orcs and wargs
Theoden: send newbs ahead to HD
Theoden: they're just free RPs for orcs out in the open
Gimli: dude, lego, i've never seen a ranger pull off so many one-shots
Legolas: Indeed, my arrows fly true and bite hard this eve!
Aragorn: fhhS
Eowyn: Aragorn! No!
Aragorn: i fell off a cliff. dead at bottom
Aragorn: you can't reach me. gonna corpse xfer to HD
Theoden: k
Theoden: rez dead and /stick
Theoden: we move in 30
Gimli: so where tf are merri and pip?
Aragorn: i think they're roleplaying with trees in FF
Legolas: Perhaps they seek to sway the favor of the trees in this war.
Gimli: no RPs from their little skits
Aragorn: /shrug
Theoden: ok upgrade keep doors
Eowyn: Aragorn! You're all right!
Aragorn: um, yup. i xfered
Eowyn: /em smiles! happy.gif happy.gif
You send, "woohoo! stud!" to Aragorn.
Aragorn sends, "true i'm a stud, but she's prolly a guy irl".
Aragorn sends, "definitely hot in game tho wink.gif ".
Gimli: seriously this all we got?
Gimli: greys and greens only?
Aragorn: aye. we will make do
Gimli: summoner gonna get a workout
Theoden: archers on the walls
Theoden: tanks in courtyard
Theoden: don't get AEed
Theoden: anyone know how many inc?
Legolas: A great warhost cometh.
Theoden: yeah great...HOW MANY
Legolas: The fields are flooded with hate.
Theoden: sigh
Gimli: will someone mop up all that hate out there? i keep stepping in it
Aragorn: 1250 fgs inc
Theoden: wtf? you saying there are 10000 orcs out there????
Aragorn: /em does math
Aragorn: yes
Theoden: ok, i hate to say this
Theoden: but wtf are our scouts?!
Aragorn: Lego and i are here
Theoden: next time can you rangers actually SCOUT instead of run w/us?
Theoden: so a 1250 fg zerg doesn't sneak up on us again like a 50 stealth spec assassin?
Aragorn: sorry i'm melee specced
Legolas: I lament my failure. I ask humbly for your forgiveness.
Aragorn: everyone spam /as to get more out here
Theoden: no! we will do this ourselves
Theoden: RPs are all MINE i tell you!
Gimli: (i think...can't see...too short)
Aragorn: they got trebs
Aragorn: like DDf3ing 193737939 rams too
Theoden: and where are all our casters?!
Gimli: Ya, where's Arwen, ara?
Aragorn: dunno. she and i kinda broke up
Eoywn: Really? You did?
Aragorn: yup, pretty much.
Aragorn: she didn't even want her Pearlescent Necklace back.
Gimli: got 3 orcs so far!
Legolas: My tally climbs ever more skyward! 17!
Legolas: 18! 19!
Legolas: 20 fearsome foes fallen!
Aragorn: wow.
Aragorn: geez how are you specced, Lego?
Gimli: bah nerf rangers
Aragorn: NO!
Legolas: NO!
Samwise: what? why, mr. frodo?
Frodo: cuz you dumped me in the swamp and aggroed those dead ghosts
Frodo: good thing that freaky schizo lurikeen was here
Theoden: they on doors
Theoden: protect summoner
Aragorn: why do WE have a corpse summoner in OUR realm if WE have one of THEIR relics?
Gimli: mythic sux. can't code their way out of a shoebox
Elrond: Hi, this is CSR Elrond.
Elrond: I'm not supposed to say this, but...
Elrond: kk thx bye
Theoden: go elrond! hehe
Gimli: ksE3ing mythic
Aragorn: 1st door down
The forces of Middle-Earth have captured Isengard!
The forces of Middle-Earth have captured Isengard!
The forces of Middle-Earth have captured Isengard!
The forces of Middle-Earth have captured Isengard!
Gimli: woot earthies!
Theoden: wootah!
Gimli: did that open Moria?
Eomer: NO!
Eomer: i'd get fewer RPs if you all went to Moria
Gimli: waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Aragorn: who took isen?
Merriadoc: just me and pip w/some trees
Aragorn: ???
Legolas: I told you.
Gimli: 2nd door 30%
Theoden: repair it
Aragorn: FDd3 this. follow me outside gimli
Gimli: ok
Eowyn: Be careful, brave Aragorn!
Theoden: 2nd door down!!
Theoden: 2nd door down!!
Theoden: protect the summoner
Aragorn: too late
Theoden: dSTw
Gimli: we are SO gonna lose this keep
Gandalf: sorry LD
Aragorn: um, could use some help w/these freaking orcs, gand
Gandalf: ok brt
Eomer: /em stretches...ahh, good zerging weather
Eomer: me and my grp are racking up some sweet RPs in rohan
Eomer: while you guys get tractored at HD. need help?
Aragorn: YES DUMB#$a
Gimli: which cg you been listening to eodork???
Gimli: get ur punk a$$ over here
Gimli: nm you suck we gonna lose anyway
Legolas: No, wait....guard pop
Aragorn: ???
Theoden: i'm sorry?
Gimli: huh??
Eomer: ??
Eowyn: ?
Legolas: What?
Theoden: wasn't that, like, out of character?
Legolas: K!d%, now you know i'm not really an elf.
Aragorn: geez, go gand
Gimli: they falling back
Theoden: woot! reinforcements!
Eomer: why didn't you tell me this was where all the RPs were?
Eomer: i thought you were just here to lose
Theoden: ok, clean up time folks
Theoden: get the last few of em
Aragorn: sweet.
Gimli: you finish that quest yet frodo?
Frodo: no, i'm still following the freaky loincloth lurikeen
Frodo: i totally trust him
Theoden: nice work everyone.
Aragorn: everyone back inside. med up.
Aragorn: they'll be back in 10 mins.
Aragorn: wink.gif

The Return of the King:


Aragorn: all join my bg for ML6
Aragorn: Gandalf will be treasurer
Pippin: why not me?
Gandalf: because none of us have forgotten about how that palantir disappeared a couple raids ago
Gandalf: is Denethor coming, Pip?
Pippin: he's logging on now
Theoden has joined the battle-group.
Aragorn: Theo! you bringing horse lords to ML6?
Theoden: i dunno. was thinking about it
Aragorn: we're leaving in 10. get to MT
Pippin sends, "MT?"
You send, "Minas Tirith." to Pippin.
Pippin sends, "ah kk"
Theoden: nah i think i'll pass
Theoden has left the battle-group!
Aragorn: bah
Gandalf: Pippin.../send Eomer that we'll get RPs for ML6
Aragorn: ??
Aragorn: do you?
Gandalf: pfft no lol
Gandalf: watch and learn Ara
Pippin: one sec
Pippin: done
Eomer has joined the battle-group!
Theoden has joined the battle-group!
Eowyn has joined the battle-group!
Oethar has joined the battle-group!
Aventhe has joined the battle-group!
Eowyth has joined the battle-group!
Dernwyn has joined the battle-group!
Aragorn: wb
Theoden: which way to the glory?
Eomer: let's do this thing
Denethor has joined the battle-group!
Denethor: afk a sec...dinner
Pippin sends, "omg i hate playing at Fara and Den's place"
You send, "why?" to Pippin.
Pippin sends, "Denethor eats like a pig"
Pippin sends, "makes me sing songs, too"
You send, "sorta tmi lol" to Pippin.
Aragorn: sam, frodo, you joining us?
Gandalf: they're prolly busy
Gandalf: been questing for three weeks straight on ML9 i think
Aragorn: freaking powerplayers
Gimli: commoners are so overpowered
Gandalf: ah crap
Aragorn: what?
Gandalf: scouts say orcs inc to MT
Aragorn: bah
Aragorn: ok everyone gear up for keep defense at MT
Gimli: everyone get yer asses to pellenor fields
Gimli: asap!
Gandalf: just our asses?
Gimli: yes
Eowyn: Aragorn would you like to go to the chapel and get married before the fight? =)
Aragorn: well...
Eowyn: 'Twould take only a moment!
Aragorn: elves are really more my thing
Aragorn: i'm sorry
Eowyn: :*(
Eowyn: Relogging...brb
Gimli sends, "did saruman cancel?"
You send, "no clue" to Gimli.
Gimli sends, "guy just disappeared...weird"
Meriadoc: 26 commoner lfg
Meriadoc: ...
Meriadoc: anyone?
Theoden: sorry, meri, you're a little low
Gimli: &j2l i'll take him
Gimli: nm grp full sorry
Dernhelm: I'll take him in my group.
Theoden: suit yourself
Elrond has joined the battle-group!
Elrond: Aragorn, come to Lord's Tent.
Aragorn: brt
Elrond: here, take this
Aragorn: Anduril! Isildur's Bane!
Elrond: (whoa, not so close to the face)
Elrond: you've had encounter credit for years
Elrond: now...make this artifact become what it was meant to be!
Elrond: oh, here are the scrolls.
Elrond: farmed Skyros Earth Razers for weeks for these things
Aragorn: farmed what?
Elrond: never mind, just keep your sweaty man-hands off my daughter
Aragorn: haha
Aragorn shakes his head no at Elrond!
Samwise: mr. frodo i don't trust this creepy loincloth lurikeen!
Samwise: he means to ruin us!
Frodo: no, sam.
Frodo: he may be a level 12 lurikeen strangely averse to a proper pair of pants
Frodo: but he needs to do the MLs too
Gollum: yes! master is good!
Gollum: gollum will not screwsies up ML9 step 10
Gollum: with big pit of hotsy fire to push you in
Gollum: i mean, to fall in, purely on accident...lol heh *cough* GOLLUM! GOLLUM!
Frodo: see, sam?
Frodo: he's totally trustworthy
Gollum: /evil grin
Samwise: there! there, did you see that?
Frodo: see what?
Samwise: BAH
Gandalf: INC ORCS
Gandalf: INC ORCS
Gandalf: INC ORCS
Legolas: standing here, atop the keep...
Legolas: the wind's gentle fingers draw from me a solitary tear...
Legolas: for my eye laments, as it beholds beauty and destruction alike...
Legolas: (but mostly beauty for i am beautiful)...
Legolas: ...and looks upon 65534 foul fgs!
Gandalf: zerging bishes
Gimli: hello, population balance.
Gimli: i'm gimli
Gimli: i don't believe we've met
Aragorn: orcs don't zerg
Aragorn: or so they say
Legolas: we cannot defeat such a wave of foes
Gimli: you could 1-shot them all
Gandalf: any ideas?
Aragorn: hmm. well...
Aragorn: i really need to, uh, chat up a bit on IRC
Gandalf: now?
Aragorn: um, yeah...you know...NOW
Gandalf: ??
Gandalf: OOHHHHHHH, right. NOW.
Gandalf: /wink /wink /nudge /nudge
Gandalf: go to it
Gimli: x-realmer!
Aragorn: shut up foo gandalf has lead brb
Faramir: OW damn orcs hit HARD
Faramir: i'm the only one left standing in my grp
Denethor: my son! he has fallen.
Pippin: well, not yet
Denethor: come to Lord's Room
Faramir: could use a heal
Denethor: no! i am a terrible father whose pride will be his downfall. do what i say.
Faramir: ok
Gandalf: trebs up, plz
Pippin: masonry merch is up
Gimli: wtf is masonry merch?
Pippin: the guy who sells small buildings to shoot at ppl
Gimli: K#jjing cool
Faramir: one AE and i'm toast
Faramir: heal?
Denethor: no! our line ends here, my son
Denethor: an end of shame, misery, defeat
Pippin: and indigestion!
Gandalf: look, we can solve this with one insta heal
Denethor: NEVER! though i am resentful and impotent, i am the leader of Gondor!
Denethor: Aragorn has long had his eyes on my throne!
Gandalf: well, he's sort of, you know, THE HEIR TO THE THRONE
Gimli: ...you moron
Gandalf: thank you, Gimli
Gimli: np
Denethor: denied rightful leadership of Gondor, i will delete Y-E-S
Denethor: and cancel my acct and faramir's
Denethor: and forever more play only PS2 and XBox games like Tony Hawk and GTA
Faramir: heal plz
Denethor: silence, you!
Denethor has demoted Faramir to Gimptastic!
You send, "GM is freaking out, bro" to Gandalf.
Gandalf sends, "you should see the officer msg boards... "
Denethor: ow
Denethor: um, i just got nuked pretty hard
Denethor: heal?
Denethor was just killed!
Denethor: ack
Denethor: uh guys i sort of fell off the keep wall
Denethor: rez? plz?
Gandalf has removed Denethor from the battle-group.
Faramir: thank you
Gandalf: np
Gandalf: change your password, your dad's nuts
Samwise: mr. frodo! oh dear oh me mr. frodo!
Gandalf: what's up?
Samwise: a big spider killed him
Gandalf: yeah, Shelob
Gandalf: did you guys even read the quest notes i sent you?
Samwise: yes we read the quest notes
Samwise: i lagged because i was sad
Samwise: then i guess the spider aggroed mr. frodo
Samwise: but he didn't see the 'Shelob prepares to cover you in plastic wrap!' message
Samwise: so he didn't /use the Light of Erendil in time.
Gimli: damn dude that sucks
Gandalf: so you guys released?
Samwise: no, i soloed the spider
Gandalf: wow
Gandalf: she's like level 70
Gimli: /sings the 'Overpowered Commoners WTF' song
Samwise: i just /used the Light in time
Samwise: and triggered my Feisty Gardener RA
Grogdar was just killed by Gandalf!
Frhgknat was just killed by Gandalf!
Thokgrag was just killed by Gandalf!
Pippin: when did you respec to staff Gandalf?
Pippin: uh, and sword
Pippin: what class ARE you anyway?
Gimli: 8L4 haxxor is what he is
Ghrhagkr was just killed by Pippin!
Pippin: i KILLED AN ORC!
Gandalf: yes now go...feed Denethor or something
Pippin: /barf
Theoden: inc elephants
Theoden: inc elephants
Gimli: elephants??
Gandalf: check patch notes
Gandalf: they changed Dream Sphere
Gimli: ^#k1
You just killed Frognart!
Your Camouflaged Elven Cloak of Weatherproofing has gained experience!
Eofran was just killed by Witchking!
Eobran was just killed by Witchking!
Eotran was just killed by Witchking!
Eodran was just killed by Witchking!
Eomer: Witchking spam :/
Theoden: i thought he retired
Gandalf: guess not
Eogran was just killed by Witchking!
Eolran was just killed by Witchking!
Theoden was just killed by Witchking!
Theoden: crap
Eomer: NO!
Theoden: gah
Theoden: lagging....
You friend, Theoden, has left the game!
Eomer: Theo LDed
Gandalf: LD death bleh
Witchking was just killed by Dernhelm!
Eomer: nice work Dern
Dernhelm: Meriadoc helped. =)
Meriadoc: Wasp's Sting and Hornet's Sting for teh win
Eomer: uh you a girl irl?
Dernhelm: <-- Eowyn =)
Aragorn sends, "dude i told you she was a guy"
Eomer: O_o
Eomer: me own sister
Eomer: who would've known
Gimli: you maybe?
Eomer: quiet dwarf
Aragorn sends, "ok maybe not...very confused"
You send, "lol" to Aragorn.
Frodo: ugh that spider stun/DOT combo lasts forever
Samwise: we've only got 10 minutes to complete the quest
Frodo: let's go
Gollum sends, "they do not know what lies ahead"
Gollum sends, "with quest so bugged and rezzers dead!"
You send, "???" to Gollum.
Gollum sends, "mt sorry"
Eomer: door 1 down
Eomer: door 1 down
Pippin: this is NOT going well
Gandalf: give Aragorn more time!
Gandalf: wait...
Meriadoc: omg
Gandalf: orcs only!!
Aragorn: kk back
Aragorn: how'd i do?
Gimli: woot! IRC x-realmer for teh win!
Gandalf: deus ex machina saves the day!
Aragorn: whatever works
Aragorn: just be rdy for "WTF nice Gondor/Army of the Dead crossteam" posts on VN tomorrow
Gandalf: well, we won
Gimli: now what?
Aragorn: now i think it's in our best tactical interests to go camp Mordor's PK.
Samwise: LS93
Samwise: SLksing KDJd
Samwise: o39king Llsiity ZLSm
Aragorn: Sam?
Aragorn: i think your keyboard broken
Gimli: or he's been smoking that Longbottom leaf again
Samwise: gollum is trying to grief our ML9 run!
Gollum: i wants it!!!
Gimli: appeal him
Frodo: no, don't appeal sam!
Frodo: he's just misunderstood! give him a chance
Frodo: deep inside, he has a good heart --- OWWWWW
Gollum: mmmmm you have good finger
Gollum: oops
Gollum: hot fire
Gollum: bye bye
Gollum was just killed!
Samwise: you up mr. frodo?
Frodo: yes, barely.
Frodo: gollum's teeth procced a disease though.
Frodo: ticking hard on me
Pippin: The eagles are coming!!
Pippin: To save you!
Gimli: ??
Gimli: is that an RA? summon KSj2ing eagles?
Aragorn: ML ability i think. no complaints here
Gandalf: score 2 for deus ex machina!
Gandalf: 3 if you count Helm's Deep last week
Eomer: OMG that HD fight was awesome
Eomer: dinged 8L1 there
Aragorn: so did you get credit despite gollum?
Frodo: checking...
Frodo: yup!
Eomer: PVE whores
Eomer: TOA sucks
Eomer: btw i need help getting Battler and scrolls tomorrow
Eomer: plz help
Aragorn: well grats to the 1st ML9ers in the world of men!
Samwise: world of hobbits, if you please, mr. Aragorn
Aragorn: bah Aragorn is my 1st name
Aragorn: call me Mr. Son of Arathorn
Aragorn: afk sec
Aragorn: gotta go...meeting Arwen for dinner
Eowyn: i thought she moved out west
Aragorn: thx for grp!
Aragorn has left the battle-group!
Gimli: later bro
Legolas: fare thee well
Gandalf: lates
Gimli: so
Gimli: now what?
Gimli: anyone left?
Gimli: i guess that's it
Elrond: I'm going to enjoy watching you die, Mr. Anderson.
Gimli: ??
Legolas: ?
Elrond: bah wrong chat
Elrond: mt sorry
Pippin: anyone want to do the Hobbits' Embrace quest?
Meriadoc: sure, i'm in
Samwise: the Uncontrollable Sobbing quest starts near there, too
Frodo: ok, meet you all at the docks
Frodo: need your skiff Gand, if you can spare it
Gandalf: oh what the hell
Gandalf: save me a spot
Frodo: [size=1]


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Some "Fan Art" in text mode, classic chat about LOTR in DAoC language :D

[u]Fellowship of the Ring[/u]

Gatekeeper: Speak friend and enter
Frodo: Enter exit

[Group] Frodo: WTF? Where's the Dwarf King?
[Group] Aragorn: Guess he hasn't popped.
[Group] Merry: Wanna biscuit!
[Group] Gandalf: STFU Merry.
[Group] Frodo: Seriously, there's no Dwarves anywhere. WTF?
[Group] Samwise: Hey a goblin! I didn't know they popped here.
[Group] Frodo: What con?
[Group] Samwise: Blue to me.
[Group] Merry: Pulling...
[Group] Frodo: No! They add!
[Group] Samwise: inc 2
[Group] Samwise: Make that 6.
[Group] Gandalf: More like 20.
[Group] Aragorn: @#%$! Try to get to the zone point!
[Group] Gandalf: On me!
[Group] Aragorn: Tanking 4.
[Group] Galdalf: ON ME DAMMIT!
[Group] Merry: Weee!
[Group] Frodo: Sprint!
[Group] Aragorn: Frodo, Give Gandalf the ring. He can use it to get away
then come back and res maybe.
[Group] Frodo: Trade bugged.
[Group] Aragorn: Trade bugged my ass, you just don't want to give it up.
Hand it over!
[Group] Frodo: NO! IT'S PRECIOUS!
[Group] Gandalf: Balrog add!
Gandalf kills the Balrog!
Gandalf has just been killed by a Balrog!
[Group] Aragorn: Merry you idiot!
[Group] Frodo: Zoned safely.


[Group] Frodo: Jesus what a pain!
[Group] Samwise: I know.
[Group] Frodo: How many orc adds did we get there?
[Group] Aragorn: About 25 or so.
[Group] Frodo: Where is everyone?
[Group] Samwise: I'm right next to you.
[Group] Boromir: I released. gl guys. Logging.
[Group] Aragorn: Leg, Gimli and I are all together. Where are you guys?
[Group] Legolas: Gandalf never came back after going LD.
[Group] Frodo: Merry? Pippin?
Aragorn sends "WTF? Don't get Merry back, the guy is a moron!"
You send "WTF am I supposed to do? He's still in the grp. He's gonna want to get back with us." to Aragorn
[Group] Merry: Biscuit!
[Group] Pippin: We're surrounded by aggro Orcs. Can't move.
[Group] Frodo: We'll come get you.
[Group] Aragorn: Once we find each other lol.
[Group] Samwise: This is stupid. We're all spread out.
[Group] Legolas: I'm out of arrows. Can we head back to town first?
[Group] Frodo: You idiot. Why didn't you bring enough?
[Group] Legolas: WTF? We were supposed to get on the boat and go down the river. What did I need arrows for?
[Group] Frodo: Gee, I don't know. Maybe cuz you're a RANGER!
[Group] Legolas: Up yours.
[Group] Aragorn: Guys... dont' argue...
[Group] Legolas: Hey, at least I specced my bow. Better than your
blade-specced ass.
[Group] Aragorn: Well at least *I* didn't get rid of my Archer's Bracer just to get a +CHA item.
[Group] Legolas: Well, I gotta look good, you know.
[Group] Aragorn: I hate it when people gimp themselves for roleplay
purposes. WTF is up with that!?
[Group] Pippin: These orcs are coming a bit closer now.
[Group] Merry: Should I pull one?
[Group] Pippin: If you do, I'll disband and run, you imbecile.
[Group] Merry: Biscuit!
[Group] Gimli: we r ub3r. we shld hunt more.
[Group] Frodo: Gawd I hate leet.
[Group] Gimli: i m w4y mor3 lee+ th4n joo.
[Group] Legolas: Hey, I LIKE having a high CHA. It's important.
[Group] Aragorn: For what!? You're a RANGER. You're a god damn CHA specced RANGER!
[Group] Pippin: /gu god I'm with a stupid group.
[Group] Frodo: ...
[Group] Pippin: mistell
[Group] Aragorn: Look. Let's all just meet up. Frodo what's your loc.
[Group] Frodo: Lets split up and form individual groups. I think that might be best.
[Group] Gimli: d3wd... we all h4ve tha same quest! Why split?
[Group] Legolas: I mean, what's the point of not being pretty?
[Group] Merry: Pulling! Wee!
[Group] Pippin: God dammit, Merry!
[Group] Aragorn: Well, you might hit things once in a while, Legolas.
[Group] Legolas: WTF are you talking about? I hit every time!
[Group] Aragorn: Yeah, but you got lucky.
[Group] Legolas: To hell I did! And speaking of gimping yourself what's up with being a human Ranger? Rangers need qui and dex, you know.
[Group] Aragorn: I'm blade specced. I needed the CON more.
[Group] Legolas: And don't even start with me on over-roleplaying. We were all ready to go and you were busy RPing with that elf champ chick back in town.
[Group] Aragorn: Dude. Arwen is my eternal lover.
[Group] Legolas: We didn't have room to group her. Say no and move on. RP on your own time, dude.
[Group] Frodo: Oh to hell with it. I'm logging till the next movie.
Frodo has left the group.

You have entered Orc Infested Forest.
No monster Target in range.
No monster Target in range.
No monster Target in range.
No monster Target in range.
Members of Fellowship of the Ring currently online:
1. Frodo the Level 1 Stalker in Orc Invested Forest
2. Legolas the Level 23 Ranger in Rivendale
[Guild] Frodo: Hey, Leg. Wanna work on the quest?
[Guild] Legolas: Can't. Busy.
[Guild] Frodo: Busy doing what?
[Guild] Legolas: Looking at myself in a mirror.
[Guild] Frodo: Right. Of course.
Your friend, Merry, has just entered the game.
You have removed Merry from your friends list.
[Guild] Merry: Biscuit!
You must wait 20 seconds to quit. Stand or type /quit to cancel.
[Guild] Merry: Need res.
[Guild] Legolas: Serves you right, you jerkoff.
[Guild] Merry: Frodo! Wanna hunt?
You will quit in 15 seconds.
You send "Frodo is currently AFK." to Merry.
Merry sends "Come on, I need PLing! Biscuit!"
You will quit in 10 seconds.
You send "No, dude. You always pull purples an get us killed." to Merry
Merry sends "Come on! Pweeeze?"
You send "Well, ok. Meet me at the top of Mount doom. I'm going /anon for now. But I'll be there. Just wait for me." to Merry.
Merry sends "Yay! omw."
You will quit in 5 seconds.
[logged out]

The Two Towers:

*** Chat Log Opened: Wed Dec 17 11:59:09 2002

Aragorn: geez where's gandalf been?
Aragorn: been like 2 months since i saw him
Gimli: he was mad
Aragorn: mad? why?
Gimli: tried to solo that balrog in Moria.
Gimli: said wtf good is his spec if he can't solo a balrog
Gimli: sold his acct i think
Aragorn: dfd#
Legolas: I lament for Gandalf.
Gimli: where those dork hobbits?
Aragorn: you encumbered, gimli? you're so SLOW
Gimli: bah
Aragorn: Frodo, what you up to?
Frodo: epic...the One Ring quest
Gimli: epic? for what class?
Frodo: i'm a lvl 27 Commoner.
Aragorn: you need help, fro?
Frodo: no, i'm good, thx
Frodo: got sam w/me
Samwise: that you do, mr. frodo!
Frodo: look, sam, pal...it's mr. BAGGINS.
Frodo: Frodo is my FIRST name
Samwise: yes, sir, mr. frodo!
Frodo: jesus
Glaknuk was just killed by Eomer!
Eofar was just killed by Frghuk!
Frghuk was just killed by Eothor!
Grzzhak was just killed by Theobar!
Ulthazg was just killed by Eomer!
Aragorn: Eomer, where's death spam?
Eomer: just us horse lords zerging orcs
Eomer: we're fine
Aragorn: how are my Horse Lord homies doing?
Eomer: we just claimed Edoras.
Eomer: but Theoden is not himself
Eomer: i mean, his lil bro came on to play his char
Eomer: can't stand that little #DSw
Gimli: he lets his lil bro lead Horse Lords?
Eomer: no when he's on horse lords just do what Grima says
Grima: stfu Eomer, theoden would want you to go to mordor
Eomer: forget it idiot. my grp going to fields of rohan to drum up RPs
Grima: bah!
Theoden: can i have cg plz?
Gimli: Theo, you're in the cg already.
Theoden: ok rofl lol roflmao!!!!!!!!
Legolas sends, "What manner of hex has befallen brave Theoden?"
You send, "curse of the little bro, bro" to Legolas.
Eomer: Where are you guys?
Aragorn: FF
Theoden: what FF
Gimli: Fangorn forest
Theoden: ok kk thx gmili
Legolas: Mine eyes spy a scout for Saruman.
Aragorn: where?
Legolas: Through yonder grove.
Gimli: um, shoot him
Legolas: My arrowflight flew not true.
Aragorn: 4@F2 mezzed
Gimli: DDs2ing AE mez
Legolas: I am bound by fell magics!
Grima: theoden sez to rush pk. guards are easy to kill.
Theoden: good idea gramma kk do it everyone
Gandalf: sup
Gimli: Gandalf?
Aragorn: it cannot be
Gandalf: hi what's the story?
Gimli: you the real gand or did he sell?
Gandalf: it matters not. i'm RR8.
Gandalf: and RR8 = uber
You send, "ok, theoden is being played by his little bro" to Gandalf.
You send, "and grima thinks he runs the show" to Gandalf.
Gandalf sends, "then our path is clear".
Theoden: can i have 1 gold plz?
Gimli: Theo, you're lvl 51.2. you have like 6 plat.
Theoden: omfg roflmao kk thx happy.gif ))))))))))))))))))))))
Gandalf: if mythic is listening, PLEASE put in white dye
Gandalf: this grey ain't cutting it
Gimli: what we doing now?
Gandalf: theoden! put your big brother on
Theoden: kk now he home from work happy.gif )))))))))))))))
Gandalf: good boy. get help.
Grima: no! theo! you are the true leader of the horse lords!
Theoden: hey folks, i'm back. i hate making pizzas
Grima: bah! this sux. i'm logging.
Theoden: Grima, you dork.
Theoden: there, i booted him from guild. lol
Theoden: what's going on?
Aragorn: any scouts out?
Legolas: A vast horde of beasts marches on Edoras.
Eomer: again? 33Ff, we JUST took Edoras
Aragorn: #s?
Legolas: Too many for mine eyes to count.
Aragorn: how many earthies here?
Gimli: us, plus newbs
Theoden: ok, here's the plan
Theoden: fall back to HD
Theoden: we'll corpse-xfer-spam them there
Theoden: sound good Gand?
Theoden: Gand?
Gimli: Gand LD
Aragorn: he's got a lousy connection
Theoden: i swear he LDs just so he doesn't have to sit thru the boring parts
Eowyn: Hi Aragorn.
Aragorn: Hi Eow happy.gif
Eowyn: /em blush wink.gif
Legolas sends, "Methinks Aragorn doth have Eowyn's tender heart in his palm."
You send, "yeah, maybe" to Legolas.
You send, "this Lego guy is new right? what server is he from?" to Aragorn.
Aragorn sends, "Guin, i think".
You send, "ah, ok" to Aragorn.
Frodo: um, this creepy schizo lurikeen in his underwear is following me around
Samwise: i don't trust him, mr. frodo.
Samwise: we should /appeal him for harrasment
Frodo: ok, mr. samwise, you do that
GollumTheGood: We musts help master.
GollumTheEvil: No no no! We musts KILLSIES the master!
Gimli: inc orcs and wargs
Theoden: send newbs ahead to HD
Theoden: they're just free RPs for orcs out in the open
Gimli: dude, lego, i've never seen a ranger pull off so many one-shots
Legolas: Indeed, my arrows fly true and bite hard this eve!
Aragorn: fhhS
Eowyn: Aragorn! No!
Aragorn: i fell off a cliff. dead at bottom
Aragorn: you can't reach me. gonna corpse xfer to HD
Theoden: k
Theoden: rez dead and /stick
Theoden: we move in 30
Gimli: so where tf are merri and pip?
Aragorn: i think they're roleplaying with trees in FF
Legolas: Perhaps they seek to sway the favor of the trees in this war.
Gimli: no RPs from their little skits
Aragorn: /shrug
Theoden: ok upgrade keep doors
Eowyn: Aragorn! You're all right!
Aragorn: um, yup. i xfered
Eowyn: /em smiles! happy.gif happy.gif
You send, "woohoo! stud!" to Aragorn.
Aragorn sends, "true i'm a stud, but she's prolly a guy irl".
Aragorn sends, "definitely hot in game tho wink.gif ".
Gimli: seriously this all we got?
Gimli: greys and greens only?
Aragorn: aye. we will make do
Gimli: summoner gonna get a workout
Theoden: archers on the walls
Theoden: tanks in courtyard
Theoden: don't get AEed
Theoden: anyone know how many inc?
Legolas: A great warhost cometh.
Theoden: yeah great...HOW MANY
Legolas: The fields are flooded with hate.
Theoden: sigh
Gimli: will someone mop up all that hate out there? i keep stepping in it
Aragorn: 1250 fgs inc
Theoden: wtf? you saying there are 10000 orcs out there????
Aragorn: /em does math
Aragorn: yes
Theoden: ok, i hate to say this
Theoden: but wtf are our scouts?!
Aragorn: Lego and i are here
Theoden: next time can you rangers actually SCOUT instead of run w/us?
Theoden: so a 1250 fg zerg doesn't sneak up on us again like a 50 stealth spec assassin?
Aragorn: sorry i'm melee specced
Legolas: I lament my failure. I ask humbly for your forgiveness.
Aragorn: everyone spam /as to get more out here
Theoden: no! we will do this ourselves
Theoden: RPs are all MINE i tell you!
Gimli: (i think...can't see...too short)
Aragorn: they got trebs
Aragorn: like DDf3ing 193737939 rams too
Theoden: and where are all our casters?!
Gimli: Ya, where's Arwen, ara?
Aragorn: dunno. she and i kinda broke up
Eoywn: Really? You did?
Aragorn: yup, pretty much.
Aragorn: she didn't even want her Pearlescent Necklace back.
Gimli: got 3 orcs so far!
Legolas: My tally climbs ever more skyward! 17!
Legolas: 18! 19!
Legolas: 20 fearsome foes fallen!
Aragorn: wow.
Aragorn: geez how are you specced, Lego?
Gimli: bah nerf rangers
Aragorn: NO!
Legolas: NO!
Samwise: what? why, mr. frodo?
Frodo: cuz you dumped me in the swamp and aggroed those dead ghosts
Frodo: good thing that freaky schizo lurikeen was here
Theoden: they on doors
Theoden: protect summoner
Aragorn: why do WE have a corpse summoner in OUR realm if WE have one of THEIR relics?
Gimli: mythic sux. can't code their way out of a shoebox
Elrond: Hi, this is CSR Elrond.
Elrond: I'm not supposed to say this, but...
Elrond: kk thx bye
Theoden: go elrond! hehe
Gimli: ksE3ing mythic
Aragorn: 1st door down
The forces of Middle-Earth have captured Isengard!
The forces of Middle-Earth have captured Isengard!
The forces of Middle-Earth have captured Isengard!
The forces of Middle-Earth have captured Isengard!
Gimli: woot earthies!
Theoden: wootah!
Gimli: did that open Moria?
Eomer: NO!
Eomer: i'd get fewer RPs if you all went to Moria
Gimli: waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Aragorn: who took isen?
Merriadoc: just me and pip w/some trees
Aragorn: ???
Legolas: I told you.
Gimli: 2nd door 30%
Theoden: repair it
Aragorn: FDd3 this. follow me outside gimli
Gimli: ok
Eowyn: Be careful, brave Aragorn!
Theoden: 2nd door down!!
Theoden: 2nd door down!!
Theoden: protect the summoner
Aragorn: too late
Theoden: dSTw
Gimli: we are SO gonna lose this keep
Gandalf: sorry LD
Aragorn: um, could use some help w/these freaking orcs, gand
Gandalf: ok brt
Eomer: /em stretches...ahh, good zerging weather
Eomer: me and my grp are racking up some sweet RPs in rohan
Eomer: while you guys get tractored at HD. need help?
Aragorn: YES DUMB#$a
Gimli: which cg you been listening to eodork???
Gimli: get ur punk a$$ over here
Gimli: nm you suck we gonna lose anyway
Legolas: No, wait....guard pop
Aragorn: ???
Theoden: i'm sorry?
Gimli: huh??
Eomer: ??
Eowyn: ?
Legolas: What?
Theoden: wasn't that, like, out of character?
Legolas: K!d%, now you know i'm not really an elf.
Aragorn: geez, go gand
Gimli: they falling back
Theoden: woot! reinforcements!
Eomer: why didn't you tell me this was where all the RPs were?
Eomer: i thought you were just here to lose
Theoden: ok, clean up time folks
Theoden: get the last few of em
Aragorn: sweet.
Gimli: you finish that quest yet frodo?
Frodo: no, i'm still following the freaky loincloth lurikeen
Frodo: i totally trust him
Theoden: nice work everyone.
Aragorn: everyone back inside. med up.
Aragorn: they'll be back in 10 mins.
Aragorn: wink.gif

The Return of the King:


Aragorn: all join my bg for ML6
Aragorn: Gandalf will be treasurer
Pippin: why not me?
Gandalf: because none of us have forgotten about how that palantir disappeared a couple raids ago
Gandalf: is Denethor coming, Pip?
Pippin: he's logging on now
Theoden has joined the battle-group.
Aragorn: Theo! you bringing horse lords to ML6?
Theoden: i dunno. was thinking about it
Aragorn: we're leaving in 10. get to MT
Pippin sends, "MT?"
You send, "Minas Tirith." to Pippin.
Pippin sends, "ah kk"
Theoden: nah i think i'll pass
Theoden has left the battle-group!
Aragorn: bah
Gandalf: Pippin.../send Eomer that we'll get RPs for ML6
Aragorn: ??
Aragorn: do you?
Gandalf: pfft no lol
Gandalf: watch and learn Ara
Pippin: one sec
Pippin: done
Eomer has joined the battle-group!
Theoden has joined the battle-group!
Eowyn has joined the battle-group!
Oethar has joined the battle-group!
Aventhe has joined the battle-group!
Eowyth has joined the battle-group!
Dernwyn has joined the battle-group!
Aragorn: wb
Theoden: which way to the glory?
Eomer: let's do this thing
Denethor has joined the battle-group!
Denethor: afk a sec...dinner
Pippin sends, "omg i hate playing at Fara and Den's place"
You send, "why?" to Pippin.
Pippin sends, "Denethor eats like a pig"
Pippin sends, "makes me sing songs, too"
You send, "sorta tmi lol" to Pippin.
Aragorn: sam, frodo, you joining us?
Gandalf: they're prolly busy
Gandalf: been questing for three weeks straight on ML9 i think
Aragorn: freaking powerplayers
Gimli: commoners are so overpowered
Gandalf: ah crap
Aragorn: what?
Gandalf: scouts say orcs inc to MT
Aragorn: bah
Aragorn: ok everyone gear up for keep defense at MT
Gimli: everyone get yer asses to pellenor fields
Gimli: asap!
Gandalf: just our asses?
Gimli: yes
Eowyn: Aragorn would you like to go to the chapel and get married before the fight? =)
Aragorn: well...
Eowyn: 'Twould take only a moment!
Aragorn: elves are really more my thing
Aragorn: i'm sorry
Eowyn: :*(
Eowyn: Relogging...brb
Gimli sends, "did saruman cancel?"
You send, "no clue" to Gimli.
Gimli sends, "guy just disappeared...weird"
Meriadoc: 26 commoner lfg
Meriadoc: ...
Meriadoc: anyone?
Theoden: sorry, meri, you're a little low
Gimli: &j2l i'll take him
Gimli: nm grp full sorry
Dernhelm: I'll take him in my group.
Theoden: suit yourself
Elrond has joined the battle-group!
Elrond: Aragorn, come to Lord's Tent.
Aragorn: brt
Elrond: here, take this
Aragorn: Anduril! Isildur's Bane!
Elrond: (whoa, not so close to the face)
Elrond: you've had encounter credit for years
Elrond: now...make this artifact become what it was meant to be!
Elrond: oh, here are the scrolls.
Elrond: farmed Skyros Earth Razers for weeks for these things
Aragorn: farmed what?
Elrond: never mind, just keep your sweaty man-hands off my daughter
Aragorn: haha
Aragorn shakes his head no at Elrond!
Samwise: mr. frodo i don't trust this creepy loincloth lurikeen!
Samwise: he means to ruin us!
Frodo: no, sam.
Frodo: he may be a level 12 lurikeen strangely averse to a proper pair of pants
Frodo: but he needs to do the MLs too
Gollum: yes! master is good!
Gollum: gollum will not screwsies up ML9 step 10
Gollum: with big pit of hotsy fire to push you in
Gollum: i mean, to fall in, purely on accident...lol heh *cough* GOLLUM! GOLLUM!
Frodo: see, sam?
Frodo: he's totally trustworthy
Gollum: /evil grin
Samwise: there! there, did you see that?
Frodo: see what?
Samwise: BAH
Gandalf: INC ORCS
Gandalf: INC ORCS
Gandalf: INC ORCS
Legolas: standing here, atop the keep...
Legolas: the wind's gentle fingers draw from me a solitary tear...
Legolas: for my eye laments, as it beholds beauty and destruction alike...
Legolas: (but mostly beauty for i am beautiful)...
Legolas: ...and looks upon 65534 foul fgs!
Gandalf: zerging bishes
Gimli: hello, population balance.
Gimli: i'm gimli
Gimli: i don't believe we've met
Aragorn: orcs don't zerg
Aragorn: or so they say
Legolas: we cannot defeat such a wave of foes
Gimli: you could 1-shot them all
Gandalf: any ideas?
Aragorn: hmm. well...
Aragorn: i really need to, uh, chat up a bit on IRC
Gandalf: now?
Aragorn: um, yeah...you know...NOW
Gandalf: ??
Gandalf: OOHHHHHHH, right. NOW.
Gandalf: /wink /wink /nudge /nudge
Gandalf: go to it
Gimli: x-realmer!
Aragorn: shut up foo gandalf has lead brb
Faramir: OW damn orcs hit HARD
Faramir: i'm the only one left standing in my grp
Denethor: my son! he has fallen.
Pippin: well, not yet
Denethor: come to Lord's Room
Faramir: could use a heal
Denethor: no! i am a terrible father whose pride will be his downfall. do what i say.
Faramir: ok
Gandalf: trebs up, plz
Pippin: masonry merch is up
Gimli: wtf is masonry merch?
Pippin: the guy who sells small buildings to shoot at ppl
Gimli: K#jjing cool
Faramir: one AE and i'm toast
Faramir: heal?
Denethor: no! our line ends here, my son
Denethor: an end of shame, misery, defeat
Pippin: and indigestion!
Gandalf: look, we can solve this with one insta heal
Denethor: NEVER! though i am resentful and impotent, i am the leader of Gondor!
Denethor: Aragorn has long had his eyes on my throne!
Gandalf: well, he's sort of, you know, THE HEIR TO THE THRONE
Gimli: ...you moron
Gandalf: thank you, Gimli
Gimli: np
Denethor: denied rightful leadership of Gondor, i will delete Y-E-S
Denethor: and cancel my acct and faramir's
Denethor: and forever more play only PS2 and XBox games like Tony Hawk and GTA
Faramir: heal plz
Denethor: silence, you!
Denethor has demoted Faramir to Gimptastic!
You send, "GM is freaking out, bro" to Gandalf.
Gandalf sends, "you should see the officer msg boards... "
Denethor: ow
Denethor: um, i just got nuked pretty hard
Denethor: heal?
Denethor was just killed!
Denethor: ack
Denethor: uh guys i sort of fell off the keep wall
Denethor: rez? plz?
Gandalf has removed Denethor from the battle-group.
Faramir: thank you
Gandalf: np
Gandalf: change your password, your dad's nuts
Samwise: mr. frodo! oh dear oh me mr. frodo!
Gandalf: what's up?
Samwise: a big spider killed him
Gandalf: yeah, Shelob
Gandalf: did you guys even read the quest notes i sent you?
Samwise: yes we read the quest notes
Samwise: i lagged because i was sad
Samwise: then i guess the spider aggroed mr. frodo
Samwise: but he didn't see the 'Shelob prepares to cover you in plastic wrap!' message
Samwise: so he didn't /use the Light of Erendil in time.
Gimli: damn dude that sucks
Gandalf: so you guys released?
Samwise: no, i soloed the spider
Gandalf: wow
Gandalf: she's like level 70
Gimli: /sings the 'Overpowered Commoners WTF' song
Samwise: i just /used the Light in time
Samwise: and triggered my Feisty Gardener RA
Grogdar was just killed by Gandalf!
Frhgknat was just killed by Gandalf!
Thokgrag was just killed by Gandalf!
Pippin: when did you respec to staff Gandalf?
Pippin: uh, and sword
Pippin: what class ARE you anyway?
Gimli: 8L4 haxxor is what he is
Ghrhagkr was just killed by Pippin!
Pippin: i KILLED AN ORC!
Gandalf: yes now go...feed Denethor or something
Pippin: /barf
Theoden: inc elephants
Theoden: inc elephants
Gimli: elephants??
Gandalf: check patch notes
Gandalf: they changed Dream Sphere
Gimli: ^#k1
You just killed Frognart!
Your Camouflaged Elven Cloak of Weatherproofing has gained experience!
Eofran was just killed by Witchking!
Eobran was just killed by Witchking!
Eotran was just killed by Witchking!
Eodran was just killed by Witchking!
Eomer: Witchking spam :/
Theoden: i thought he retired
Gandalf: guess not
Eogran was just killed by Witchking!
Eolran was just killed by Witchking!
Theoden was just killed by Witchking!
Theoden: crap
Eomer: NO!
Theoden: gah
Theoden: lagging....
You friend, Theoden, has left the game!
Eomer: Theo LDed
Gandalf: LD death bleh
Witchking was just killed by Dernhelm!
Eomer: nice work Dern
Dernhelm: Meriadoc helped. =)
Meriadoc: Wasp's Sting and Hornet's Sting for teh win
Eomer: uh you a girl irl?
Dernhelm: <-- Eowyn =)
Aragorn sends, "dude i told you she was a guy"
Eomer: O_o
Eomer: me own sister
Eomer: who would've known
Gimli: you maybe?
Eomer: quiet dwarf
Aragorn sends, "ok maybe not...very confused"
You send, "lol" to Aragorn.
Frodo: ugh that spider stun/DOT combo lasts forever
Samwise: we've only got 10 minutes to complete the quest
Frodo: let's go
Gollum sends, "they do not know what lies ahead"
Gollum sends, "with quest so bugged and rezzers dead!"
You send, "???" to Gollum.
Gollum sends, "mt sorry"
Eomer: door 1 down
Eomer: door 1 down
Pippin: this is NOT going well
Gandalf: give Aragorn more time!
Gandalf: wait...
Meriadoc: omg
Gandalf: orcs only!!
Aragorn: kk back
Aragorn: how'd i do?
Gimli: woot! IRC x-realmer for teh win!
Gandalf: deus ex machina saves the day!
Aragorn: whatever works
Aragorn: just be rdy for "WTF nice Gondor/Army of the Dead crossteam" posts on VN tomorrow
Gandalf: well, we won
Gimli: now what?
Aragorn: now i think it's in our best tactical interests to go camp Mordor's PK.
Samwise: LS93
Samwise: SLksing KDJd
Samwise: o39king Llsiity ZLSm
Aragorn: Sam?
Aragorn: i think your keyboard broken
Gimli: or he's been smoking that Longbottom leaf again
Samwise: gollum is trying to grief our ML9 run!
Gollum: i wants it!!!
Gimli: appeal him
Frodo: no, don't appeal sam!
Frodo: he's just misunderstood! give him a chance
Frodo: deep inside, he has a good heart --- OWWWWW
Gollum: mmmmm you have good finger
Gollum: oops
Gollum: hot fire
Gollum: bye bye
Gollum was just killed!
Samwise: you up mr. frodo?
Frodo: yes, barely.
Frodo: gollum's teeth procced a disease though.
Frodo: ticking hard on me
Pippin: The eagles are coming!!
Pippin: To save you!
Gimli: ??
Gimli: is that an RA? summon KSj2ing eagles?
Aragorn: ML ability i think. no complaints here
Gandalf: score 2 for deus ex machina!
Gandalf: 3 if you count Helm's Deep last week
Eomer: OMG that HD fight was awesome
Eomer: dinged 8L1 there
Aragorn: so did you get credit despite gollum?
Frodo: checking...
Frodo: yup!
Eomer: PVE whores
Eomer: TOA sucks
Eomer: btw i need help getting Battler and scrolls tomorrow
Eomer: plz help
Aragorn: well grats to the 1st ML9ers in the world of men!
Samwise: world of hobbits, if you please, mr. Aragorn
Aragorn: bah Aragorn is my 1st name
Aragorn: call me Mr. Son of Arathorn
Aragorn: afk sec
Aragorn: gotta go...meeting Arwen for dinner
Eowyn: i thought she moved out west
Aragorn: thx for grp!
Aragorn has left the battle-group!
Gimli: later bro
Legolas: fare thee well
Gandalf: lates
Gimli: so
Gimli: now what?
Gimli: anyone left?
Gimli: i guess that's it
Elrond: I'm going to enjoy watching you die, Mr. Anderson.
Gimli: ??
Legolas: ?
Elrond: bah wrong chat
Elrond: mt sorry
Pippin: anyone want to do the Hobbits' Embrace quest?
Meriadoc: sure, i'm in
Samwise: the Uncontrollable Sobbing quest starts near there, too
Frodo: ok, meet you all at the docks
Frodo: need your skiff Gand, if you can spare it
Gandalf: oh what the hell
Gandalf: save me a spot
Frodo: [size=1]

Comedy gold right there! :clap:

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