DAoC explained.



Disclaimer! Rumble might find this text to be offensive towards his mother.


1 : to surround with a zone : ENCIRCLE
2 : to arrange in or mark off into zones; specifically : to partition (a city, borough, or township) by ordinance into sections reserved for different purposes (as residence or business)
- zon·er noun

Nerf was not found but Nerfs was:

Usage: foreign term
Etymology: French
: crisis of nerves : nervous collapse : hysterical fit

Own or pwn:

1 : belonging to oneself or itself -- usually used following a possessive case or possessive adjective <cooked my own dinner>
2 -- used to express immediate or direct kinship <an own son> <an own sister>

So owning someone means your their friend? And to the next.


1 : a garment (as a uniform) made of buff leather
2 : the state of being nude <sunbathing in the buff>
3 a : a moderate orange yellow b : a light to moderate yellow
4 : a device having a soft absorbent surface (as of cloth) by which polishing material is applied
5 [earlier buff an enthusiast about going to fires; perh. from the buff overcoats worn by volunteer firefighters in New York City ab1820] :

So if someone needs to be nude, they want you to buff them? Kinda kinky i would say...and we move on.


1 a obsolete : a path traversed : WAY b archaic : a track or trail left by a person or animal : TREAD 1
2 : a customary course of action : PRACTICE <thy sin's not accidental, but a trade -- Shakespeare>
3 a : the business or work in which one engages regularly : OCCUPATION b : an occupation requiring manual or mechanical skill : CRAFT c : the persons engaged in an occupation, business, or industry
4 a obsolete : dealings between persons or groups b (1) : the business of buying and selling or bartering commodities : COMMERCE (2) : BUSINESS, MARKET <novelties for the tourist trade> <did a good trade in small appliances>
5 a : an act or instance of trading : TRANSACTION; also : an exchange of property usually without use of money b : a firm's customers : CLIENTELE c : the group of firms engaged in a business or industry
6 : TRADE WIND -- usually used in plural
7 : a publication intended for persons in the entertainment business -- usually used in plural

Well there's a load of stuff, no wonder it's bugged at times.
Hmm, that reminds me...


1 : BOTHER, ANNOY <don't bug me with petty details>
2 : to plant a concealed microphone in

Well that's true, mostly annoying to find a bug. What's next..let's see...


1 : to cause to move round and round : ROLL
2 a : to sing the parts of (as a round or catch) in succession b : to sing loudly c : to celebrate in song
3 a : to fish for by trolling b : to fish by trolling in <troll lakes> c : to pull through the water in trolling <troll a lure>
intransitive senses
1 : to move around : RAMBLE
2 : to fish by trailing a lure or baited hook from a moving boat
3 : to sing or play in a jovial manner
4 : to speak rapidly

Trolls do like their songs, and they speak so fast noone really understands any of them.


1 : a gnome that in German folklore inhabits underground places
2 : an often mischievous domestic spirit of German folklore

There you have it, Kobbos are German. Scheisse.


1 a : NORWEGIAN 2 b : any of the western Scandinavian dialects or languages c : the Scandinavian group of Germanic languages

Well, that was clear from the start. More germans there too.


1 a : a person of unusually small stature; especially : one whose bodily proportions are abnormal b : an insignificant person
2 : an animal or plant much below normal size
3 : a small legendary manlike being who is usually misshapen and ugly and skilled as an artificer
4 : a star (as the sun) of ordinary or low luminosity and relatively small mass and size

Small stars and legendary artificers...hmm...i wonder what more there is...


1 : two or more figures forming a complete unit in a composition
2 a : a number of individuals assembled together or having some unifying relationship b : an assemblage of objects regarded as a unit c (1) : a military unit consisting of a headquarters and attached battalions (2) : a unit of the U.S. Air Force higher than a squadron and lower than a wing
3 a : an assemblage of related organisms -- often used to avoid taxonomic connotations when the kind or degree of relationship is not clearly defined b (1) : two or more atoms joined together or sometimes a single atom forming part of a molecule; especially : FUNCTIONAL GROUP <a methyl group> (2) : an assemblage of elements forming one of the vertical columns of the periodic table c : a stratigraphic division comprising rocks deposited during an era
4 : a mathematical set that is closed under a binary associative operation, contains an identity element, and has an inverse for every element

Two or more people, we don't need a FULL group and there isn't always ROOM FOR MORE. A group is a group but what is a...


1 : one that trains
2 : one (as a machine or vehicle) used in training
3 : a person who treats the ailments and minor injuries of the members of an athletic team

Heals minor injuries! Come on! Trainers are bugged, they don't heal...outrage...well that's a few words that are hopefully now clear..more to come when i have the time or if i'm bored again.


A person can also BE buff, as in by working out a lot.


No no no, to buff is to polish something by rubbing it. So if someone wants you to buff them they want you to to rub your hands all over them. As for warriors wanting you to buff their weapon... :m00:


what is with all these weird dictionary responses i keep seeing?


Originally posted by SilverHood
was this supposed to be funny?

Absolutely not! How dare you suggest that i would implement humour in posts that don't involve...you know who...

He's sleeping, i don't want to wake him you know...so keep it hus hus...

Uncle Sick(tm)


... no, wait... another one :rolleyes: ...

t0t0 on Prozac again?

Sarum TheBlack

Originally posted by Danyan
No no no, to buff is to polish something by rubbing it. So if someone wants you to buff them they want you to to rub your hands all over them. <snipped for obscenity>

So my earth buffs are kinda like those mud wraps they do in Spa's? (never quite seen what the appeal of those is myself, each to their own though.)


Obscenity, bah, that wasn't obscene at all, it was quite innocent. Damn wizards with their mind in the mud... :p

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