DAoC EDEN: For The Realm Event!!!

Solic Archers

Can't get enough of FH
May 30, 2007
DAoC EDEN: For The Realm Event

Hear ye, hear ye!

Sharpen your blades and don your finest armor for the second For the Realm event of Season 2!

The event will begin at Friday, April 26, 2024 8:00 PM and end at Monday, April 29, 2024 12:00 AM

We have made some changes to the scoring in an attempt to encourage the most bloody of battles!

Points will be gained only from holding structures and relics. We are making it as straightforward as possible: the higher level the structure, the more points it will be worth.

We will be publishing the full scoring details later this week.

In addition to typical territory control in the frontiers we will be debuting a new event, Taste of Blood, for this FTR event. Taste of Blood is a Battlegroup oriented hour long event focused on control over multiple objectives on Ellan Vannin. This is an event that will occur daily starting with the first day of this For the Realm and continue after its conclusion. More details to follow with full announcement.

The score for each realm will be tracked on the herald at https://eden-daoc.net/herald. At the end of the week, all level 50 characters that participated in a scoring event will receive rewards based on how their realm placed:

1st place: 50,000 rps
2nd place: 40,000 rps
3rd place: 30,000 rps

The standings will also determine which realm will be invaded for a subsequent REALM INVASION (more details will be announced after the For the Realm event). (edited)

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