DAoC Darwin Awards


Kharok Svark

As suggested by a guildy, post your DAoC Darwin awards.

My award goes to Antraxy, an Infil who landed a PA on a grey con Ice Lizard next to me.

Any other nominees :)


I nominate meself, twice :) (Sure guild will come up with more..)

First time in Spindelhalla, in Svart room.....I hit the Thunder Roar when attacking svarts...a djupt was walking past at the same time...and a stinger....

Err...8 dead guildies :)

Nother one is not realising Mjolnir was AoE....in the bear room in Vendo...




Most recent one I can think of is a cretin who got our entire DF grp wiped by running off (because he had to log for work apparently) straight through the rocot (read: purple to our grp) room without disbanding. Twelve rocots charge in and munch on our entrails seconds later...gah. All because this piece of plankton couldn't be bothered to disband, and for some reason couldn't log where he was.


After valiantly fighting our way to Princess room and being instructed to start root pulling to clear the room out, I stood too near the steps and body pulled a bunch of mobs.

Our mincer, who was obviously a lot more alert than myself, proceeded to mezz stuff to give us a fighting chance.

Unfortunately, by this time I had gone into total spaz panic mode and thought i'd help out by casting my area root thingy. Given the amount of resists i typically get with it, this was the WRONG choice and I proceeded to break the mez on those that the mincer had sorted.

The only thing that could be heard over the rendering of our poor bodies were the cries of STOOPID TOSSER aimed at yours truly.

Given that one guy was on 49.9999 I felt kind of bad.


Me. Every time I logged into DAoC. Gimp of all gimps fyi! :clap:


I go for Azo as well...storming right through an orange+ con agro bunch of mobs, totally oblivious to the fact they could actually kill him...
untill our group was obliterated 2 seconds later :)


My award goes to Numenor, even by logging on he gets groups killed. don't ask me how he does it, but somehow he can get anyone killed.


I carried the surname 'Muppetman' for a while which was lovingly (err...) bestowed upon me by my guild for reasons such as this:

Cornish Pygmies have been anihilated once again and we all call it a night and head back to the Yarley's farm to sell and go to Cornwall to craft or log or whatever. However, when I get to the horse Yarley to buy my ticket I realise that I've still got my sword drawn from the last pygmy. Of course when I clicked on him I automatically swung my sword and then all the Yarleys (I think, though it may have just been the one I hit, can't remeber) swarmed me.

Rest of the guild group rode away laughing at me not wanting to lose my faction with them and perishing. Survival of the fittest worked this time. ;)


hmm.. me when i was lvling up in pbaoe grp with guildies. i was minstrel so playing power song and incredibly bored at time, so i kept my self occupied by running around twisting with mach 5 and jumping like a looney across the screen.
Was obviously pissing group mates off so 1 of them said something like "Aoln go and play with the trees and stop jumping around" ... so i did :p
I ran over to witherwoods and tried mezzing 1. being lvl 30ish it resisted and him and 3 other trees friends zerged my grp and wiped everything. :mad:

Damn did i feel bad and stupid :(



Originally posted by Aoln
hmm.. me when i was lvling up in pbaoe grp with guildies. i was minstrel so playing power song and incredibly bored at time, so i kept my self occupied by running around twisting with mach 5 and jumping like a looney across the screen.
Was obviously pissing group mates off so 1 of them said something like "Aoln go and play with the trees and stop jumping around" ... so i did :p
I ran over to witherwoods and tried mezzing 1. being lvl 30ish it resisted and him and 3 other trees friends zerged my grp and wiped everything. :mad:

Damn did i feel bad and stupid :(


LOL! Thank's for reminding me that, the group was thoroughly pissed off at you for doing it. But thinking back on it, it is very funny. Aoln spamming Inc Inc Inc, we were like wtf, and as you know the Tree's just "pop" into view, suddenly 2 trees and a 2 worms pop into view over our level 35ish group. I wish i had some screenies, but was to busy writing insults at aoln. :clap:


a certain someone for pulling every single fucking drakulv that has EVER been spawned in malm, I swear to god there mustve been like 5million drakulvs.

in rvr once, me hitting Moc and spamming pb buttn only to be bolted to death before i got off one spell :p

or ofc the 6 ns's that all broke stealth to pursue meekur, the solo easy prey who turned around and proceeded to whack the shit out of em :D


Originally posted by Belsameth
I go for Azo as well...storming right through an orange+ con agro bunch of mobs, totally oblivious to the fact they could actually kill him...
untill our group was obliterated 2 seconds later :)

Was that the one when I was playing my skald....lvl 20 but still thought I was playing me level 50 ?

*cough* get yer arse online *cough*




Playing my sorc at Tangs whilst drunk, I had wrong q/b selected and wondering why my self AF buff didn't seem to be stopping the goblins :D


Mine would have to be in Mithra when I was an alb...

We were all at the roman mobs at the bottom, waiting for power ready to take the *very* purple con mobs...

I ran up to the rest of the guys as I was killing some aggro behind us, went LD then continued to run in to the room and pull *everything*...

I logged back in and for some reason everyone was dead...


Originally posted by svartmetall
Most recent one I can think of is a cretin who got our entire DF grp wiped by running off (because he had to log for work apparently) straight through the rocot (read: purple to our grp) room without disbanding. Twelve rocots charge in and munch on our entrails seconds later...gah. All because this piece of plankton couldn't be bothered to disband, and for some reason couldn't log where he was.

On that same note, I would nominate the dufus (can't remember name) in Malmo who ran off to suicide at the dragon before remembering to disband from our group.


Originally posted by Nichneven
On that same note, I would nominate the dufus (can't remember name) in Malmo who ran off to suicide at the dragon before remembering to disband from our group.

That wouod be hard to decide on 1 person, i have seen about 10 people do it :eek:


The amount of times I have done that, suiciding and forgetting to disband.

There should be a 'we weren't with him' spell.


my very first time at Glacier Giant, was a relic attack, wwaaaaaaaaaaaaayy back.

I take out my weapons, to get a screenshot <as most people do, i guess?> for unknown reasons, i target him, and get about 80 albs killed.



me casting thunder roar next to GG :/

or not relising that mjollnir was AoE, i dicovered this fact while puling seared skelles in muspelheim at lvl 20 :)


Originally posted by liste
my very first time at Glacier Giant, was a relic attack, wwaaaaaaaaaaaaayy back.

I take out my weapons, to get a screenshot <as most people do, i guess?> for unknown reasons, i target him, and get about 80 albs killed.



That was you, Liste? I was in the Templars at the time and I remember Aeth. blowing his lid about that, was f00king hillarious :D.


LoL my vote definaitly (cant spell it) goes to liste .... killing 80 guys is better than nearly anything :bazbeer:


Originally posted by liste
my very first time at Glacier Giant, was a relic attack, wwaaaaaaaaaaaaayy back.

I take out my weapons, to get a screenshot <as most people do, i guess?> for unknown reasons, i target him, and get about 80 albs killed.


and OMG did the albs go crazy over that one, and yes I should have defended u more that time, sorry bud :/

we learn as we live eh? :eek:


Originally posted by liste
my very first time at Glacier Giant, was a relic attack, wwaaaaaaaaaaaaayy back.

I take out my weapons, to get a screenshot <as most people do, i guess?> for unknown reasons, i target him, and get about 80 albs killed.


my hero

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

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