DAoC crashing PLEASE help.



Im a utter newb so please bear with me :p

Ive got a GF2 MX 400 gfx card
1.3 AMD processor
228 mb ram...

I have a uptodate driver for the gfx card.

When I open daoc it runs fine I get ingame last about 30 sec the gaem crashs..

Anyone know whats wrong? :(

Edit: Im also using win xp


Originally posted by Meatballs
rollback your old drivers o_O

I changed my driver to try make it work as the old one still crashed :<


When did this error start happening? Was it after you'd installed some new software/drivers? Are you able to rollback your system?

Have you the correct 4in1 drivers for your mobo?

You sure you don't have a process trying to take focus?

I'd look at the running processes to see what's running as you start the game. It's a fair bet that if you have loads of icons in your task tray, one of them is causing a problem.

Might be worth looking in the registry to see what's getting loaded when your PC starts too, and disable stuff you don't want.

Nvidia drivers also install a 'helper' app which can cause some problems, so make sure thats disabled.

Roll back your drivers to 30.xx Detonators. Later drivers don't really do much for your type of card.

Disable any trojan/virus checking software you might have running. If you've got a software firewall, disable that too (temporarily of course, just long enough to see if it's that causing the problem).

This type of error is really frustrating, but hopefully you'll get it sorted soon.



Ive formated the harddrive , reinstalled my OS...

I was also getting error messages as well as daoc crashs, so basicly every dam thing on the comp gets errors even after new OS so taking comp back

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