DAOC Business, Ethical or Not?



I noticed that some people make business of selling DAOC items and gold and characters. Do you think it is ethical to sell or buy gold and items on Ebay? I think it's rather lame that people try to make business out of this game, most people probably play DAOC only to sell their chars and gold later, it's sort of unfair, don't you think? The Camlann server barely open and already people selling chars and gold


It sucks, it's against the CoC. But it happens, unfortunately.

I've no problem with passing on un-used accounts to friends if they will have use of them when you won't etc. but selling them just seems lame and, frankly, quite pathetic. After all, you -are- selling a load of pixels and code...

Just my 2p on the subject :)


some people dont understand the meening of this...



since when did business and ethics had anything to do with eachother?

I doubt most play just to sell their stuff tho, but because they enjoy it..


You play because it is fun.
After a while you get bored.
There are idiots willing to pay for accounts.
You sell the account.
There is a demand, hence there is a market.

I don't like it though.
When (if) I move on from DAoC for good I'll just delete my chars and be done with it (after having given my Epic armor to some level 24 armsman ofcourse, Thidranki twinkage taken to new heights! :D)


I don't personally think there is anything wrong with it, some people find exping boring but RvRing fun, getting someone else to do the leveling for you then paying for the char is perfectly fine with me. If I was leaving DAoC I wouldn't sell my account though (not that anynoe would buy it ;) ), the thought of someone else who I don't trust playing my account and potentially ruining the good name I tried hard to create for myself makes me cringe.

If I had any char with a good powerleveling/buffing ability though I would probably give the account to my guild.

Someone leveling the char just to sell is fine by me though, and like somone else said, if someone is willing to buy, someone is going to sell....

edit: Ohh and why are the people who buy account idiots? If you've got money to blow on buying a DAoC char then why shouldn't you?


Dewey why theyre idiots is anyones guess - but the fact is most of the people you see playing bought characters ARE complete idiots.

The number of people playing bought accounts who are capable of playing them properly AND that dont have serious attitude problems is tiny.


yeah I guess so, but I wouldn't call them idiots... arrogant yes but not idiotic :)


DAOC already is a business. Mythics (and GOAs) :p

Regardless of anyones opinion on the subject, buying and selling of accounts/items/cash will always take place in any MMORPG. Its just in some peoples nature to want to financially profit out of spending 1 month solidly sat in front of a monitor developing a character, and conversely some peoples nature to want to pay for the privilege of not spending 1 month in front of a computer, but to be high level/have good equipment.

All Mythic/GOA can do is keep the lid on the trading and not let it take the game over, because the financial rewards can draw in undesirable hax0r0rs who will cheat/exploit just to make a quick buck. See D2 for a fine example.

One disturbing thing is, people seem really Nazi about people selling/buying accounts, but seem to turn a blind eye to people lending accounts. Both are forbidden by the CoC. If you are going to preach about the CoC, please be consistent (not aimed at anyone in particular, but I know of a few well known chars on both UK servers on their Nth IRL owners.)

Generic Poster

Mythic should smarten up, if people are buying/selling ingame valuables, there's money to be made.

They set up an auction site, like Ebay, and take a cut from every sale.

If I could buy decent items for real money, without having to farm for hours and days... I'd do it.

+ I'm sure alot of other people out there who don't have the time, would do the same.


How on earth can it be unETHICAL to sell daoc accounts and items?
Unless you were hax0ring other people's passwords and selling their accounts, or whatever...

Anyhow. It is technically illegal, but unethical?? Hardly...


Originally posted by Generic Poster
Mythic should smarten up, if people are buying/selling ingame valuables, there's money to be made.

They set up an auction site, like Ebay, and take a cut from every sale.

If I could buy decent items for real money, without having to farm for hours and days... I'd do it.

+ I'm sure alot of other people out there who don't have the time, would do the same.

2 words:

project entropia

(if its even spelled that way. well - check it out, it will make you sick)


Playing with lvl 50 n00bs is getting rather worrying

Was in a group with a "new" lvl 50 the other week

Wasn't pleasant at all, died because of stupid mistakes made, that everyone learns at lvl 10.

I'm glad GOA enforces the no account trade thing


Originally posted by kedal

2 words:

project entropia

(if its even spelled that way. well - check it out, it will make you sick)

So naive :p

So Mythic rig it that mortals need to subscribe for like 3 months to reach lvl50. That equates to £6*3 = £18ish of dedicated gaming to reach an accepted level (if you do it in 3 months and not mentioning the game cost).

What is then the problem with game being honest and saying 'pay more, and be more leet?'

Ultimately, in daoc, the more you play, the better you are (exp takes time, not skill. RPs are a function of time, not skill. Time = subs to GOA/Mythic). And the more you play, the more pay.

Project Entropia is kinda honest (I don't and won't play btw), because its honest enough to admidt that MMORPGS are about how much you are willing to spend both in £ and time terms. Surely presuading people to spend the coin upfront is a more sensible business model ?


The sad fact is lvl doesn’t equal skill. It’s means you’ve probably just camped and chain kill mobs. Just because someone’s levelled a character all the way to 50, sorry doesn’t mean that they know anymore than someone who’s been playing the game for a week or two.

All that’s a lvl 50 means is ether you’ve been playing the game for a damn long time killing mobs or you can turn half your brain off and sit in front of the pc vegetating in Malmo.

I’m sure if someone bought a character on ebay, they’d be as skilled as the original controller in a week or less. As for being sad, If I had the money then yeah I’d buy a lvl 50, and get straight to the fun RvR which this game is built on and cut out the god awful late levelling stage that’s killing off brain cells.


Originally posted by kain_pravus
I’m sure if someone bought a character on ebay, they’d be as skilled as the original controller in a week or less.

tell that to the /respec air theurgists who spam 15 air pets on a keep door from 1850 range.

however "simple" a character may appear, you will never aquire the exact level of knowledge the original owner had.

same applies to some respec (especially casters) imo.


Originally posted by Jenkz
however "simple" a character may appear, you will never aquire the exact level of knowledge the original owner had.

same applies to some respec (especially casters) imo.

Nah some people will be better than the originals after a while, I know I can play my brothers minstrel better than him because he's a lazy arsed bastard who has a crap quickbar setup, doesn't bother switching to flute to mezz single mobs (uses ae mezz :p), and I've learnt more about the game mechanics from camelotherald etc than he can be arsed to look at.

Also a lot of people dont have a clue whats happening outside of the 140(?) degree arc that is forwards, someone just behind them gets hit they carry on running, you turn off to the right because you see someone, they carry on running etc, sure some times you need to actually tell them someones there, but alot of the time its pretty damn obvious and they are oblivious and you dont have time to explain everything ... so if someone takes over from this kinda person and learn the skills then they going to do better :eek:


i sometimes play other ppls account (scout, paladin)
love a change of scene sometimes
selling accounts is against CoC

lending too me thinks but thats a load of BS


I dont see why more people dont try sell there accounts, sure its against the CoC, but if people are willing to buy it for a few hundred $'s then let them :)


Actually there's 2 sides of every story.

Getting to 50, like it or not, takes a long time, especially for the casual gamer who hasn't got the time to put in.

Perhaps his/her job pays well, so... Rather than spending ages of frustration dying and loosing the exp he just spent 1 hour getting, or having to leave the great group he just got in, or something entirely different - He can just go spend a reasonable amount on an already completed char.

I sold quite some items during my Asheron's Call time thru eBay, I even bought some too. Sometimes it's actually is nice to have the person send you a thank you note for a nice deal, letting you know you just saved him week of frustrating searching.

The problem with pretty much any MMORPG is, you don't get jack out of spending 2 hrs on the game. Once you spend several days, maybe even weeks on a char, it is finally complete. Selling and buying helps out those who may not have the time to devote, but the cash to spend.

I know there can be and most likely are 100 other reasons as well, but I prefer to see it like I just stated above.

Making buying/selling/trading of accounts and items of MMORPGs is just plain silly, it still happends. And the level of scamming is extremely low when you considor how unsecure the methods actually are.


[Guild] Someone: Heh, this is great - got a level 50 paladin that refuses to pull a mahr.
[Guild] Fingoniel: Ask him if he's ebayed, that ought to be insulting enough.


Think some of you ought to look at 4 things:

1) Why you bought the game
2) Why you are still playing
3) The time and effort put into your own creation
4) Past flames about cheats / rp whores / lair / ppl you like or dislike you posted here and elsewhere

Why should some snotty nosed oik get a level 50 char to start with after we all spent ages getting there the hard way? Yes exp takes little skill, knowing your realm does, as does the social skills needed to get a decent group. As Jimli said upon his leaving, why should someone else not do their own hard work.

Trading accounts can be slightly different, only slightly tho. Theres 3 realms, 2 English servers so you only get to play on 2 realms at a time without deleting chars (Camlann not included). Trading 1 x lvl 50 for another 50 seems a good idea when you get bored of your own realm.

With any contract, yo should read the small print, the CoC seems more than fair to me, and when u all signed up to play DAoC you accepted it, so whinging about it now is a little late.

End of the day, no matter what we all think, accounts will still be sold or trasfered. C'est La Vie.


The social skills needed to get a good group?
Idiots and arseholes get to 50 to you know.. ;)
And as for the bought characters being worse.... pfff, it can't be for long. If they can buy a char, play it for a week and still make moronic mistakes, then they would still be making those mistakes had they levelled it themselves.
God knows i meet enough non-ebayed/non-powerlevelled sorcs at tanglers who can't do their jobs for toffee...


Originally posted by Whoodoo_RD
Why should some snotty nosed oik get a level 50 char to start with after we all spent ages getting there the hard way?
That's called capitalism - you pay people to do the things you don't want to/have time to do yourself.

as does the social skills needed to get a decent group.
That'll be why Saaug is about to ding his 3rd level 50 - it's all about the social skillz. Assuming that everyone who doesn't particularly want to spend 30 months on the xp treadmill is a 'snotty nosed oik', and assuming that everyone who does isn't, is a sweeping generalisation at best.


I have never bought or sold an account but in my eyes I find it a completely logical and sensible thing to do. You considere the ammount of time put into leveling a level 50 character the traditional way (no PL) Then you consider paying 150 pounds £ for it. to me it makes alot of sense. Who gives a flying fuck if that person cant play it, they will soon learn. I think you people take this whole thing wayyyyy to seriously.


although while i was acctually doing it xp'ing was a real bitch now im lvl 50 and look back on it i see the enjoyment i derived from it.

The time i first killed a giant 1 vs 1, the time i was soloing legionaires at catacombs with other oranges and they were like "how the hell??!!".

The time i first killed a telemon, and the time i duoed with a cleric and killed aquaduct.
And the first time i soloed a woodworm at lvl 47.



Originally posted by BubbleCDR
some people dont understand the meening of this...



As long as ppl are having fun and dont get hurt i dont think its wrong.

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