DAoC and its succes (?)


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
I've been thinking why was DAoC such an succes for me, and many others here. But why do other games get more players.. One of the big reasons i think is when DAoC was released, Mythic entertainment never estimated a player base this big or that the MMORPG market would increase/develop this much. And that they did not have the resources (cash / employment, who knows) to get DAoC in a place on the market where it would seem un-missable out of the mind from the MMORPG gamers. But why the succes? And was it actually a succes? I think to actually figure out why it was a sucess you would need to do user research on a large scale, but personally for me. It was something new / challenging, and really important: the lore behind it, you had the option to chose what lore you wanted. viking/man-at-arms/fairy. I think it was by accident Mythic got such an success and actually did proper competetor analyses for their current strageties, but never tried to look what their competetor strageties would be in the future. (I think this is the part were WoW overun the MMORPG market and DAoC could never come back from this). Even nowadays daoc is still a game up and running, but will DAoC in it's current form ever outlive/overcome the other MMORPG's? Outlive... maybe.. overcome.. probally not. So what does Mythic need to do to make the game DAoC a success? Proper marketing ofcourse (analyses etc) Usability testing? Innovation? but in what sort? who knows, i think their are lots of possibility's for Mythic to actually create a top MMORPG again. But how? Create more expansions for DAoC? Create a different mmorpg? Make DAoC ? are RPG's still wantd in 10 year or is there something new then? i.e. linking social media into games? who knows?. Im pretty sure many old/current daoc players would want to see DAoC being ressurected from the death.. but how would we want it to see ressurected? We all know people want classic (the real classic) and some don't.. i think it would be a real challenge to find out exactly why people want these things. The question for you is: How would you ressurect this game? or What would you do if you were a Mythic CEO and got the assigment of making a new game....


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Paragraphs, learn to use them.


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
Sheisse to late to edit.. somehow the got cut out.. (i love my pc :() Try to answer using some of the underneath listed items (some standard marketing / interaction values): marketing Mix (push/pull) success factors [ vision of future usage of product by user description ] [ id ing future users and their needs etc ] [ creating a image future users surroundings and influences on that ] Productinovationproces (course, aim/goal etc) Product Life Cycle, (profit / lengthen the PLC) Product stragety, company stragety, market stragety, competition stragety's. Product differentation, Features (attribution / add-ons) product segmentation


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
DAOC was a success because of the PvP and easy PvE (after all, in a pvp oriented game no one wants to pve forever right? they want to get out and smash the fuck out of the other realm :p so the PvP and PvE went hand in hand)

The reason DAOC didn't have alot of players off the bat (it had about 60-80k back in the day iirc) is because A) mmo's were still new and not many played them, this was a time there were very few mmo's around and B) because Mythic didn't advertise it that well (even now arent really advertising it that well)

Despite DAOC's age if Mythic advertised correctly they'd still get a healthy playerbase coming in. Sure it wont be millions like WoW but i'd say they could atleast get 10-20k people playing it if they just splashed abit of money on advertising :p and 10-20k in DAOC goes a long way, the main problem is 10-20k people on 1 big cluster is going to change how RvR works forever so the only way they could get it to work is by making multiple super clusters I guess.


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
Financially daoc was never a huge success, before wow came out it wasnt really seen as market for potentially billions, i do however love the game its combat system and the lore


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
According to MMOG charts, DAoC peaked at about 250k subscribers in during SI and after ToA, before WoW came out. That's quite substantial for Mythic, with their first MMO and some obscure titles behind them. Remember how many servers there were in the US, in addition to the EU ones. Also the spanish, italian, japanese and korean (?) servers which had a following. As BloodOmen pointed out, Mythic or GOA barely did any advertising. I heard of DAoC from friends when it came out in EU in 2002.

DAoC will keep going on for many years to come. As long as the subscription revenues are more than the running costs. It wouldn't surprise me if current DAoC subscribers are close to those of WAR tbh.

For me DAoC is good because the PvE is easy, the RvR is fun, there is a three-realm conflict and there are attribute caps that allow for templating, allowing for much diversity in playstyle.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
According to MMOG charts, DAoC peaked at about 250k subscribers in during SI and after ToA, before WoW came out. That's quite substantial for Mythic, with their first MMO and some obscure titles behind them. Remember how many servers there were in the US, in addition to the EU ones. Also the spanish, italian, japanese and korean (?) servers which had a following. As BloodOmen pointed out, Mythic or GOA barely did any advertising. I heard of DAoC from friends when it came out in EU in 2002.

DAoC will keep going on for many years to come. As long as the subscription revenues are more than the running costs. It wouldn't surprise me if current DAoC subscribers are close to those of WAR tbh.

For me DAoC is good because the PvE is easy, the RvR is fun, there is a three-realm conflict and there are attribute caps that allow for templating, allowing for much diversity in playstyle.

250k world wide aye, euro didnt have that many tho :p atleast not from what I remember on the herald.


No longer scrounging, still a bastard.
Dec 22, 2003
text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall text wall

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