DAOC 2 - Warhammer online?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Taken from VN Boards:


As promised, here’s my August update on the state of Mythic’s Warhammer MMORPG.

1) We have received approval from GW on the initial game design for the game. What this means for Mythic is two-fold. First, we have created an initial design that the GW guys actually like and are excited at the thought of seeing online. Comments such as “The only thing I don’t like about it is that we have to wait two years to play it!” have made the Mythic team smile from ear-to-ear. Secondly, It means that work can begin at full-speed on certain parts of the approved material. Thus, I can say without any doubt that we are right on schedule.

2) The game will take place “out-of-time” with all the current GW material. With GW’s help, Mythic will sketch out a new time period for the game’s setting. This will allow the teams more freedom in creating content that is tailor-made for this game without worrying about contradicting existing GW material.

3) The game will be heavily-Warhammer. Not heavily-influenced by WH, not flavored with juicy bits of WH, but heavily-Warhammer. We are drawing on all the WH fantasy material no matter whether it comes from the Warhammer Fantasy Battles or Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, etc. We will be pulling in as much material as we can in order not only to create a great game but to create a great WH game. An example of this would be our implementation of the Career System from the WFRP or using a particularly iconic High Elf unit within th

e game as something the player can aspire to become.

4) The game will be RvR-centric, focused on the ongoing battles between three separate groups (more information on these groups down the road).

5) The playable races that will be represented in the game are Humans (Empire), High Elves, Dwarves, Dark Elves, Chaos (more to come on this, sorry for being vague), Orcs and Goblins. While we want to do almost all the other races (except Halflings, who are a race best served over a net at about 100MPH), we don’t want to overreach right from the beginning. We plan on, of course, expansion packs that will bring the other races into the mix down the road. Not having Skaven, Vampire Counts, Tomb Kings, etc. in right from the beginning was not an easy decision but the important thing is to bring in enough races to make it fun but to do so in a way that allows us to more easily balance the game and create specific content for the races that is both fun and true to WH. The temptation to add more races is quite strong but our goal with this game is not to try to impress the player with how much stuff we can throw at you but rather we want to impress you with what we do throw at you (we only choose the best rotten and decaying food substances to toss at you!). In other words, quality not quantity.

6) GW has been very kind and extremely helpful in sharing their knowledge, thoughts, ideas and most importantly, access to Bugman’s Bar, as the project continues to evolve. We have been fortunate enough to work with folks such as Rick Priestley, Alan Merrett, Gav Thorpe, John Blanche and others (the list goes on and on) right from the beginning. The GW people are also continuing to be part of the development process as they continue to share their input with us. The best part of this is that it is a collaborative effort with both sides focused on one goal, to create the best RvR-centric MMORPG to date. We have been fortunate to work with great licenses and licensors in the past but GW has taken the crown (and the throne, the jewels and a serving wench or two as well, damn them!). The approval process has been run professionally and in a timely manner and that, in and of itself, would give GW the crown. However, when you throw in the fact that when this game is released it will not only be GW approved but it will contain lots of new bits that GW has created for use in this game, it is clear that working with these guys has been nothing less than glorious.

7) Magic will play a large role in the game. We are taking all the material contained in the IP and expanding on it while maintaining the core WH magic system. I know that some people here are hoping that magic would be less of a role in this MMORPG than other MMORPGs but as GW would tell you, magic is everywhere in the world of Warhammer. Make no mistake about it, magic will play a great role in the game but it will be WH magic, not D&D magic.

8) The RvR and combat systems in this game will not be DAoC2. While I don’t want to go into details now (for competitive reasons), what we are creating for this game is tailored to this game, to the IP and to make this a next-generation game.

9) Our artists have, so far, created and nailed (from a WH perspective) a great look for this game. While we have quite a ways to go our guys have, I think, even surprised GW a little bit in how quickly we have grasped the WH IP. With all the input we got from our last trip to GW, I expect that both WH fans and gamers new to the IP will love the look of the game. While we are not ready to post anything yet, I can tell you that the look is not a clone of World of Warcraft but neither is it a clone of Dark Age of Camelot. The look is unique to this game and very, very WH (okay, I’ll tell you this much, our concept art for the Dwarf showed him with a beer mug in one hand ).

10) With the postponement of Imperator and the fact that DAoC’s next expansion in coming out soon, we will be able to almost fully staff the WH team ahead of schedule. What this means is that we will be able to make a big splash at E3 2006.

So, that’s it for now. I’ll be back on these boards in September with more news and updates.


Anybody else think this has REALLY great potential - Mythic have a chance to start from scratch using what they learned from DAOC as a template - both beneficial and detrimental, plus with the shelving of Imperator it looks liek they will be heavily focusing on this


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Seems very promising indeed :) This might be the game that will be able to replace daoc as the best realm vs realm style pvp game, and since it wont be out for another 2 years it will give daoc the time it deserves, now in its maturity, to be played. Sounds about right to me anyway, daoc will be about 6-7 years old when WH goes live, and it will be time to move on (no more upgrading an old game etc).



Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
cool, sounds really good :)

What I like best is that Mythic already made alot of mistakes with DAoC. Hopefully they learnt some for the launch of WHO.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
Mythic has proven with DAoC that they can make splendid games and I expect WH to largely "replace" DAoC when it goes live. I am also sure that their marketing, which had to rely on mouth-to-mouth propaganda when DAoC was launched will cause some serious havoc this time.

Mythic as a company and the game it has/will be published remind me very much of how Blizzard was like before their senior staff left and Blizzard started producing crap like WC3 and WoW.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
8) The RvR and combat systems in this game will not be DAoC2. While I don’t want to go into details now (for competitive reasons), what we are creating for this game is tailored to this game, to the IP and to make this a next-generation game.
From the horses mouth, its NOT DAoC 2, so be prepared for something new, so stop comparing it to DAoC now, unlike many have with WoW. Oh and DAoC isnt the only MMORPG with "mistakes" you know.

Having said this, maybe this will see the demise of DAoC.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
Nooo My Skaveennnnnnnn

Hehe, oh well, Chaos it is :m00: Sounds like its going to be a great game, been waiting for someone to do a Warhammer Fantasy for ages, can't stand 40k.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 19, 2004
Sounds really good, basically all rvr due to the ongoing battles, i think this game could repalce daoc :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
ofc it wont be "DAOC 2" but it will be similar i predict with RvR pretty much the same with different abilities ofc but im guessing will also be lots of similar abilities


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Lets hope there will be less long duration CC effects and less cc overal - some situational cc is ok as long as it doesnt take a character completly out of a fight and doesnt last long etc. Also hope damage will be better scaled to the beating a character can take so you dont die in 2 sec etc. Longer fights with more control of your character for the win.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 18, 2004
nerf,no skaven.

looking forward to this one,guess I'll be moving to it from daoc when it's out in the market.


Dec 22, 2003
I think it will be the end of daoc, yea its been said before..but I really think it will be, not only is it from mythic..but even though they said it wont be DAOC2, a company still has a certain style when making games..and its the style of daoc that most like..


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Pure speculation but reckon they be using the same gfx engine as Imperator / daoc Catacombs for WO ;)
Is kinda Warhammer-ish with their huge chunky armor etc


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Hmm, with Warhammer, where is my berserker in it? :cheers:

Game sounds good, maybe can get rid of old habbit and find new addiction then :D

Urme the Legend

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Warhammer Online seems like a very nice game... I hope the RvR will be something similiar to DAoC and not WoW :p But it's to early to know if this will be "the" next MMORPG.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Fana said:
Lets hope there will be less long duration CC effects and less cc overal -

mmm hope you will be wrong, we all saw how is a pvp game without AE_crowdcontroll ((wow shitness rings some bells)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Dorin said:
mmm hope you will be wrong, we all saw how is a pvp game without AE_crowdcontroll ((wow shitness rings some bells)

Absolutely nothing wrong (ok very little anyway) with WoW pvp *mechanics* - whats wrong is the scene pvp is set in, i.e. instanced battlegrounds. WoW pvp in the world proper when the game was new was great fun with people roaming around plaugelands etc looking for a fight, and when they found one actually getting to act, as opposed to daoc much of the time where one side will be locked down by cc effects and unable to do anything but die. DAoC however has a superior pvp setting.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Crowd control is the best part about daoc pvp - it allows fights to be won by fewer numbers, whereas in wow - numbers usually also mean = win

I cant see why people don't like CC - ok being mezzed is a bit of a bitch, but its the same for everybody - work together and get co-ordinated to get demezzed.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Fedaykin said:
work together and get co-ordinated to get demezzed.

Sadly not the province of pickup-groups ;) Heavy cc'ing might be well and good when two opted groups with experience of playing together run into each other, but is less fun when one of those groups completely locks down an inexperienced group and easily counters all attempts to do the same to them.

Id rather have fights where both sides can actually swing at each other and cast spells etc, than sacrificing this for the ability of elite groups to dominate 3-4 times their numbers. Imo, you should settle for winning against equal numbers because of your ability to work together - the epic "heroes defeat many times their numbers in a thermopylaen way" is for movies and books, not for a game where all are supposed to have fun. Add more defensive abilities etc if needed, but at least let people control their characters.

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