DAoC 2 The time has come.



It seems to me that there are far to many variables between the realms in this game & its getting worse as new content is added,this is making game balancing much harder to achieve & looking at the US servers realm population, & the perception that Mythic dont want 2 piss off 2 many off there player base. almost impossible because of financial considerations.

Anyway here are my thoughts on DAoC 2

Start with the 3 realms as is,put a cap of no more than 100 accounts more than any other realm on each server ,U can apply 2 move your account into another realm, this takes a month if the cap allows it,otherwise u go on a list. Keep the current races but make all classes available 2 all realms & all available to any race, a lot are similar & could be combined, some pruning & merging of classes would have 2 be done, so when u switch realms your Thane would become a Champion off same level different class name but same in all other respects,SB-->Inf-->NS etc.

This over time would allow you to experience more off the game even with /level i havnt the time 2 devote on 2 realms certainly not 3 if there was another english server.But if i could move my Level 50,s i might think about it more,So as it is ive played all my time in 1 realm with a bit of dabbling in the others.& have only scratched the surface of those 2 realms.

Your Gold u can take is limited same with equipment, this would be 2 discourage accounts from constantly being moved.& have more of an effect on accounts with higher lvl characters. if u apply 2 move in your 1st week of activating an account the month wait is removed.
All realms would use the same melee tables ie slash,crush & thrust & all armour types would be available to all realms with class restrictions as is.
To increase the player choice & input all races would start with lower base stats, say 40 across the board, but have a larger pool off available points with the declining effect currently being 10 set to around 40 points added to any one stat. if u want the high dex Highlander/Troll/Firbolg caster so be it, its a Fantasy game so why not.
This would also have the added effect of making RvR characters more variable therefore not as easy to target on an assumption, ie quick get the Dorf he is probably a healer or Firbolg a Druid etc

The other consequence off this would be any class balancing would not be seen as a realm nerf as it would effect all realms the same.
Although i applaud Mythics original idea of more variety between realms balancing it all seems 2 be getting worse not better.

Anyway this was written on the fly so 2 speak & dives around a lot & doesnt cover everything by far, but hopefully u can see my thoughts through the fog.

BTW i love this game as much as i did nearly 2 years ago but after that time i can see it has problems.


So why would someone spend their cash on a game that they might not be able to play in their desired realm?

Can't see how that would be an incentive for people to buy it.


try it the EQ way ... we can't get it balanced properly, let's make a new version


i think it would be great to TRY balance server populations by allowing people to RESPEC realm :) , for example if u have 1 lvl50 on ALB / excal u can RESPEC the realm u play , so my Friar if i respecced i could goto either hib or mid (depending on which goa sees as needing more population.... and i when i next log in i have a lvl50 all base stats/skills not used... NO ARMOR . NO WEAPONS . or some sort of freebie equivilent like on /level 20.

and the above can only be done ONCE (otherwise peeps would abuse it hoping realms n roll FOTM's as they become them.)

with alb being largest population on most servers i am pretty damn sure that a lot of albs would re-roll on hib/mid if they would have a lvl50


Well i for 1 would rather play in a balanced game & tbh had no particular affiliation to any 1 realm when first starting this game.
And the ability to move characters between realms would give u more choice not less in the long run.

I dont actually believe that the EU servers have the same problems as the US servers with realm population imbalance, if what i read is true some servers have a 3:1 imbalance where 1 realm outnumbers the other 2 combined by 3 times !

And like it or not the future of this game is decided in the US, im not sure but i would think that GOA cant decide to not implement changes, otherwise the EU servers would stagnate.


Point of game = fun, not complete and absolute balance.

Your suggestions make the game less fun for the majority of people other than those that are totally obsessed about everything being balanced i.e. the extreme minority.

If numbers were everything albion would dominate all servers as they usually have the majority by some margin, maybe Mythic are balancing the game by deliberately gimping albion :)

Anywho, realm numbers != balance anyway, you could have 100, 100 and 100 in each realm sure but that's no guarantee the same percentage of each will be active in RvR, Alb have loads of players but there's also far more PvE player percentage than the other realms.

I think the game as a whole is relatively well balanced, no one realm dominates, alb has numbers, mid have uber melee'rs and hib have uber casters.

Looking at excal hibs have 1.5k less active players than the middies and a further 2k less than albsyet they have power relics and the middies have none, and they're not exactly what I'd call weak in the emain zerg area either :p

Stuff like artificial limits and waiting lists will never in a million years happen, you'd piss off far more people than you'd make happy and it's totally unnecessary.


Can u not read,i said the real problem isnt on EU servers but in the US & as for balancing RvR with Gimpy albs, Uber melee Mids & uber Hib casters i think u fool yourself that isnt the situation at all !
Mythic not GOA decide where this game is going & its the US servers troubles that decide it, The GOA employee's are only there to feed the monkey that hits the server with its bananna when we get lag, thought every1 knew that.


Originally posted by sparkus
Can u not read,i said the real problem isnt on EU servers but in the US & as for balancing RvR with Gimpy albs, Uber melee Mids & uber Hib casters i think u fool yourself that isnt the situation at all !

Somewhat but if the EU servers are balanced despite the numbers difference I don't really see how it's a game flaw. Even looking at the US servers it's not that much different, some realms are stronger than others on certain servers sure but the US server's main problem is the horrid timesink that is ToA, forcing everyone to go back to PvEing for a few months to be uber in RvR again.

They should never have released another PvE expansion, ToA should have focused on RvR, but anyways.

Yes mythic decide where the game is going but it's not going where you think it is, there is no daoc2 afaik anyway they're making some other midgard mmorpg, I forget the name.

You laugh at the alb/hib/mid balance suggestion but it wouldn't suprise me, albs are the only realm with no real fotm class, mids have always had lots, and just when zerkers finally get nerfed after about a year of being BS, savages sprout up. Plus the whole of hib is pretty much fotm and it also so happens to be the least populated realm overall.

Regardless my point was and is what you suggest will never happen because artificial limits are a sure fire way to really piss off your playerbase, if people can't play on the server/realm that all their friends are they get pissed, then they moan. That isn't good business strategy :)


Imo they should do a little like they did in diablo2 1.10 patch. make useless skills giving bonus to others skills

say having a cabalist in grp increase certain resist dmg output or defense for all of grp.

or having atleast 4 different tanks giving "Honor" or whatever lol to give melee resists +xx as long as they are grped.

just a thought.

1. would be fun to experiment what would be best with that
2. would prolly make many more classies rvr viable which is good atm but not getting in


Originally posted by sh33py
Yes mythic decide where the game is going but it's not going where you think it is, there is no daoc2 afaik anyway they're making some other midgard mmorpg, I forget the name.

The next game by Mythic Entertainment is called Imperator. http://www.imperatoronline.com/ and is a pseudo-roman space mmorpg.


Gave up trying to figure out which :-

2 = 2
2 = two
2 = too
2 = to

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