This is from epolitix.com...
Danger - tea cosy!
The latest accident statistics reveal that tea cosies injured 37 people so seriously in 1999 that they required hospital treatment.
The problem is a growing one with tea cosy injuries nearly doubling on the previous year. Most of the injuries were scaldings caused by attempts to pick up the pot by the cosy rather than the handle.
The Home and Leisure Accident Surveillance System also finds that trousers cause five times as many injuries as chain saws.
Danger - tea cosy!
The latest accident statistics reveal that tea cosies injured 37 people so seriously in 1999 that they required hospital treatment.
The problem is a growing one with tea cosy injuries nearly doubling on the previous year. Most of the injuries were scaldings caused by attempts to pick up the pot by the cosy rather than the handle.
The Home and Leisure Accident Surveillance System also finds that trousers cause five times as many injuries as chain saws.