Damn dragon :(



/bow to mallus and Kcinimodus for planning it :clap:

Starts out okey :)
Attacked from every direction
Almost time

Damn Dragon Stun :(
we would have killed him if it werent for it :/

old.Im pac man!!

yeah. but now that we know about the stun we will get him next time. Unless he has some other nasty surprises :)))


And theres me thinking it was his bad breath!

Ok ok cheap joke!

Oh and I heard on one American server when they got him down to really low health he like spawn 8 UBER guards which proceeded to kill everyone dunno if it is true tho


well he did spawn those guards, dont think they were uber tho,
stonemenders amongst some others i cant remember


Thank Outlaw for getting some peeps together, and Mallus as main organizer. I only formed the tank groups.

Too bad about that stun and guardpop, but we'll get him, some day :).


You just failed because this mean ass tank wasn't there ;) (death to cables) But you'd bet I do anything to be there the next time :) Nice try guys and girls. You've made me proud :)

Zag Barr

I think the tactics we had worked very well, all the way to the dragon being down to 25% health. That's when he starts the dragon stun and the guards pop - and that's when we ned new tactics.

So lets asume the Armsmen and Wizzards did their job, the dragon is down to 25% and most of them are stunned and some already dead. The guards and the dragon are about to finsish them off.

At this point we need a second large force of Paladins, Healers, Theurgist, Minstrels and Sorcerers, who are still outside the dragon keep and thus not yet atacked.


The Paladins ress the dead armsmen and protect the second army against stray guards.

The healers heal the paladins and ressed armsmen/wizzards.

The theurgists cast pets at the dragon.

And most important - the Sorcerers confuse the damn guards and make them attack the dragon.

The Minstrels - well they supply mana and they also confuse the guards.

There is no use in attacking the dragon, if we dont have lots of the high level sorcerers and minstrels with us.

It's important, that all except armsmen and wizzards stay outside the dragon keep at all times until the guards are under control.

At that time, the paladins, and the ressed armsman and wizzards charge into the keep in small groups (so not all get stuned at one time) to finish the dragon of.

My idea, how to beat him - feel free to disagree :)


Wicked idea it would be like The Patriot final Scene I can see it now with Outlaw carrying a flag of Albion and sticking it in the dead Dragon's chest WOO!

Or not.....


Us tanks are getting used to being stunned as soon as we think we might just win ;)

I guess all the Lynn Barfog epics and the Dragon was too much to hope for in a single weekend.

One day we will get that dragon down :)

Aurelius A

hmm just a small point about sorcs confusing the guards....since patch it seems they may be immune (well earthmagi and stonemender anyway) as i have on a couple of occasions confused them unresisted and it has no effect.

not to sure about if elders are now immune as havent tried to confuse em.

(just on a side note moran and mordred seem to be immune aswell as same thing happened)


When down to about 15% health (i think) he spawns 8 guards and a healer. The guards attack while the healer brings the dragons health back up.

[Note] Kill the healer first [/Note]


Thanks for the note ;) Does that healer have a normal name like Stone Healer? :)

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