Damage output


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004
Ok - here goes. Stuck something similar elsewhere but wot the hell.

You level up on yellows mainly - right? Ok you get used to the damage being dealt out by yellows and sometimes orange/red. You can have great fights levelling killing such mobs. You go barmy sometimes to see how 'ard' you are and attack a purple. You might well beat the purple (as i have managed to on occasions) if it was a gimp one. But never has a yellow/orange/red hit me for anything like a yellow con player can at 50? The damage output by players is up on the purple range. Infact the damage is up to the extent that the purple is on steroids. Now this is seriously wrong and is spoiling this wonderful game.

Anyone else agree?

Ok then - who would welcome a damage reduction across the board of 50% to begin with at level 50? Would go a long way to making the game enjoyable again.

(lost and disillusioned DAOC player)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 9, 2004
wat back mythic said there were reducing RvR damage to a 1/3 or by a 1/3 to make the game more enjoyable, i think what they did was add SC and resist buff and said... 'those that want it (or can afford it and farm for it and use BB for it) can have the reduction' which brought about the age of Dark age of Tank-A-Lot.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
A damage reduction isn't always the best way to fix something. A rework to the interrupt system would need to be made possibly to accomodate the balance between ranged <-> melee.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 17, 2004
for the case of melee mob <> melee player its easy tho
as a player u use styles, mobs dont (some of em do tho and that hurts xD )
as a player u can get buffs, which increases your ws -> increasing dmg output unless u already hit cap every time (which isnt really possible), mobs would only get more absorb, not higher dmg iirc

if all mobs used styles it would be pretty much impossible to pve :)


Fledgling Freddie
May 20, 2004
In fairness a styled tank deals out more than adequate damage and causes interupts. As part of an ma train they can easily compete with casters, with the added advantage that they can soak a lot better as well. The real problem is all the "screw tank" stuff, like grapple, 100 varieties of crowd control etc...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
>The real problem is all the "screw tank" stuff, like grapple, 100 varieties of crowd control etc...

Yepp and it was the huge effect cheap anti-cc RAs had on game that created the Dark Age of Tankalot. Now the pendulum is swinging again. Unfortunately Mythic dont have a good track record when it comes to finding the midpoint in the swing.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004

Trouble is with such high damage from players tactics are ruined. I mean i have had some great fights in Thid. For instance taking on an armsmen and caster together. Waiting for a gap to appear and quickly whacking the armsmen with imbalance and then running full pelt at the caster to kill him or her before the armsman could get to me. Then keeping out of the way to rehide and go back to the panicking armsman. Even emoting him as i sit to recover. I mean all brilliant fun for everyone involved. But at 50 i sure wouldn't like to attempt such a thing. For one thing the armsman is likely to get a swing in unless he is backstabbed. One swing could be anything like 6-700 hits gone. This is even more likely owing to the speed of his weapon swinging. Then have time to leggit to the caster? Nope cos his casting speed is at max and he would annihilate me before i took a few steps :( .

The way the game is going damage is the be all and end all. Unless everyone can get close to one shotting their opponent then no-one is happy.

I got time on my hands at the moment to reflect on these matters but i can remember that such tactics as above were used at level 50 at one time and people were well known for being good players. But now? Good players are not being recognised because they are unable to shine. I ain't a good player by the way cos i too frustrated and my reactions are shite now but lots are or could be.



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
>Trouble is with such high damage from players tactics are ruined.

A bit like sex for a teenage boy, oops is it over already? :D


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 17, 2004
Fully buffed and TOA'd tanks getting killed in less than 3 seconds. Casters dealing out more dmg per second than even a high mending spec'd healer can heal for. Bolt casters 2-shotting archers in the time it takes to fire two arrows of a 4.4spd bow with rapid fire....

Its been the Dark Age of Tankalot for a long time.

Now its the Dark Age of Diealot for everyone. The damage dealt per second by TOA'd casters is so ridiculously high that there is no way to counter it. Some casters seem to well exeed 1000 hitpoints per second damage wich gives the average player a lifespan of 2 seconds. No class, not even those with charge can close in on a caster fast enough to prevent him from casting the 2-3 nukes necessary to kill. Even if they manage, a quickcast will finish them off.
Even archers which since they have long ranged attacks like casters dont have a chance against casters anymore. Thanks to brittleguards and bladeturn the first odd 1000-2000 hitpoints damage simply dont stick.
About caster caster duels I dont have to talk I guess. :) You cast last. you die first.

Now what to do against this? Personally I see 3 possible solutions.

a) Increase the cap for magic resists from items. (Is not gonna happen before catacombs.)
b) Enforce the famous 1.5sec hardcap.
c) Lower the delve to damage multiplier and rework the interrupt system.

Point 3 is by far the most expensive but in my opinion the only valid one. I would suggest an interrupt system based on spec and stats of the caster.
For example a baseline nuke from a line I did not spec in should be easier interrupted than a spell from a line I put 1000+ spec points in.
Either damage or interrupt chance have to be adapted to the average hitpoints and damage output of tanks. Of course we must not forget the range advantage of casters.
The ideal balance would imho be reached when the outcome of a duel tank vs caster (starting at max range) is 50:50. The caster would have to deal a good amount of damage while the tank is closing in on him. Lets say 50-60% of the average tanks hitpoints. That would leave tank and caster with the about same amount of hitpoints when the tank is finaly able to engage.
From that point on interrupt chance (or actually the chance not to be interrupted) needs to be twinked so that the caster has the chance to cast the 1 or 2 nukes that would actually kill the tank in about the same time it takes the tank to cut throu him.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Iceflower said:
>Trouble is with such high damage from players tactics are ruined.

A bit like sex for a teenage boy, oops is it over already? :D

lol :sex:

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