Daemyr: hit the lvl 40 wall



I used to play a Merc on Excal, perhaps some of you will remember me.
Anyway when i finally hit 40 with Dae i was relieved and eager to get to lvl 50 asap.
I was sick to death of the Pygmy ghoblins but tanglers were the best xp i could get and so i was going to go down there and into the Barrows when things were quiet in Lyon.
That was 1,5 months ago and im still lvl 40.5.
I have effectively put Dae into temp retirement and have started on Midgard Pyrdwen where i dont seem to have these problems.

Thing is me being a Merc ( gimped crappy half tank or so im told :p) its impossible to get a group at the Tanglers.
I have been down there every so often and asked politely every group that is there. if you cant heal or root they dont want you.

I even witnessed a group of 5 fizards a cleric and 2 sorcerers doing tanglers easily. Arent Tanks useful anymore?
Should we all become mages cos tbh thats the only way im going to get a character to 50 at this rate.

it saddens me that i have stopped playing my merc, i enjoy the class and can do some pretty nasty things with it gimped or not, is there any way out fo this lvl 40 pitfall? 2.4 bubs to go and its a nightmare wherever i go, i dont want to spend weeks and weeks killing bnlue and green con mobs to get to lvl 50 the monotany will destroy me before i get near lvl 45.

What im asking is HOW CAN I GET TO LVL 41???????

Please give any assistance you can whoever you are this is a serious lvling crisis.


The role of tanks (by this I mean armsmen, paladins and mercenaries) at pygmies is to take the heat off the spellcasting players present so that they don't get hit. Pygmies and casters can both kill each other VERY quickly so this is usually the most efficient method of exping. An effective group will either be tank heavy with a sorc, or wizard heavy with a sorc/theurg. Other classes such as scouts and infils also come into the spellcaster category I suppose, as they deal high damage but can take little themselves. Gimped half-tank? tell that to konah. 588,969 rp's and rising.




It just seems the tank heavy groups never begin to form anymore.
I can only try again for a tangler group.
If i can get a group and get past lvl 41 i think i may askCent if i can rejoin the KOTL.
I left after a particluarly crap day on both servers and irl. sometimes fate wants you to lose half a bub......

(EDIT: i know mercs can rule especially now i have tireless 2 i can actually down more than one mob b4 i run out of end :) just need to get to 50 and start getting those elusive rps :) )


I think this is another problem caused by alts/mains being present in the same place. The initial influx of players that started playing this game when it was released have now reached (or are close to reaching) 50, and have been playing alts for a while. I know a lot of people from FC who have high-level alts now, some even with two level 50 chars. This is a problem because people tend to choose more 'interesting' characters for their alts - characters that are not typically core group players. You will see a lot of infils, scouts, friars e.t.c. coming through now (although I would expect to see mercenaries here too). This can lead to problems arranging groups, as you've discovered.

All I can suggest is to go around on tangler beach, and have yourself put on the list for all the groups that are present. Then instead of sitting down and doing nothing (I was guilty of this and wondered afterwards why it was so intensely boring), go and solo dunters or hamadryads. You'll get there, I felt I'd hit a wall at 37 :p


macro's :)

i now have a full set of Lyonesse macro's.
You know how annoying typing could i possibly join your group?
Is there room for a lvl 40 merc in your group please?
actually is?

i even have /bow on macro i press 1-4 and the sequence of a failed group try is complete

1: please may i join your group?
2. Np Thx anyway, if you need me send me a message
3: /bow
4: /cry

i hope /delete my Albion characters doesnt make an appearance...


It can be done...

I work so I only play 3 to 4 hours a day MAX
I still got from 40 to 42 without ever hurting a hair on goblin, how you ask, well first do your epics, gets you a couple of bulbs. Next try some DM hunts 1FG with some CC and a healer will do the job nice. you'll get cool drops and some nice XP
Celts in barrows also make for some good xp
And then there is DF, good xp to be had from small grps to full grps

Ofcourse it helps if your guild and some other ppl in the aliance help you out abit

Anyway hope it helps ya


I have to admit that this group issue is getting me down on Albion.

I have a lvl 43 armsman, maxed out in slash and sword, yet I find it impossible to get groups most of the time. This is despite many groups existing with only 6 and 7 people, and answers of “we are OK atm” being the norm, or in DF I get the “+45 only” re-buff.

When I do get in groups I find them full of Infiltrators, scouts and robed casters (nothing against them personally). I lose count of the times that I have been told “it’s great to have a real tank in the group”, yet getting a group is a nightmare, why?

Then last night took the biscuit, as I got the “caster group only” reply.

Are we all not here for the same thing? One thing is certain in life (well two things, the other thing being death!) and that is to get co-operation you need to give co-operation. I am not a person of school age who can spend hours on line spamming “Lvl 43 armsman looking for group”, I am, shall we say, a little older, and so my time on line is precious.

Ashgen is almost lvl 44 (one bubble away), but the way I feel at the moment the holy grail of lvl 45 is a distant goal, a goal I am less and less motivated to try and achieve.

Anyway, in desperation I stared a Skald on Pred Middy, and wow oh wow what a difference in attitude!

People “want” to help, and I have never yet been refused a space in groups with less than eight. Even more enlightening is the attitude in the group, 90% of the time a group will never leave until everyone has been rezzed, or people close to a level have levelled. None of this “Ding” then a minute later “Guys, got to go, have guild stuff to do”. There is no level elitism, people below the average level of the group are welcomed, and indeed it is seen as a good way to “help” (remember that word?) people level for the benefit of the game and realm.

OK so Pred is sparsely populated (1400 people online when Excal has 2200), Middy is a pretty gloomy place, but the characters are great, the people helpful and the realm is a very nice change from the antics of Albion.

I will not be quitting Albion completely. I am lucky to be in a great, small and friendly guild which keeps my Albion interest active. Middy will be seeing more of me however, usually after standing asking for groups at DF or Tanglers for ten minutes, with either no reply or the crap we get when people finally deem us fit for a reply.

Look me up on Middy of you pass by, my guy over there is Ashgen also, and I will give all the help I possibly can within the realms of my ability to do so. I am only a lvl 21 Skald, at the moment but I can show you around where to hunt at the lower levels etc.

I hope Albion Excalibur becomes a more friendly place to in which to play this silly game, or I can see many people leaving the realm, or even worse, leaving the game all together.

These are just my thoughts. I would add that not all is bad, I have interacted with some great people, very helpful and considerate. I even managed to get in a “mighty” tree group once with no “you are not powerful enough” comments.

Maybe an idea would be to actually invite people in their low 40’s to trees, and mid 30’s to tanglers etc? That way we may have enough high level people to give Midgard a run for their money instead of continually running from Midgard. Attitudes have to change however for that to happen, and in the meantime my Skald will be slowly rising through the levels.




Stay out of Lyonesse a while - your not missing anything except boredom there ;)

So - what does that leave?

Darkness Falls
Barrows (Wights, Celts, Liches)
Snwodonia/Pennines - not the best xp spots, but different, fun for a change and some nice drops

A large part of hitting 50 in Lyonesse is playing a useful class. Tanks on the tangler beach are not essential - mercs even less so.

Ive spent a very long time at 40+ (both in calendar time and /played) since Lyonesse bored me silly. Sure Ive done my share of tanglers and trees, but Id rather not spend my time grinding out the levels with no fun in the game at all.

Do something different - its a hell of alot more enjoyable ;)


hear hear

It seems more and more Alb excal are moving to Mid pry....
And you are right people get groups all te time. sb's CAN be lvld and DO get groups even though they r stealthers.

there IS no such thing as a smite cleric ;p ( shouldnt be anyway smite has been hit with the gimp o matic 3000 )

yesteray after trying to lvl dae again i switched to Midgard and went from lvl 26 to lvl 29 in valruvuvuvuvuvuvuvuv or whatever its called ( the unpronouncable dungeon ) i had a great time the high lvl's came and helped if we were in trouble. people gave me some nice items as they passed and plenty of drops they didnt need.

I think only a scant few people have ever given me items on excal for nothing. and people look shocked when i hand over a lvl 48 wizard belt to them and ask nothing in return.
I can only hope some twist of fate occurs and the inhabitants of Excal Albion begin to act a little more generously or i think Midgard Pry will swell with numbers.....


Dae...I know what you mean mate have found same type of probs with my pally, from lvl40 to bout 45 was real hard to get in a group (unless it's a guild/ally group)
My advise would be to stay away from lyon although the xp may be good it can be real boring. Try DF when its open.


The most important thing about the 40 to 50 wall is that you mix enough fun in the everlasting struggle for xp.

Sure you can do Lyonesse from 22 or so and not leave it till you ding 50 but it must be the most mind-dulling experience ever or close to it.

At the moment, I am slowly heading towards 47 and so far I only hit 1 group of tanglers (just to see what they looked like) and 2 trees (same reason ... boy those things are huge). Think some guild friends share the same dislike of trees and the like and just have fun wandering round Dartmoor, exploring Barrows or Darkness Falls (not too much since the pink hurts my eyes ;) )

Sure it takes us long to get to 50 and we all could have gotten it months before but for me I just prefer this method. Just having fun, exploring the realm, do some fun guild thingies, ...
We might have a go at trees some day to see what all the fuzz is about or to get someone to 50 but for now, I'm perfectly happy with my lvl 46 and the fun trips we make looking for new mobs and items.


hi m8
I know I can understand that finding a good exp grp is quite hard but lyonesse is as allways overcamped so if I were u I would try to go to Dartmoor or Darkness falls those are the best exp spot that u could find :)

Echekiel merc 50
Gatsu pala 33
<Dragon Knights>


hello swords again..i had a lvl 42.5 arms on excal/alb (draegen) and found the same problem..only way to get grp in albion in lyonesse is either with a good guild grp or get up prity dam early to secure your spot.personally albion was a bit over populated for me and so decieded to start on pry/hibby and mid/excal....just my 2 cents worth..good luck .. VAI enchanter hib/pry :)....btw better xp in DF in my eyes..


i was never really bothered about 50 until the epic armour came out, now its pretty needed in RvR to have the epic for bonus to resistences ;/

That and a fully specced buffbot if u want to solo it seems ;)


Anyone got a screenie with me bodypulling gobbos, from the old days? :)

huhu i miss thoose camps :(

oh well, back to Malmö

Mousah mOO
Pikeman at 50
<Dragon Knights> Inactive

Skullbasher TinCanCrusher
Skald at 43
<Clan Chaos>


Re: I have to admit that this group issue is getting me down on Albion.

Originally posted by old.Ashgen
I have a lvl 43 armsman, maxed out in slash and sword, yet I find it impossible to get groups most of the time. This is despite many groups existing with only 6 and 7 people, and answers of “we are OK atm?being the norm, or in DF I get the ?45 only?re-buff.


Oh my god..

Don't make a inf/scout if u think it's hard to find grps as armsman Oo.

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