Cyclodia Grey Ganker sadf****



cant believe your hacking down greys looking in at this event, your pathetic,, give it a rest or cant u own proper lvl 50's.


That's sad... I've known him for some time but this just does it... Great way of ruining a nice event....


well,ZEXXEH was ganking folks..well,tried to gank,got some..aloca and me killed him 4 times as he was trying to gank some hibs,and had to kill him 1 time as he tried to kill me..


What is this? event? tried to read all other post but I don't get it...
I got a cold so im sure thats why :p


Seemed to be alot of people from all realms treating this as a cheap way to get rps, i was attacking a minor counterspell when zexxeh shot me three times with a bow. Just glad the counterspell killed me, and hope that Zexxeh got no RPs, way to go on trying to spoil the event, people! (not all, just those that know who they are)


thats my point, im not grey i wasnt ganked, i helpd fight with some albs and mids, nice day out, it just saddend me that anyone could ruin a visit to an event which for some will be their first experience of a cross realm event where were MEANT to WORK TOGETHER! and yet some people had to be tards and farm greys and those fighting for what? a few rp's? fun? because your an asshole? more likely the third option... and dont give me this cry more n00b or all players from other realms are evil and must die bullshit cos it doesnt wash, and your antics today just prove that the schools REALLY NEED to keep you in longer and have less holidays..because you acted like children ashamed.. very ashamed.


I got killed by Cyclodia! Admittedly I wanted to die and was slashing any high level enemy I could see...but still. Nerf!


she actually helped me hehe a zerker /beckoned me into a duel and she started watching, and when it was over a caster started blowing me up until she killed it


Originally posted by Coim-
I got killed by Cyclodia! Admittedly I wanted to die and was slashing any high level enemy I could see...but still. Nerf!

Erm so your a lvl50 and you slashed anything 35+

Good thinking Sherlock, its attitudes like that which cause the mass gankage in the event, go find a nasty mob (Its not as if there wasnt any) then smack it and sit down then /rel

Is that so hard ?

Tesla Monkor

Put lots of albs, hibs and mids in the same zone and people will die. To expect them to cooperate just because it's an event is naive.

I killed a few albs and a few hibs. (All yellowcon, if you want to know.). Do I feel bad about it? Hell no. Plenty of people there to rez them, and to get back to the event only took a few minutes.

Did dance with some stealthers and killed a alb/hib floozy who was hitting on Trollum. (Can't have any of that inter-realm hokey-pokey.). He complained, of course, but hey, I bet he wasn't thinking with his brains anyway! ;)

And I jumped off the tower and went splat in the courtyard. =)

In any case, good fun.


Only a few minutes to get back to the event ehh Tesla...I found it to be more like 30-45 minutes personally ! The event only had a finite capacity.......:)

Tesla Monkor

Well, a few minutes in my experience, anyway.

The teleporters leading to the event are timed. Every 30secs or so they pick up people from the departure pad and move them to the battleground.

Was funny to see people trying to do stuff to make them teleport, when all they had to do was just stand there and wait.


Originally posted by asorek
cant believe your hacking down greys looking in at this event, your pathetic,, give it a rest or cant u own proper lvl 50's.

If they have wanted you not to kill other realmers - then they would have flagged it as such.

I too dont like getting killed by a 50 when im perhaps lvl 25-35 in the frontiers - same thing - but its part of the game, kill, or be killed, simple really.


Originally posted by quinthar
Erm so your a lvl50 and you slashed anything 35+

Good thinking Sherlock, its attitudes like that which cause the mass gankage in the event, go find a nasty mob (Its not as if there wasnt any) then smack it and sit down then /rel

Is that so hard ?
So wait a're telling that hitting a level 35+ once is going to kill them as a S/S armsman? Or for that matter, if any class hit a level 35+? :eek: Oh and, I couldn't be bothered to pay for rezz sickness (unless ofc, you didn't lose con, but I think you did).


Didn't lose con for getting killed by a mob there, which was a great move imo by GOA.


the idea is kinda logical aswell, its sort of RvR. Geershas are an invading realm by fighting them you are defending your realm;). So it shouldnt cost conc, which as far as I know it never did. Except ofc if you got killed maybe by the rats or the other mobs :(.

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