Cursed item drop list



Found this, thought it maybe useful to you all. Rgs Cens.

*The stats are not 100% confirmed, this data was pulled from posts in previous threads and is subject to change. If anyone sees anything that's messed up OR missing, please respond in this thread and I'll do my best to correct it before my edit time runs out. Thanks to all of you who posted this information in the other threads!

MS Word Downloadable/printable version:



Note: Goborchend camp is at approximately 40k, 56k

Shagreen Champion Boots
-Champion only-
AF74 90% Quality
+15 dex
+3 valor
+6 con

Shagreen Hero Boots
-Hero only-
AF98 90% Quality
+15 dex
+7 dex
+9 char

Shagreen Druid Boots
-Druid only-
AF98 90% Quality
+15 dex
+7 emp
+3 nature

Shagreen Warden Boots
-Warden only-
AF98 90% Quality
+15 dex
+7 emp
+7 con

Shagreen Hauberk
AF98 90% Quality
+45 hits
+6 quick
+6 dex

Shagreen Gloves
AF98 90% Quality
+15 quick
+6 dex
+8% energy
+8% body

Shagreen Leggings
AF98 90% Quality
+15 con
+7 dex
+8% heat
+8% cold

Shagreen Coif
-Warden/Druid only-
AF98 90% Quality
+10 emp
+10 con
+10 dex

Shagreen Fighters Helmet
-Hero/Champ only-
AF98 90% Quality
+10 str
+10 con
+10 dex

Shagreen Sleeves
AF98 90% Quality
+15 str
+7 quick
+7 dex


(Giant Lusus)
Twisted Melody Boots
-Bard only-
AF98 90% Quality
+6 char
+15 dex
+21 hits
+6% slash

(Giant Lusus)
Twisted Lusus Leggings
AF98 90% Quality
+15 str
+10 dex
+5 quick

(Giant Lusus)
Twisted Lusus Sleeves
AF98 90% Quality
+15 str
+10 dex
+8% cold
+8% spirit

(Giant Lusus)
Twisted Lusus Gauntlets
AF98 90% Quality
+16 quick
+7 dex
+8% crush
+8% cold

(Giant Lusus)
Twisted Lusus Boots
AF98 90% Quality

(Giant Lusus)
Twisted Lusus Helm
-Ranger/BM only-
AF98 90% Quality
+15 con
+12 str
+10 quick


Recondite Poacher Jerkin
AF98 90% Quality
+6 dex
+6 quick
+45 hits

Recondite Poacher Sleeves
AF98 90% Quality
+15 quick
+9 str
+8% thrust
+8% spirit


Eld/Ment boots


Stout Leather Belt
+12 str
+12 con
+6% spirit
+6% matter

Pearlescent Necklace
+6 char
+9 str
+9 con
+9 dex

Acid Scorched Bracer
+6 dex
+6 quick
+12 hits
+5% (blank)

Stone Links of Magic
+10 char
+10 str
+10 dex
+10 con
2/2 charges of a 97DD with 1500 range

Granny’s Shawl
Druid/Warden stats cloak

?? +mana/int/dex/power bracer

Medal of Valor
+3 valor
+7 con
+7 str
+7 quick

Ring of Protection
+7 str
+7 con
+7 dex
+8% ???
+8% ???

**********_WEAPONS / MISC_**********

(Far Durocha)
Far Durocha Devastator
Large Weapon (hammer)
16.2 dps, 5.2 spd
+4 LW
+7 str
+9 quick

Finliath Firebrand
One-hand blunt
-Offhand usable-
16.2 dps, 3.8 spd
+4 CD
+7 quick
+7 con
2/2 charges of 97DD fire proc

(Spectral Manslayers) or (Granny) ???
Spectral Impaler
16.2 dps, 3.5spd

Granny’s Needle
One-hand piercer
16.2 dps, 2.6 spd
+3 pierce
+10 dex
+10 str
2/2 charges of 97DD proc

Leprechauns Staff of Void
16.2 dps, 25% bonus
+6 int
+3 void
50 void levels
10/10 charges of 97DD cold proc

Grannys Kettle
-Bard drum-
+6 char
+4 music

(Goborchend Vindicator)
Vindicator’s Staff of Light
16.2dps, 5.0spd
+9 int
+4 mana
+7 dex
50 mana magic levels
5/5 charges of 331 energy DD (2 sec casting time) – 1500 range

(Fomorian Cyclens)
Fomorian Protector
-Small shield-
+4 emp
+3 dex
+1 nurture
+1 regrowth

(Grand Pookas)
Pookas Broken horn
-Bard flute-
+2 nature
+2 nurture
+2 regrowth
+12 char


GuildMaster <Ancient's Way>
Hero - Bors - Hibernia


Theres a Twisted Melody Helm that drops from lusus.
Bard only
AF 98

Cha +15
Con +??
Dex +??

Best damn bardhelm out there anyways (in this patch)

So fellow Bards make the tanks stop masskilling gobors for a while and kill some Giant lusus (maybe U get lucky) :D

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