Curious just how many

  • Thread starter Madonion Slicer
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Madonion Slicer

lvl50's does it need to take a Keep??

Over the last few days there have been about 15 People turn 50 and last night i was curious i did a /who 50 and got 48 then there most be some anon

Just thinking we got to have over 100 lvl50's which must make us a pretty damn strong realm. anyway just interested to know how many could take a keep.


If the keep is undefended, is a standard keep and you have at least 2 rams with you, you can do it with 1 full, balanced group of lvl50's who know's what they're doing :) .

Madonion Slicer

God damn that is good, what to the keep lords con to a lvl50? would the whole group still need to get on him to kill him?


Originally posted by old.laughingboy
God damn that is good, what to the keep lords con to a lvl50? would the whole group still need to get on him to kill him?

Well 1 group is the absolute minimum i think and to kill the lord they must all get to the lordroom... depends on how many tanks/healers there are in the group.. but with 4 tanks and 2 healers, lord shouldn't be a problem. And if the theurgist survives the bowmen then it's even easy :)

Madonion Slicer

Ok then

14 Enemy Keeps with at least 100 lvl50's

so 100/14 = 7 to the nearest person, damn we need 13 more lvl50's 113/14 = 8 and we should be able to take every keep in the game.

And then they can all group together so that would be 113 lvl50's to take the remaining 3 Relics easy as pie.

Ok go do this tonight they will never expect it :p :clap: :clap:

If only...... DOMINATION woo hoo :clap:

Of course that is all :m00:

But still would be nice


I've taken a keep with 7 level 50 people (2 clerics, 1 minstrel, 1 infiltrator, 1 paladin and 2 armsmen). We did have 8 but our theurgist went AFK so we had his buffs until they ran out. Obviously the keep wasn't defended and had level 1 doors (which we meleed down). It took a *long* time to beat down those doors but actually killing the lord was very simple. With the paladin running his damage chant and two people healing it is quite straightforward to kill him even though he cons purple to 50.


Originally posted by old.laughingboy
Ok then

14 Enemy Keeps with at least 100 lvl50's

so 100/14 = 7 to the nearest person, damn we need 13 more lvl50's 113/14 = 8 and we should be able to take every keep in the game.

And then they can all group together so that would be 113 lvl50's to take the remaining 3 Relics easy as pie.

Ok go do this tonight they will never expect it :p :clap: :clap:

If only...... DOMINATION woo hoo :clap:

Of course that is all :m00:

But still would be nice

We should plan this just after 1.49 is patched... then we'll have DF for ourselves for awhile.


yea easily said also , getting all the lvl 50's to come may be the hard bit and im sure hibs/mids will defend also and will try get thier keeps back straight away but in the enxt patch we will be a lot better...were doing good on relics too...apart from the bl00dy power


Can be done with 7, and once did it with 6. Given keep doors are not to high cause it takes ages to take em down with only 2 tanks

1 Bt theurgist
1 Minstrel
2 Defensive tanks
2 Clerics

bye bye keep - some discipline is required though

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